Two new species of Euxoa Hübner, [1821] from Central Asia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Noctuinae) Author Gyulai, Péter 0000-0003-3878-2880 H- 3530 Miskolc, Mélyvölgy 13 / A, Hungary. E-mail: adriennegyulai @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3878 - 2880 & Corresponding author. Author Varga, Zoltán 0000-0001-9324-7931 H- 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. University of Debrecen, Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology. E-mail: varga. zoltan @ science. unideb. hu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9324 - 7931 text Ecologica Montenegrina 2024 2024-06-06 73 443 452 journal article 10.37828/em.2024.73.30 2336-9744 13249625 Euxoa scotopamira sp. n. D296122F-E3CB-4E35-8556-B2A0F2BF1B6C ( Figs 1–4 , 19, 20 , 28 ) Type material. Holotype : male, Tajikistan , Peter I. Mts. , Darai Nasarak , 5. VIII. 1972 , leg. Tshetkin , slide no. GYP 5928 ( PGM ). Paratypes : 1 male , same data as holotype ( PGM ) ; 2 males , 2 females , same data, but 13. VIII. 1972 , leg. Tshetkin ( PGM ) ; 3 males , same data, but, 1700 m , 16. VIII. 1972 , leg. Tshetkin ( PGM ) ; 3 males , 4 females , Tajikistan , Peter I Mts. , Ganishou , 2070 m , 12, 19, 22, 23, 28. VIII. 1974 , leg. Tshetkin ( PGM ) ; 1 male , same data, but 2100 m , 18. VIII. 1994 , leg. Tshetkin ( PGM ) ; 1 female , Tajikistan , gorge Sangikar , 22. VI . 1971 , leg. Tshetkin ( PGM ) ; 2 males , Tajikistan , W Pamir , Chorog , 2300 m , 1. VIII. 1965 , leg. Tshetkin ( PGM ) ; 1 male , same data, but from 14. VI . 1965 , leg. Tshetkin ( PGM ) . Slides Nos.: GYP 1008, 1020, 1266, 1423, males; GYP 4682, 4714 females ( Tajikistan , Peter I. Mts., Darai Nasarak and Ganishou). Diagnosis. Euxoa scotopamira sp. n. ( Figs 1–4 ) is closely related to Euxoa enixa ( Püngeler, 1906 ) (= Euxoa latebrosa Corti, 1931 ) ( Figs 5–7 ) (TL: Kyrgyzstan , Issyk Kul, range: Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan ) and Euxoa anthracina Varga & Gyulai, 2001 ( Figs 8–10 ) (confined to Tajikistan ) by the appearance and genitalia configuration. It can be separated from them by the following features. E. scotopamira sp. n. and E. enixa are larger in average than E. anthracina , the wingspan of E. scotopamira sp. n. and E. enixa is 32–37 mm , while it is 26.5–33.5 mm in E. anthracina . The new species differs from both related species in the almost concolorous brown or faded greyish brown ground colour of the forewings with obsolescent wing pattern; only the pale traces of the noctuid maculation and of the postmedial line are discernible. The maculae are usually without any whitish or pale ochreous scales (as in E. enixa ), and the intermacular section is without black or blackish–brown scales. Both related taxa have much darker greyish- or reddish brown forewings with variegate ground colour, well defined noctuid maculation and transverse lines as well as more or less conspicuous black definition in the intermacular section. Figures 1–8. Euxoa spp. adults. 1. E. scotopamira sp. n. , HT, m, male, Tajikistan, Peter I., Darai Nasarak, 5. VIII. 1972, leg. Tshetkin, GYP 5928 (PGM); 2. E. scotopamira sp. n . , PT, m, Tajikistan, Peter I. Mts., Ganishou, 2070 m, 28. VIII. 1974, leg. Tshetkin, (PGM); 3. E. scotopamira sp. n. , PT, m, Tajikistan, Peter I. Mts., Darai Nasarak, 16. VIII. 1972, leg. Tshetkin, (PGM); 4. E. scotopamira sp. n. , PT, f, Tajikistan, Peter I, near Ganishou, 2070 m, 22. VIII. 1974, leg. Tshetkin, GYP 4714 (PGM); 5. E. enixa ( Püngeler, 1906 ) , HT, m, Asia Centr., Issyk Kul, MB. 23 (MfN); 6. E. enixa ( Püngeler, 1906 ) , ST, f, Turkestan Oriental, Prov., Semirechgensee, Fort Naryne, G. S. Akulin, 1907, VZ 9747 (Slg. Dr. A. Corti, NHMB); 7. E. enixa ( Püngeler, 1906 ) , m, CT, Fergana, Togus