Genera of Gymnodamaeidae (Acari: Oribatida: Plateremaeoidea) of Canada, with notes on some nomenclatorial problems Author Walter, David Evans text Zootaxa 2009 2206 23 44 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189740 8dc3930d-f5da-496f-a86f-f0da1543811a 1175-5326 189740 Adrodamaeus Paschoal, 1982 (p. 450 in Paschoal & Johnston, 1982 ) Type species Damaeus magnisetosus Ewing, 1909 Diagnosis: Gymnodamaeidae with ventral plate with anogenital bridge ( Fig. 12 ), but without lateral pits; genital plates with smooth median margin and bearing 7 pairs of setae, seta g 2 inserted posteriad g 1; 3 pairs of adanal setae. Tarsus, genu, and tibia of all legs with basal retrotecta that cup distal ends of previous segment ( Figs. 13–14 ); femur IV with 2 setae. Prodorsum with mound-like cerotegument between bothridia ( Figs. 9– 10 ), rostral ridges, and spherical pustules; sensillus ( bo ) with long stalk and narrow, barbed head ( Fig. 10 ); bothridial rim simple, bothridial ridge poorly developed; spine-like interlamellar setae ( in ) sessile or on short apophysis slightly anteriad bothridia, directed dorsally, not opposed to the small median prodorsal tubercle; exobothridial seta ( ex ) inserted slightly anteriad in ; prelamellar ridge poorly developed, without steep anterior margin; rostral seta ( ro ) inserted just posteriad lamellar seta; lamellar seta ( le ) inserted near ro , curved mediad; pedotectum II rounded distally. Notogaster low, rounded, with a short antero-median ridge, smooth outer margin except for pair of antero-lateral tubercles ( Fig. 10 arrow), 5 pairs of setae ( h 1-2, p 1-3); cerotegument with spherical pustules and a pattern of raised ridges and cells ( Fig. 9 ), posterior median nipple-like process absent; notogastral setae h 1-2 on short apophyses; sejugal tubercle vestigial, small triangular process at base of leg III.