A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) with a focus on enigmatic small subfamilies Author Murillo-Ramos, Leidys Author Brehm, Gunnar Author Sihvonen, Pasi Author Hausmann, Axel Author Holm, Sille Author Ghanavi, Hamid Reza Author Õunap, Erki Author Truuverk, Andro Author Staude, Hermann Author Friedrich, Egbert Author Tammaru, Toomas Author Wahlberg, Niklas text PeerJ 2019 2019-08-27 7 1 39 journal article 10.7717/peerj.7386 41ff7b58-5204-42ec-b85a-75a6904af370 PMC6716565 31523494 5767530 Larentiinae Duponchel, 1845 Larentiinae are a monophyletic entity ( Fig. 3 ). In concordance with the results of Sihvonen et al. (2011) , Viidalepp (2011) , Õunap, Viidalepp & Truuverk (2016) and Strutzenberger et al. (2017) , Dyspteridini are supported as sister to all other larentiines. Remarkably, Brabirodes Warren, 1904 forms an independent lineage. Chesiadini are monophyletic and sister to all larentiines except Dyspteridini , Brabirodes and Trichopterygini . These results do not support the suggestion by Viidalepp (2006) and Sihvonen et al. (2011) that Chesiadini are sister to Trichopterygini . In our phylogenetic hypothesis, Asthenini are sister to the Perizomini + Melanthiini + Eupitheciini clade. These results do not fully agree with Õunap, Viidalepp & Truuverk (2016) who found Asthenini to be sister to all Larentiinae except Dyspteridini , Chesiadini , Trichopterygini and Eudulini . However, our results do support the Melanthiini + Eupitheciini complex as a sister lineage to Perizomini . Sihvonen et al. (2011) recovered Phileremini and Rheumapterini as well-supported sister taxa. Our results suggest Triphosa dubitata Linnaeus 1758 ( Triphosini ) is sister to Phileremini , with Rheumapterini sister to this clade. Cidariini were recovered as paraphyletic, as the genera Coenotephria Prout, 1914 and Lampropteryx Stephens, 1831 cluster in a different clade (unnamed clade L7) apart from the lineage comprising the type genus of the tribe, Cidaria Treitschke, 1825 . Ceratodalia Packard, 1876 , currently placed in Hydriomenini and Trichodezia Warren, 1895 are nested within Cidariini . These results are not in concordance with Õunap, Viidalepp & Truuverk (2016) , who regarded this tribe to be monophyletic. Scotopterygini are sister to a lineage comprising Ptychorrhoe blosyrata Guenée (1858) , Disclisioprocta natalata (Walker, 1862) (placed in the unnamed clade L8), Euphyiini , an unnamed clade L9 comprising the genera Pterocypha , Archirhoe and Obila , Xanthorhoini and Cataclysmini . Euphyiini are monophyletic, but Xanthorhoini are recovered as mixed with Cataclysmini . The same findings were shown by Õunap, Viidalepp & Truuverk (2016) , but no taxonomic rearrangements were proposed. Larentiini are monophyletic and sister of Hydriomenini , Heterusiini , Erateinini , Stamnodini and some unnamed clades (L11–14). Although with some differences, our results support the major phylogenetic patterns of Õunap, Viidalepp & Truuverk (2016) . Despite substantial progress, the tribal classification and phylogenetic relationships of Larentiinae are far from being resolved ( Õunap, Viidalepp & Truuverk, 2016 ). Forbes (1948) proposed eight tribes based on morphological information, Viidalepp (2011) raised the number to 23 and Õunap, Viidalepp & Truuverk (2016) recovered 25 tribes studying 58 genera. Our study includes 23 of the currently recognized tribes and 125 genera (with an emphasis on Neotropical taxa). However, the phylogenetic position of many taxa remains unclear, and some tropical genera have not yet been formally assigned to any tribe. Formal descriptions of these groups will be treated in detail by G. Brehm et al. (2019, unpublished data) and E. Õunap et al. (2019, unpublished data).