Species | Distribution | Morphology | Skeleton | Spicules (µm) |
Galápagos | Thickly encrusting to hemispheri- | Plumoreticulate, multispicular | STY: 368 (324–397) × 19 (16–23) |
cal, firm, velvety, densely punctate, | primary tracts and irregular uni- to | |||
prominent drainage canals around | paucispicular secondary tracts. | |||
oscules, bright red. | ||||
Galápagos | Thinly encrusting, minutely ridged, | Loosely plumoreticulate, multi- | STY I: 231 (209–248) × 6 (4–7) |
densely punctate, compressible, | spicular primarily tracts and vague | STY II: 197 (127–334) × 2 (1–3) | |
bright yellow. | secondary tracts. No ectosome. | |||
Sri Lanka, Arabian Sea, Mozam- | Massive, cushion shaped to cup- | Plumoreticulate, primary tracts | STY I: 213 (165–335) × 7 (5–10) |
bique | shaped with a short stalk, minutely | terminating at conules, uni- to | STY II: 658 (650–750) × 6 (5–8), |
conulose, grooved, dermal mem- | multispicular irregular second- | rare | ||
brane, firm, compressible, brick red. | ary tracts. STY II are scattered | OX: 225 (185–298) × 8 (3–10) | ||
between tracts. Spongin abundant. | TRD: present | |||
No ectosome. | ||||
Caribbean, Florida, Gulf of Mexi- | Massive to encrusting, smooth to | Plumoreticulate, multispicular pri- | STY: 170–390 × 5–28 |
& Pulido, 2016 | co, north coast of South America, | hirsute, oscules ≤ 5 mm, toughly | mary tracts terminate in brushes, | OX: 210–420 × 5–18 |
Bahamas. | compressible, abundant mucus, red | multispicular secondary tracts. | ||
to bright orange. | ||||
Australia, NZ, New Caledonia | Massive to thickly encrusting, | Plumoreticulate to halicondroid, | STY I: 203–560 × 9–22 |
conulose, ridged, hispid, dermal | plumose or plumo-echinated (core | STY II: 320–406 × 3–6 | |
membrane between ridges, oscules ≤ | of oxeas echinated by styles) | OX: 217–339 ×8–10 | ||
1 mm, abundant mucus, firm, slightly | multispicular primary tracts, pau- | |||
compressible, bright scarlet. | cispicular secondary tracts, STY II | |||
at surface, sparse spongin. | ||||
Australia | Massive, lobose, oscules ≤ 10 mm, | Loose bundles of spicules, dense, | OX*: 330 × 11 |
smooth, colour unknown. | confused mass. | ||
Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Seychelles, | Hemispherical to spherical, firm, | Reticulated, no ectosome. | STY: 300–320 × 10 |
Zanzibar, Kenya | ridged, bumpy, punctate, few oscules | ||
3–5 mm, bright orange-red. |
Species | Distribution | Morphology | Skeleton | Spicules (µm) |
New Caledonia | Thickly encrusting with bulbous | Plumoreticulate, multispicular | OX/STY**: 260 (208–289) × 12 |
digitate projections, apical oscules, | primary tracts terminate in brushes | (10–14) | |
membranous surface, punctate, pale | protruding slightly beyond surface, | |||
orange. | paucispicular secondary tracts, | |||
sparse spongin, no ectosome. | ||||
New Caledonia | Massive, microconulose, dermal | Plumoreticulate, multispicular | OX/STY (rare)/STR (rare): 364 |
membrane, fleshy surface, oscules | primary tracts terminate in sparse | (223–503) × 9 (2–15) | |
5–10 mm, compressive, orange to | brushes protruding slightly | |||
beorange-yellow. | yond surface. Secondary uni- to | |||
paucispicular tracts. Reticulate | ||||
spongin fibre skeleton also | ||||
present. | ||||
Australia | Massive, smooth to verrucose, mi- | Confused, a few tracts, reticulate | OX/STY/STR: 350 (278–483) × |
crohispid, oscules minute, very firm, | spongin fibre skeleton. | 8 (4–11) | |
tan with greenish grey patches. | STR: 542–770 × 8–9, sinuous, | |||
rare. | ||||
Sri Lanka, South India, Red | Massive, microconulose, dermal | Plumoreticulate, primary tracts | STY: ≤ 390 × ≤ 24 |
Sea, Arabian Sea, East Africa, | membrane, oscules small surrounded | terminate in conules, uni- to pau- | OX: ≤ 390 × ≤ 24 |
Seychelles, northern Australia, | by faint asterose drainage canals, | cispicular secondary tracts, free | TRD: hair-like | |
