Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) Author Makranczy, György text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2017 2017-06-19 63 2 143 262 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 12625425 671ADB82-5AA9-418A-BB5C-DB3B912D3BD2 Anotylus schuelkei sp. n. ( Figs 84 , 244–250 , 276 ) Typematerial Holotype (m): CHINA : Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture , Gaoligong Shan , “Cloud pass” 21 km NW Liuku , 25°58’21”N , 98°41’01”E , 3150 m , 2.IX.2009 , leg. M. Schülke (CH09-22), shrubs & bamboo, littersifted (coll. SchülkeinZMHB) ; Paratypes (285): samedataasholotype (24, coll. Schülke , 2, IZAS ); CHINA : Yunnan , NujiangLisu Auton. Prefecture , creekvalley 3 kmSEGongshan, 27°43’02”N , 98°41’27”E , 1450–1500 m , 5. VI .2007 , leg. D.W. Wrase (20) , litter/mosssifted (3, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , NujiangLisu Auton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , pass 21 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’22”N , 98°41’00”E , 3150 m , 9. VI .2007 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-26) , bamboowithshrubs, littersifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , creekvalley 20 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’49”N , 98°41’48”E , 3000 m , 9. VI .2007 , leg. D.W. Wrase (27) , bamboo, shrubs, litter sifted (11, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , creek valley 20 km NW Liuku , 25°58’49”N , 98°41’48”E , 3000 m , 9. VI .2007 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07- 27) , bamboo, shrubs, littersifted (13, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefec- ture, GaoligongShan , sidevalley 19 kmNWLiuku, 25°59’02”N , 98°42’23”E , 2730 m , 9-10. VI .2007 , leg. D.W. Wrase (28) , devastatedprimaryforest, littersifted (28, coll. Schülke , 1, SMNS , 1, CNCI , 1, SDEI , 1, FMNH , 1, ISNB , 1, MNHP , 1, NIBR , 1, BMNH , 1, NKME, 1, NMPC , 1, AMNH , 1, ZMUC , 1, coll. Assing , 1, coll. Kleeberg , 3 m , 1 f, 1, HNHM ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , sidevalley 19kmNWLiuku, 25°59’02”N , 98°42’23”E , 2730 m , 9. VI .2007 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-28) , devastatedprimaryforest, litter sifted (65, coll. Schülke ); samebut 10. VI .2007 ( CH 07-28a) (49, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , sidevalley 18 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’10”N , 98°42’27”E , 2590 m , 9-10. VI .2007 , leg. D.W. Wrase (29) , devastatedprimaryforest, litter sifted (6, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , “Cloud pass” 21 km NW Liuku , 25°58’21”N , 98°41’01”E , 3150 m , 2.IX.2009 , leg. D.W. Wrase (22a) , shrubs, Vaccinium , bamboo, littersifted (4, coll. Schülke , 6, MHNG ); Yunnan , Nujiang LisuAuton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , “Cloudpass” 21 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’21”N , 98°41’01”E , 3150 m , 3.IX.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-22a) , shrubsandbamboo, littersifted (10, coll. Schülke , 1, HNHM ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan , W “Cloud pass” 24 km NW Liuku , 25°59’02”N , 98°39’56.5”E , 2940 m , 3.IX.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-24) , small cleft, wet moss & litter sifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , Nujiang Lisu Auton. Prefecture , GaoligongShanEpass 20 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’49”N , 98°41’48”E , 3000 m , 3.IX.2009 , leg. D.W. Wrase (25) , creekvalleywithdevastatedprimaryforest, ferns, litter/ mosssifted (13, coll. Schülke , 2, IZAS , 7, NHMW ); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefec- ture, Gaoligong Shan E pass 20 km NW Liuku , 25°58’49”N , 98°41’48”E , 3000 m , 3.IX.