The placement of Engiscaptomyza, Grimshawomyia, and Titanochaeta, three clades of endemic Hawaiian Drosophilidae (Diptera) Author O’Grady, Patrick Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024, USA; email: ogrady @ amnh. org Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Nazare, São Paulo, S. P., Brasil Author Bonacum, James Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024, USA; email: ogrady @ amnh. org Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Nazare, São Paulo, S. P., Brasil Author Desalle, R. Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024, USA; email: ogrady @ amnh. org Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Nazare, São Paulo, S. P., Brasil Author Val, Francisca Do text Zootaxa 2003 2003-03-12 159 1 1 16 journal article 5515 10.11646/zootaxa.159.1.1 ea3c171b-00df-471b-96e3-5e0123202dc5 1175­5334 5014208 768DA383-0B4B-436C-9E13-DE0FD0E1C455 Key to the Hawaiian Subgenera of Scaptomyza (modified after Hardy 1965 ) 1. White longitudinal stripe present on scutellum and at least to posterior region of mesonotum, often extends along entire length of mesonotum; terminal fork of arista deep, each branch equal in length to dorsal rays of arista.................. subgenus Tantalia ­ Scutellum and mesonotum may be banded or unicolorous, but never with longitudinal white stripe described above; terminal fork of arista not deep, branches less than length of dorsal rays ...................................................................................................... 2 2. Rays of arista short; chaetotaxy (e.g., katepisternal and dorsocentral setae) generally reduced; four rows of acrostichal setulae; two well­developed humeral setae ............... ............................................................................................ subgenus Exalloscaptomyza ­ Rays of arista elongate; combination of other characters not as above ........................ 3 3. Either zero or one ventral ray present on arista….........................................................4 ­ More than one ventral ray present on arista…...............................................................8 4. Eight rows of acrostichal setulae present; female ovipositor sclerotized, may be needle­like and pointed.............................................................. subgenus Titanochaeta , 17 ­ Acrostichal setulae present in two to six rows; female ovipositor fleshy, non­sclerotized, non­dentate .......................................................................................................... 5 5. Arista lacking ventral rays.........................................................................................…6 ­ One ventral ray present on arista................................................................................…7 6. Head flattened, longer than high; eyes strongly oblique; strong set of presutural dorsocentral setae present ....................................................................subgenus Rosenwaldia ­ Head nearly square as seen in direct lateral view, lower margin approximately equal in length to the frontal margin; enlarged setulae may be present in presutural position, but not strong.........................................................................................subgenus Elmomyza 7. Two rows of acrostichal setulae present; head not wider than thorax............................. ...............................................................................................subgenus Parascaptomyza ­ Number of acrostichal rows varies from four to six; head broader than thorax.............. ................................................................................................subgenus Alloscaptomyza 8. Shining black species, thorax and abdomen polished black; two or three ventral rays present on arista; ocellar triangle large, extending to level of proclinate setae; acrostichal setulae present in four rows; clump of black setae on hind trochanter ................. ....................................................................................................... subgenus Bunostoma ­ Mesonotum brown, typically but not always with longitudinal vittae; acrostichal setulae in six to eight rows; ocellar triangle not enlarged; hind trochanter lacking distinctive black setae ............................................................................................................. 9 9. Second antennal segment with a sharp point, extending over the base of the third segment; tibiae entirely yellow.............................................subgenus Grimshawomyia , 16 ­ Second antennal segment not sharply pointed; apices and bases of mid and hind tibiae with prominent brown bands...........................................subgenus Engiscaptomyza , 10