Indonesia | very hard, harsh to touch, yellow- | spicules scattered between tracts. | ||
grey in alcohol. | ||||
Chile | Branched, hispid, compressible, | Axinellid skeleton, fibre and spi- | STY: 770 × 20 |
elastic, yellowish brown. | cule skeleton. | OX: 300–400 × 15–22 | |
Patagonia | Massive, lobate, conulose, dermal | Plumoreticulate, fibre and spicule | STY: 630 × 15 |
membrane, oscules small, soft, com- | skeleton, primary fibres, cored | ||
pressible, greyish yellow in spirit. | by spicules terminate in tuffs that | |||
protrude beyond the surface. No | ||||
ectosome. |
Species | Distribution | Morphology | Skeleton | Spicules (µm) |
North Carolina, Florida | Massive, punctate, prominent | Plumose primary tracts protrude | STY: 240–300 × 9–15 |
asterose drainage canals around | beyond surface, secondary tracts | OX: 360–460 × 5–10 | |
oscules, oscules 1 mm, stiff, yellow | only near surface. | |||
in alcohol. | ||||
Tuvalu | Thickly encrusting, microconulose, | Spicule and fibre skeleton, plu- | STY: 40–200 × 10 |
dermal membrane, punctate, oscules | mose, few secondary tracts, scat- | OX: 350 × 8 | |
2.5 mm, soft, fragile, cream in | tered free spicules, sparse spongin. | |||
formalin. | No ectosome. | |||
Northeast Pacific | Thickly encrusting, lobate, oscules | Weakly plumoreticulate near | STY/OX: 1037 (550–1960) × 18 |
Austin, Ott, Reiswig, Roma- | ≤ 4 mm, asterose drainage canals, | surface, confused interior, no ecto- | (7–33) | |
gosa & McDaniel, 2013 | compressible, tough, orange. | some. | ||
West Africa | Massive, hemispherical, smooth, | Spicule and fibre skeleton, loosely | STY: 400 × 14 |
oscules minute, firm, compressible, | reticulate, secondary tracts irregu- | OX: 350 × 13 | |
pale yellow in alcohol. | lar, no ectosome. | |||
California, Mexican Pacific | Thinly encrusting, oscules 1 mm, | Spicule and fibre skeleton, plu- | STY: 300–400 × 20–24 |
compressible, fragile, beige. | mose. | OX: 400–560 × 16–27 | |
Chile | Flabellate, looks fibrous, friable, | Spicule and fibre skeleton, plu- | STY/OX I: 100–220 × 10–12 |
1978) | oscules minute. | moreticulate, low spongin. | STY/OX II: 200 × 1–2 | |
California, Mexican Pacific | Massive, smooth, dermal membrane, | Spicule and fibre skeleton, con- | STY: 1200 × 25 |
soft, compressible, beige in alcohol. | fused reticulation, perpendicular at | OX: 650 × 23 | |
surface. | TRD: present; | |||
RHP: often sinuous | ||||
Galápagos, California, Mexican | Massive with horn-like protuber- | Unknown. | STY/OX: 800 (600–1150) × |
inson, 1945) | Pacific | ances, detachable dermal membrane, | 30–50 | |
beige in alcohol. |
Species | Distribution | Morphology | Skeleton | Spicules (µm) |
Caribbean, Bermuda, Florida, | Thickly encrusting to massive, lo- | Plumoreticulate, multispicular | STY: 250–540 × 8–23 |
Brazil | bate, rugose, microconulose, hispid, | dense primary tracts, spicules | OX: 219–520 × 8–20 |
dermal membrane a reticulation | protrude beyond surface, irregular, | |||
of fibrous tissue, oscules 2–5 mm, | confused secondary tracts. | |||
firm, barely compressible, abundant | ||||
mucus, bright red-orange. | ||||
Natal | Massive, microhispid, numerous | Plumoreticulate, multispicular | STY: 140 × 7 |
oscules 1–2 mm, firm, compressible, | primary tracts, unispicular second- | OX: 211 × 11 | |
dark red dried. | ary tracts, abundant spongin, no | |||
ectosome. | ||||
Cape Verde | Massive, oscules 2–3 mm, punctate, | Plumoreticulate, multispicular | STY: 315–420 × 14–24 |
finely hispid, firm. | primary tracts of styles, unispicu- | OX: 370–420 ×15–24 | |
lar secondary tracts of oxeas, scat- | TRD: present. | |||
tered free spicules, sparse spongin, | ||||
no ectosome. | ||||
Australia | Massive, lobose, rugose, oscules | Loosely reticulate, multispicu- | STY: 180 × 6 |
abundant on margins, very small, | lar primary tracts terminate in | ||
very compressible, greenish-yellow | brushes, abundant free spicules, no | |||
in spirit. | spongin. |