Comparative morphology and biology of terminalinstar larvae of some Eurytoma (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) species parasitoids of gall wasps (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) in western Europe Author Gómez, José Francisco Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas (UCM), Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid (Spain) jf. gomez @ bio. ucm. es Author Nieves-Aldrey, José Luis Author Nieves, María Hernández Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, c / José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid (Spain) aldrey @ mncn. csic. es Author Stone, Graham Nicholas Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, School of Biological Sciences, The King’s Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH 9 3 JT (United Kingdom) graham. stone @ ed. ac. uk text Zoosystema 2011 2011-09-30 33 3 287 323 journal article 10.5252/z2011n3a3 1638-9387 4546941 Eurytoma robusta Mayr, 1878 MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Ex Isocolus scabiosae form rogenhoferi : Spain . Guadalajara, Pozo de Guadalajara, 3.X.2004 , J. L. Nieves leg (n = 1). DESCRIPTION n = 1; body length 2 mm ; body width 1.2 mm ( Figs 5G ; 7G ); body short and wide; ratio L/W = 1.38; ventral margin of body segments convex; anterodorsal protuberances present from second thoracic segment to the seventh abdominal and not protruding beyond the dorsal margin of body segments ( Fig. 7G ). Antero-medial setae of the antennal area situated slightly below the antennae; antero-medial setae of vertex relatively high on the upper face, closer to the anterior margin of vertex than to the antennae ( Fig. 9F ); ratios SA/LAA = 0.29 and SA/DAV = 1.18; dorsal-labral setae as long as clypeal setae; ventral margin of clypeus indistinct; labrum with slight divisions limited to apical part of labrum; the five medial lobes are not well differentiated; maxillary palps conspicuous ( Fig. 12A ). Mandibles with two teeth, exposed in part, with the tip of the first tooth visible ( Fig. 12A ); ratio L/W 1T = 2.08; outer margin of first tooth strongly convex; its tip moderately recurved; apex of the second tooth straight, directed upwards in the same direction as the first tooth, and more or less acute; inner margin of mandible, from the base of second tooth, more or less straight and not interrupted ( Fig. 13G ). BIOLOGY This species has been recorded as a common ectoparasitoid of some galling tephritid fly species in heads of Centaurea and stems of Cirsium (Asteraceae) . It is not clear whether it is a parasitoid of the cynipid gall species Isocolus scabiosae (Giraud, 1859) form rogenhoferi Wachtl, 1880 as well, which occupies similar habitats. We have reared this species from heads of Centaurea scabiosa L. ( Fig. 14J ) containing both cynipid and tephritid galls. Varley (1937) describes E. robusta as being partially phytophagous after consuming the host larva. Johannesen & Seitz (2003) also studied larval distributions of Eurytoma robusta in galls of the tephritid gall fly Urophora cardui Linnaeus, 1758 . REMARKS Eurytoma robusta is one of the few eurytomid species associated with cynipid communities whose larva has already been thoroughly described, by Varley (1937) . Our diagnosis provides additional data.