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-25) , creekvalleywithdevastatedprimaryforest, litter & mosssifted (20, coll. Schülke). Description – Measurements (in mm, n=10): HW = 0.60 (0.57–0.62); TW = 0.60 (0.56– 0.63); PW = 0.79 (0.73–0.81); EW = 0.79 (0.72–0.84); AW = 0.94 (0.88–1.02); HL = 0.45 (0.43– 0.47); EL = 0.10 (0.10–0.11); TL = 0.18 (0.17–0.18); PL = 0.48 (0.46–0.50); SC = 0.33 (0.31–0.35); FB = 1.33 (1.27–1.35); BL = 2.98 (2.83–3.07). Habitus as in Fig. 84 . Forebody moderately shiningbecauseofconspicuouslightcolourationandloosesculpture, abdomenveryfinely microsculpturedwithsimilarmoderatelustre. Bodysomewhatyellowishlightbrown, abdominalbasesdarker, twoblackishspotsatthebasesofsupraantennalprominencesnear circularclypealimpressionandtwosimilarimpresseddarkpitsathindvertex. Headwith anteriormarginpossessingthinrim, somewhatunevenlyarched, anteriorclypealrimvery slightlyprojectinginmiddle, supraantennalprominencesasmoderatelyelevatedoblique ridges, discimpressedneareyes. Epistomalsutureformingsubcircularimpression (inside almostunsculptured), uppersurfacewithouttactilesetae, eyessmallandslightlybulging; indorsalviewtemples (1.8× lengthofeye) alatiform, laterallyroundedandposteriorly constrictedtoformdistinctneck, however, dorsalsidenotseparatedbyoccipitalfurrow, ratherbydorsumofneckbearingmicrosculptureinsteadofpunctation. Antennomere 1 flattenedclub-shapedandsmooth, segment 2 ovoid, segment 3 club-shaped, segment 4 smallandisodiametricalal, segments 5–11 withbasaldishes, articles 6–10 slightlytransverse (1.0–1.3× broaderthanlong). Headandpronotumwithmostlyfoveatesculpture. Pronotumwithlateralportionexplanate, edgewithafewshortsetae, lateralmarginalmostevenlyarched, hindmarginbeforecornersslightlyconcave; discmediallywithapair ofshinierparallellongitudinalridges, partlyimpressedalongside. Elytrawithinsignificantmembranousposteriormarginextendingfromsuturalcornerto 3/4 ofhindmargin. Elytralepipleuralridgepresentwithup-turnedlateralalatiformportions, discdepressed; shouldersweaklydeveloped, surfacefoveolate, inbetweenpuncturesrathersmooth, apicalmarginslightlyoblique. Legsshort, pro-andmesotibiawithseveralspinuloserows, metatibiawithlongitudinalctenidiumofspinulesindistalhalf. Abdomenwithsidesmoderatelyarcuate, secondsegmentwithparatergitesstronglybroadeningposteriorly (abdomenappearingconstrictedatbase), thoseofsegmentsIII–VIIthin, mesalparatergites broad; posterioredgeoftergiteVIIwiththinpalisadefringe, medianpartofsterniteVIIas inFig. 244 , sterniteVIII ( Fig. 245 ), tergitesIX ( Fig. 246 ), X ( Fig. 247 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 248–250 , spermathecaasinFig. 276 . Etymology – Thespeciesisnamedafterthecollectorofmostofthematerial, Michael Schülke ( Berlin ), aprivatecollectorwhosecollectionnowbelongstoZMHB. Distribution – KnownonlyfromasmallareainYunnanprovince ( China ). Remarks – Thepresenceofthisspeciessuggeststhatsimilarbrachypter- ousspeciesmayexistelsewhereinthemoremountainousareasofChina. Figs 244–250. Anotylus schuelkei sp. n. , male. 244 = median part of sternite VII, 245 = sternite VIII, 246 = tergite IX, 247 = tergite X, 248 = aedeagus, frontal view, 249 = median lobe, lateral view, 250 = paramere, lateral view. Scales: 0.10 mm for Figs 244, 248–250, 0.12 mm for Figs 245–247