Revision Of The Plant Bug Genus Coridromius Signoret (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) Author Tatarnic, N. J. Author Cassis, G. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 2008-08-29 2008 315 1 95 journal article 0003-0090 5FC2E6AE-4F94-45E5-8AB2-8EFFFA21F50B Coridromius neoguineanus Carvalho Figures 5 , 6 , 14G–H , 15G–I , map 8 Coridromius neoguineanus Carvalho, 1987: 63 (n. sp.). DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the following combination of characters: body light tan with dark brown spots; right paramere clubshaped; posterior margin of the pygophore with a U-shaped groove to right of centre. The coloration and right paramere shape of this species immediately distinguish it from all others. REDESCRIPTION: COLORATION (figs. 5, 6): Light tan with yellow and dark brown markings. Head: Mostly light tan; frons without vittae; posterior margin of vertex and inner margins of eyes yellow; dark brown spot in middle of vertex; apex of clypeus dark brown, embrownment sometimes extending the length of clypeus, occasionally partway up frons; mandibular and maxillary plates, gena, and buccula light yellow; labrum dark brown; labium light yellow, brown apically. Antenna: AI yellow; AII yellow to light brown, with dark brown annulation; AIII and AIV dark brown. Thorax: Pronotal collar yellow; pronotum light tan with yellow medial stripe and posterior margin, two dark brown spots behind eyes and two more on disc; mesoscutum light tan; scutellum light tan with two dark brown spots, anterolateral corners and apex yellow; thoracic pleura light tan, posterior margins yellow; mesepisternum and metepimeron with darker brown markings. Hemelytra: Light tan, clavus generally darker; with transverse dark brown band arcing across hemelytra through apex of claval commissure, sometimes broken into separate dark brown markings; membrane pale, veins brown. Legs: Coxae yellow; pro- and mesofemora yellow with light orangebrown subapical marking; tibiae yellow; metafemur yellow with faint brown subapical band and 7–8 transverse stripes on outer side. Abdomen: Yellow with light orange-brown and dark brown markings. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (figs. 5, 6): Head and pronotum densely and finely punctate; scutellum weakly rugulose; propleuron, metepimeron, and hemelytra impunctate; head and dorsum sparsely clothed in short, simple, white setae. STRUCTURE (figs. 5, 6): Head: Frons weakly tumescent medially, nearly flat; posterior margin of head rounded, not carinate. Thorax: Pronotum broad, anterolateral angles weakly upturned and carinate, submarginal region of humeral angles weakly excavate, posterior margin weakly upturned, callar region undifferentiated; proepisternum unilobed; posterior margin of metepimeron truncate; metanotum not prominent and flared. Hemelytra: Costal margin thin and platelike, slightly rounded and flared over its entire length; cuneus impunctate. Legs: Metatibial spines short and thin. Abdomen: When viewed laterally, posterior margin of abdominal sternite II not sharply angular. MALE GENITALIA (figs. 14G–H, 15G–I): Right paramere boot-shaped (fig. 15H–I); left paramere stout and sickle-shaped (figs. 14G–H, 15G); posterior margin of pygophore simple, with single distinct groove slightly to right of center (fig. 14G–H). FEMALE PARAGENITALIA: No visible external paragenitalia. REMARKS: While the left paramere is similar in shape to that of many other species, the distinctive spotted coloration and unique boot-shaped right paramere set this species apart from others. HOST: Unknown. DISTRIBUTION: Known from Papua New Guinea and Western Papua , Indonesia (map 8). HOLOTYPE : Male : PAPUA NEW GUIN- EA: Western Highlands : Minj , 5.85 ° S 144.66666 ° E , 1700 m , 1959, T.C. Maa ( AMNH _ PBI 00042151 ) ( BPBM ). PARATYPES : INDONESIA : Papua : Guega, W. of Swart Valley, 3.6 ° S 138.41666 ° E , 1200 m , 15 Nov 1958 , J.L. Gressitt, 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00041463) ( BPBM ). OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: INDONE- SIA: Papua: Kulima, 4.41666 ° S 138.98333 ° E , 1400 m , 19–22 Feb 1960 , T.C. Maa, 6 adults , sex undetermined (AMNH_PBI 00185365) (USNM). PAPUA NEW GUINEA : Morobe : Wau, 7.3333 ° S 146.71667 ° E , 1200 m , 23 Jan 1978 , W.C. Gagne, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00041464), 53 (AMNH_PBI 00041465– AMNH_PBI 00041469) (BPBM).