Torau, Rückbeil, 1901, VZ 9546 (MfN); 8. E. anthracina Varga & Gyulai 2001 , HT, m, Tajikistan, Karategin range, Gorge Sangikar, 1700 m, 28. VIII. 1969, GYP 1007 (PGM). The male genitalia of the three species are only slightly differentiated (as it is usual in Euxoa ) and most characters are often overlapping due to individual variability. In the new species ( Figs 19–20 ), the uncus is generally somewhat longer than in E. enixa ( Figs 21–22 ), while it is shorter than in E. anthracina ( Fig. 23 ). The saccular extensions in E. scotopamira sp. n. are slightly asymmetric and shorter in average than in E. enixa . The tube of the endophallus (vesica) is more elongated in the new species than in E. anthracina . There are better diagnostic characters in the female genitalia: E. scotopamira sp. n. ( Fig. 28 ) has a broader, less elongate ovipositor, longer sclerotized dorsal and ventral plates in the ductus bursae, a smaller appendix bursae, and a longer corpus bursae than in E. enixa ( Fig. 29 ); compared to E. anthracina ( Fig. 30 ), the new species has a less elongate ovipositor, longer sclerotized plates in the ductus bursae, and a significantly smaller and less prominent appendix bursae. Figures 9–10. Euxoa spp. adults. 9. E. anthracina Varga & Gyulai, 2001 , PT, m, Tajikistan, Peter I., Ganishou, 20. VII. 1974, leg. Tshetkin, GYP 984 (PGM); 10. E. anthracina Varga & Gyulai, 2001 , PT, f, Tajikistan Peter I. Mts., Ganishou, 10. VIII. 1974, leg. Tshetkin, GYP 4506 (PGM). Description . Wingspan 32–37 mm . Antenna finely bipectinate in male and filiform in female. Vesture of the head and thorax, forewing ground color and cilia almost concolorous brown or faded greyish-brown. Wing pattern obscure, orbicular and reniform stigmata as ground colour, more or less encircled with fine dark brown scales. Claviform stigma absent. Transverse line fine and fuscous, antemedial one wavy, postmedial one fine, slightly arcuated, finely serrate and with some pale ochreous outer shade. Hindwing whitish, with very diffuse light brownish suffusion distally, fine arched cellular spot conjectural. Underside of wings without or almost without shade of upperside pattern, forewing unicolorous pale light brownish, hindwings clear white. Male genitalia ( Figs 19, 20 ). Uncus evenly elongate. Juxta sub-quadrangular, dorsally evenly tapered, with V–shaped deep incision dorsally–medially and with triangular, acutely pointed ventral extension. Valva broad with dorsally elongate cucullus section, terminated in a row of strong setae; dorsal margin of valva slightly convex, ventral margin slightly concave. Harpe elongate, slender, slightly arched. Saccular processes slightly asymmetrical, elongate, nearly reaching ventral corner of cucullus. Vinculum v–shaped. Aedeagus strong, somewhat curved ventrally. Everted tube of endophallus (vesica) recurved ventrally, its basal diverticulum large, globular; medial one recurved, elongate and finger tiplike. Female genitalia ( Fig. 28 ). Ovipositor slightly elongate, broad, terminally slender, apically rounded. Apophyses anteriores moderately long, strong; apophyses posteriores very long, finer, about twice as long as apophyses anteriores. Laminar plate of antrum U–shaped. Ductus bursae membranous, tubular and long, anteriorly and posteriorly dilated, bilateral laminar plates elongate and equal in length, posteriorly dilated. Appendix bursae situated somewhat postero–laterally, broadly conical, prominent. Corpus bursae large, saccate and somewhat elongate. Distribution. The new species is known only from the western ranges of Pamirs and the Peter I. mountains in Tajikistan , in moderate altitudes. Etymology. The name of the new species is emulated from the dark colouration and the name of the Pamir range.