New species and new records of Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Fanniidae) from the Brazilian Amazon Region Author Wendt, Lisiane Dilli text Zootaxa 2010 2575 38 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.197489 394e3e2d-7455-43ae-a45c-790ca1c3d526 1175-5326 197489 Fannia bifolia sp. nov. ( Figs. 7–23 ) Diagnosis: General colour dark brown ( Figs. 7–8 ). Male with eyes strongly approximated. Frontal setae limited to the lower third of frons, in three pairs inserted between three pairs of weak setae ( Fig. 10 ). First and second fore tarsomeres with a posterodorsal leaf-shaped seta at apex ( Figs. 15–16 ). Holotype male : Measurements: 4.9mm (body length); 4.2mm (wing). Head ( Fig. 10 ): Eyes bare and holoptic, strongly approximated, interocular space about 0.05 times the width of the head at level of anterior ocellus. Anterior ommatidia developed, about 0.5 times the size of the anterior ocellus. Frontal setae limited to the lower third of frons, three setae inserted between three weak setae. Four weak setae between apex of frontal vitta and ocellar triangle. Two ocellar setae. Gena and face dark brown. Frontal vitta black. Scape, pedicel and base of arista yellow. First flagellomere dark brown, covered with conspicuous white pruinosity. Apex of arista brown. Arista pubescent. First flagellomere 3.0 times longer than pedicel. Palpus brown and clavate. Thorax ( Figs. 7–8 ): general colour dark brown, except for postpronotal lobe, which is light brown. Presutural acrostichals setae in two and three rows and postsutural acrostichals setae in four and five rows. Dorsocentral setae 2+3. Three humeral setae, the internal one distinctly smaller; one posthumeral; two notopleurals; one prealar; one supra-alar; one intra-alar; one postalar and one prescutellar well developed. Calypteres brown with margins dark brown. Halter yellow at base and dark brown at stem and knob. Wing uniformly smoky ( Fig. 8 ). Legs: general colour brown ( Fig. 8 ). Pulvillus yellow ( Figs. 8, 15 ). Fore femur with one complete row of posterior, posteroventral and posterodorsal long setae. Fore tibia with one preapical dorsal seta, one anterodorsal seta on basal third, one apical seta on ventral surface and one apical posterior seta. First and second fore tarsomeres with posterodorsal leaf-shaped seta at apex ( Figs. 15–16 ). Posterior surface of mid tibia with one median, one submedian and one apical seta; ventral, anteroventral and posterior surfaces with one stronger apical seta; ventral surface pubescent and narrowed at basal half. Hind coxa bare on posterior surface. Hind femur on ventral and posteroventral surfaces at preapical region with a tuft of numerous setae ( Fig. 14 ). Hind tibia on dorsal surface with one median and one preapical seta; anterodorsal surface with one submedian seta; ventral surface with a row of four setae ( Figs. 13–14 ). Abdomen: dark brown, basal half of tergites 1–3 light brown. Sternites scarcely setulose. Terminalia ( Figs. 17–21 ): Epandrium wider than long, covered with setae of different sizes over most of its surface. Surstylus narrowly fused to epandrium, long and tapered. Bacilliform process strongly sclerotized, elongated and comma-shaped. Sternite 5 as in Fig. 21 . FIGURES 7–16. Fannia bifolia sp. nov. 7–8. Holotype male, general dorsal view and general lateral view, respectively. 9. Paratype female, general lateral view. 10. Holotype male, head, lateral view. 11. Paratype female, head, frontal view. 12. Paratype female, abdomen, dorsal view. 13. Paratype male, hind leg, anterior view. 14. Paratype male, hind leg, posterior view. 15–16. Holotype male, first and second fore tarsi showing leaf-shaped posterodorsal apical setae. Female: differs from male in having the following features: Length: 5.0–5.8 mm; wing: 4.5–5.0 mm. Head ( Fig. 11 ): eyes dichoptic. Interocular space about 0.40 times the width of the head at level of anterior ocellus. Inferior and superior orbital setae directed towards the posterior region of head. Fronto-orbital plate blackish with a disarranged row of weak setae. Base of first flagellomere and arista yellow. First flagellomere 2.2 times longer than pedicel. Thorax ( Fig. 9 ): Postpronotal lobe yellow. Calypteres white. Wing brown, with anterior margin and crossveins slightly darker. Legs: First and second fore tarsomere without apical posterodorsal leaf-shaped seta. Ventral surface of mid tibia not pubescent. Hind femur without differentiated setae on ventral and posteroventral surface. Abdomen ( Fig. 12 ): dark brown. Tergites 1–2 with a broad longitudinal median stripe. Terminalia ( Fig. 22 ): cercus covered with long and sinuous setae. Cercal plate wider than long, covered with setae. Sternite 8 reduced to two sclerotinized plates with two setae and one weak seta. Sternite 7 longer than broad, sternite 6 wider than long, both with setae on apex. Three spermathecae ( Fig. 23 ). Holotype male ( MPEG ): [ Brasil Pará\ Serra Norte\ Is. Frutas\ 20.x.1984 ] [ Brasil Pará\ T. Pimentel] [ MPEG 12180109] Paratypes : [ Brasil Pará\ Serra Norte\ Serraria\ Is. Frutas\ 21.x.1984 ] [ Brasil Pará\ T. Pimentel] [ MPEG DIP \ 12180098] (1Ψ, MPEG ); [ Brasil Pará\ Serra Norte\ Is. Frutas\ 20–X–1984 ] [ Brasil Pará\ T. Pimentel] [ MPEG DIP \ 12180129] (1ɗ, MPEG ); [ Brasil Pará\ Serra Norte\ Serraria\ 20.x.1984 ] [Cap. Isca\ Frutas] [ MPEG DIP \ 12180078] (1ɗ, INPA ); [ Brasil Pará\ Serra Norte\ Caldeirão\ 23 a 26.i.1985 ] [Armadilha\ Malaise] [ MPEG DIP \ 12180140] (1Ψ, INPA ). FIGURES 17–23. Fannia bifolia sp. nov. 17–21. Paratype male. 17. Terminalia, dorsal view. 18. Terminalia, lateral view. 19. Phallic complex, dorsal view. 20. Phallic complex, lateral view. 21. Sternite 5. 22–23. Paratype female. 22. Terminalia, ventral view. 23. Spermathecae. Scale 0.2mm. Remarks: Fannia admirabilis Albuquerque , recorded from southern and southeastern Brazil ( Wendt & Carvalho 2009 ), also has males with eyes strongly approximated, frontal setae limited to the anterior third of the orbits and hind coxa bare on posterior surface. Nevertheless, F. bifolia differs from F. admirabilis in having general colour dark brown, and first and second fore tarsi with a posterodorsal apical leaf-shaped setae. Moreover, the male terminalia of both species are different. Fannia bifolia has a u-shaped cercal plate and comma-shaped bacilliform process (see figure 17). On the other hand, F. admirabilis has a heart-shaped cercal plate and bacilliform process semi-spiraled, bifurcated at apex (see Wendt & Carvalho 2009 : fig. 151). Distribution: Brazil : Pará Etymology: Specific epithet refers to the presence of two leaf-shaped setae on the first and second fore tarsi (from the Greek bi = two and folia = leaf).