A new genus and species of Ernobiinae (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Eocene Baltic amber of the Sambian Peninsula
Alekseev, Vitalii
Bukejs, Andris
Háva, Jiří
Zahradník, Petr
Baltic Journal of Coleopterology
journal article
Eocenobius praestigitator
sp. nov.
Figs. 1–2
Type material.
: No AWI-165 [
]; adult, sex unknown. Almost complete beetle (right antenna absent) included in a transparent, yellow, flat amber piece of irregular form with dimensions of 21×
13 mm
and a maximum thickness of
4 mm
; preserved without supplementary fixation. Syninclusions: several detrital particles, two plant trichomes, two legs of an insect (likely Diptera: Tipuloidea).
Baltic amber; Middle–Late Eocene.
Measurements: body length (from anterior margin of pronotum to elytral apex along midline)
2.43 mm
, body maximum width across both elytra
1.36 mm
; head length
0.57 mm
, head maximum width across eyes
0.69 mm
; pronotal length
0.43 mm
, pronotal maximum width
1.14 mm
; elytral length
, elytral maximum width
1.36 mm
. Body moderately convex; integument dark brown (as preserved); pubescence conspicuous, long, thin, erect.
Head prognathous, mostly hidden in dorsal view, almost as long as wide (including eyes); finely punctate, with distance between punctures 1.0–1.5× diameter of one puncture. Compound eyes protruding, large, finely facetted, hemispherical, weakly impressed near antennal bases. Ommatidial setae absent. Antennae inserted at inner margin of eyes; antennal insertions widely separated, distance between antennal insertions equal to length of antennomeres 1–5. Antennae 11-segmented, with loose, 3- segmented club; antennae moderately long, reaching abdominal ventrite
1 in
ventral position. Antennomere 1 subcylindrical, elongate, 2.0× longer than wide; antennomere 2 subovate, slightly dilated apically, 1.5× longer than wide; antennomere 3 elongate, 2.5× longer than wide; antennomeres 4–8subequal in length, elongate, 1.5–1.8× longer than wide; antennomeres 9–10 elongate, slightly flattened, about 3.3× longer than antennomere8; antennomere 11 spindle-shaped, with acute apex, 3.0× longer than wide. Relative length ratios of antennomeres 1–11 equal to 6:4:5:3:3:3:3:3:10: 10:11. Apical maxillary palpomere short, cylindrical, slightly longer than wide, truncated apically. Apical labial palpomere triangular in outline.
Yantarny village
(formerly Palmnicken), the
Kaliningrad Region
, W
Fig. 1.
Eocenobius praestigitator
sp. nov.
, holotype, No AWI-165 [CVIA]: A – habitus, dorsal view; B – habitus, ventro-lateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.
A new genus and species of
) from Eocene Baltic amber of the Sambian Peninsula
Fig. 2.
Eocenobius praestigitator
sp. nov.
, holotype, No AWI-165 [CVIA]: A – habitus, ventral view; B – antenna (reconstruction).
Pronotum slightly narrower than elytra at base, strongly transverse, 2.65× wider than long, with maximum width at base; lateral sides and anterior edge finely margined. Pronotal punctation fine, denser at base, about as large as punctation of head; distance between punctures equal to 1.0–2.0× diameter of one puncture. Pronotal pubescence fine, erect, comparatively short, with setae inconspicuous on disc and longer laterally. Posterior pronotal angles obtuse, rounded; anterior angles rectangular with rounded apices. Anterior pronotal margin rounded, without excision, and not raised; posterior edge bisinuate; lateral sides almost straight, smooth, reflexed.
Scutellar shield small, semicircular, transverse. Elytra short and oval, moderately convex, with maximum width occurring near mid-length, 1.5× longer than wide, 4.74× as long as pronotal length; humeri rounded, distinct. Elytral punctation irregular, fine, with punctures slightly larger than punctation of pronotum and head; distance between punctures equal to 1.5–2.0× diameter of one puncture. Elytral pubescence fine, semierect and shorter on disc, erect and longer laterally. Epipleura narrow extending to abdominal ventrite 1. Metaventrite with disc convex; covered with coarse, rather dense punctation; posterior margin between metacoxae straight, with small triangular notch in middle. Mesocoxaeoval, separated by distance equal to 1.5× their transverse diameter. Metacoxae strongly transverse, separated by distance equal to their length.
All legs are relatively consistent in shape, and finely punctate. Mesocoxaeoval, transverse; metacoxae strongly transverse,
55 grooved for reception of metatibiae. Metatrochanters large, transverse, angulate. Femora elongate-oval, flattened. Tibiae thin, almost straight, nearly as long as femora. Meso- and metatibiae with one apical spur. Tarsal formula 5-5-5. Tarsi withtarsomeres not lobed; tarsomere 1 the longest; tarsomeres 3–5 widened, short, equal in length. Relative length ratios of metatarsomeres 1–5 equal to 10:5:3:3:3. Pretarsal claws strongly curved, thickened at base.
Abdomen with five visible, freely articulat- ed ventrites, covered with rather densepunctation; ventrite 5 rounded apically. Relative length ratios of ventrites 1–5 equal to 12:15:12:10:13 (measured medially).
Procoxal area and prothorax not visible in
specimen due to head position and milky covering of inclusion within surrounding amber.
Specific epithet is Latin word
, used as noun in apposition and meaning “trickster, juggler, deceiver, impostor”.