Taxonomy of Neotropical Trichomyia (Septemtrichomyia) Bravo (Diptera, Psychodidae, Trichomyiinae) with descriptions of five new species Author Araújo, Maíra Xavier Author Bravo, Freddy text Zootaxa 2012 3547 24 34 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282809 ec99bac2-4334-4e94-8ac1-40ba67e5f4cf 1175-5326 282809 Trichomyia amazonensis Araújo & Bravo sp. nov. ( Figs. 27–32 ) Diagnosis. Gonocoxite with posterior arm short, with approximately nine rod-like setae in a row. Gonostylus with apex curved upward, almost the same size as the arm of the gonocoxite. One pair of parameres present, bifurcate, with the internal tip larger and thicker than the external one. Description. Male. Head subcircular. Antenna incomplete in the specimens studied; scape shorter than pedicel ( Fig. 27 ); basal flagellomeres pyriform, eccentric ( Fig. 27 ), ascoids S-shaped, only observed in one paratype , 1.5 times as long as the flagellomere. Palpus formula 1.0:0.6:0.5 ( Fig. 29 ). Wing ( Fig. 28 ): Apex of Sc and sc-r unsclerotized; R5 incomplete at base; base of M2 and M3 unsclerotized; r-m and m-cu absent. Elongate bristles of tergum 7 with straight apices ( Fig. 31 ). Male terminalia: Hypandrium and gonocoxites fused ( Fig. 31 ). Gonocoxites with short posterior arm, apical margin with row of nine rod-like setae. Gonostylus, short, with apex curved upward ( Fig. 31 ). One pair of parameres present, bifurcate, sclerotized, external arm shorter than internal arm ( Fig. 31 ). Aedeagus short, subtriangular ( Fig. 31 ). Ejaculatory apodeme long, 4.5 times the length of the gonostylus ( Fig 31 ). Epandrium with posterior margin wider than anterior margin, wider than long ( Fig. 32 ); cercus pilose, subrectangular ( Figs. 30, 32 ). Hypropoct triangular ( Fig. 32 ). Material examined. Holotype 3, BRAZIL , Amazonas, Pitinga, R. dos Paturis, 0 2–04.VI.1998 , without name of collector ( MZFS ); 16 paratypes : 7 3, same locality and data as holotype ( INPA ), 1 3, Pará, N. [Novo] Repartimento, Vic. [Vicente] Bandeirante, Sítio Pedro Roqueta, 19. VIII.1998 , without name of collector ( MZFS ); 1 3, Amazonas, Manacapuru, Cajatuba Km 69/3 , 06.X.1998 , without name of collector ( MZFS ); 4 3, Amazonas, Pres. [Presidente] Figueiredo, Pitinga, 04.XII.1998 , R.Q., L.M.C. (sic.) leg. ( MZFS ); 2 3, state of Roraima, Pitinga, 13–15.XII.1997 , R.Q, R.N., P.E. (sic.) leg. ( MZFS ); 1 3, Amazonas, Pres.[Presidente] Figueredo, Pitinga, 15.XIII.1998, R.Q., L.M.C. (sic.) leg. ( MZFS ) Disribution. Known from Novo Repartimento in Pará, Brazil , Presidente Figueiredo and Manacapuru in Amazonas, Brazil , and Pitinga in Roraima, Brazil . Etymology. amazonensis based on the type locality. Comments. T. amazonensis is easily distinguished from the other species of Septemtrichomyia by its bifurcate parameres, and by the apical position of the row of rod-like setae on the posterior arms of the gonocoxite. These rods are situated on the lateral margins of the posterior gonocoxite arms in other species of the subgenus.