The first Cenozoic roproniid wasp from the Paleocene of Menat, France (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea) Author Garrouste, Romain FFB59C29-2169-46D5-874C-554C7CAC655A Email: garroust @ mnhn. fr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: FFB 59 C 29 - 2169 - 46 D 5 - 874 C- 554 C 7 CAC 655 A Author Pouillon, Jean-Marc 98F23CA9-EBF2-4FFF-BEF5-85B93F8BB4C5 178 rue des Plattieres, F- 38300 Nivolas Vermelle, France. & Email: jmpdb @ wanadoo. fr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 98 F 23 CA 9 - EBF 2 - 4 FFF-BEF 5 - 85 B 93 F 8 BB 4 C 5 Author Nel, André 98DF555A-16A0-4073-871C-E38BB506C676 urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 98 DF 555 A- 16 A 0 - 4073 - 871 C-E 38 BB 506 C 676 & Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB - UMR 7205 - CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, Entomologie, F- 75005, Paris, France. & Corresponding author: anel @ mnhn. fr Author Umr, Isyeb - text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-10-25 239 1 9 journal article 21865 10.5852/ejt.2016.239 907ec56a-2d57-49be-af4f-9408a8aa719b 2118-9773 3850241 35113D31-C1F1-470A-AA1D-6BB244A94DB3 Genus Paleoropronia gen. nov. 214E6B03-C7DB-4670-B4D2-427ABB5A8A41 Type species Paleoropronia salamonei gen. et sp. nov. Diagnosis See species. Etymology Named after the Paleocene period and Ropronia . Gender feminine.