Review of Campsicnemus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) of the Marquesas, French Polynesia, with description of four new species groups Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2009 2004 25 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.185641 59926166-687d-44cd-b53d-ead63b598ac4 1175-5326 185641 Campsicnemus uncleremus Evenhuis ( Figs. 6 , 7 , 12 ) Campsicnemus uncleremus Evenhuis, 2000 : 294 . Yang et al . 2006 : 468 [incorrectly giving the type locality as “ USA : Hawaiian Islands”] Diagnosis . This species is easily distinguished from the other species in the gladiator group by the mid and hind femora possessing long setae and cilia on their apical halves; and IIt1 possesses a single strong apical seta curved 90 degrees. Redescription . Male . Body length: 2.13–2.35 mm . Wing length: 2.45–2.70 mm . Head . Black, face dark brown to black with reddish highlights, paler brown near clypeus; oc and vt black, about one-third length of antennal arista; front, occiput, and vertex black with blue highlights; face constricted at middle, almost holoptic, eyes separated below antennae by width of 1–2 ommatidia; palp small, dark brown; proboscis brown, extending below eye in lateral view; antennal segments black to brown; postpedicel triangular in shape, about 1.5 x width; arista slightly longer than head height. Thorax : Mesoscutum, scutellum, dark brown, with a few metallic greenish highlights laterally; pleura dark brown to brown except for yellow on the following sclerites: middle of katepisternum and anepimeron; katetergite black; thoracic setae black: 4 dc; 1+1 np; 2 ph; 1 pa; 1 sc; ac absent; halter stem white, knob dark brownish black. Legs : CI yellowish white, with apical tuft of three strong black setae, approximate basally, almost fused apically so as to appear as a single strong seta; CII and CIII brown, slightly paler than surrounding pleura; FI and FII yellowish brown, FIII yellowish brown basally, becoming darker brown on apical one-fourth; remainder of legs brown; FI and remainder of foreleg unmodified, without MSSC; FII slightly bowed with strong chetae basally, setae primarily absent apically, with subapical brown patch harboring two long setae; FIII bowed with swollen basal area containing 2–3 medium sized black setae and 1 long seta more apically, middle of FIII swollen, containing very long wrinkled (basalmost) and slightly curved and straight (apicalmost) setae on ventral surface (MSSC); TiII slightly bowed and swollen medially, with long setae in middle on dorsal surface (MSSC), black setae and hairs along entire ventral surface, longest just beyond middle of TiII. TiIII with long hairs basoventrally, dorsal surface with small hairs and 1 long seta subbasally (MSSC). IIt1 short, about one-third length of IIt2, with single strong black setae curved 90 degrees and associated strong black seta, (MSSC). Remainder of leg segments without MSSC. Wing : pale smoky throughout. Abdomen . Dark brown with short black hairs dorsally on each tergite, a few longer hairs laterally; tergal interstices whitish; sternites yellowish brown. Hypopygium brown with paler brown cerci, not dissected. Female . As in male except for lack of MSSC; legs normal, without modifications; FI and FII brown. Material examined . Types . Holotype ɗ, FRENCH POLYNESIA : Marquesas Is : Hiva Oa: Taaoa Valley, 600–800 ft [ 183–244 m ], riffle splash zone, 24 Oct 1999 , R. Englund ( BPBM Type 16,209). Paratypes : FRENCH POLYNESIA : Marquesas Is: Hiva Oa: 3ɗ, 3Ψ, same data as holotype ( BPBM , USNM ); 6ɗ, 1Ψ, Atikoua Stream, upper Atuona Valley, 500 ft [ 152 m ] (see Fig. 7 ), water temp. 23.5 °C, 9°47'06"S , 139°03'11"W , on stream pools, 24 Oct 1999 , D.A. Polhemus ( BPBM , USNM ); 13ɗ, 5Ψ, springs and rocky stream at headwaters of east fork of Faakua River, 1850 ft [ 564 m ], water temp. 22 °C, 9°45'52"S , 139°59'00"W , skating on stream pools, 25 Oct 1999 , D.A. Polhemus ( BPBM , USNM ); 4ɗ, 5Ψ, same data except J.T. Polhemus ( BPBM , USNM ). Other Material Examined . FRENCH POLYNESIA : Marquesas Is : Hiva Oa: 3ɗ, 2Ψ, Atuona Valley, Vaiao River, 1040 ft [ 317 m ], 30 Aug 2001 , pools/riffles, R. Englund ( BPBM ) (see Fig. 12 ); 2ɗ, Atikoua [Stream], 340 ft [ 104 m ], 12 Aug 2001 , R. Englund ( BPBM ); 8ɗ, 8Ψ, Cascade on upper Vaioa River, Atuona Valley, 1050 ft [ 320 m ], 9°47'07"S , 139°03'59"W , skating on stream, D.A. Polhemus ( BPBM , USNM ). Discussion . This species is a water skater found in pools of streams in the southern portion of the island of Hiva Oa at elevations from 104–565 m [ca. 340–1850 ft ].