A New Contribution to the Knowledge of the East Palaearctic Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
Riedel, Matthias
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Monontos kasparyani
figs 64
H o l o t y p e: (
)"[FarEastRussia] Tigrovij, Primorje, Kasparyan
" (
St. Petersburg
E t y m o l o g y: The species is named after D.R. KASPARYAN, a Russian entomologist who dedicated his extensive research mainly on the Palaearctic Ichneumonid fauna.
D e s c r i p t i o n:
: Body length
9.5 mm
. Flagellum bristle-shaped, with>21 flagellomeres (both tips broken off); 1
flagellomere 3.2× longer than wide, all present flagellomeres longer than wide; combined length of 1
and 2
flagellomeres 0.78× eye length. Temple distinctly and roundly narrowed behind eyes, dorsally 0.65x as long as eye. OED 1.1× ocellar diameter. Frons granulate and punctate. Face densely punctate, granulate, dull. Clypeus large, flat and slightly impressed centrally, with scattered punctures apically, shining; apical margin sharp, slightly concave medially. Gena with dense punctures ventrally. MI 0.8. Mandible apparently sickle-shaped, with long upper tooth, lower tooth very small and completely turned inwards. Genal carina complete, reaching hypostomal carina at mandibular base, low.
Mesosoma covered with greyish hairs. Notaulus impressed at frontal fifth of mesoscutum. Mesoscutum densely punctate and granulate, dull. Mesopleuron and metapleuron densely rugose-punctate; speculum partly smooth; juxtacoxal carina present. Scutellum distinctly and roundly elevated, 1.2× wider than long, densely punctate, with lateral carina in basal 0.4. Propodeum completely carinate. Area basalis with strong median tubercle. Area superomedia heart-shaped, 1.2x wider than long, smooth centrally; anteri- or transverse carina reaching its middle. Area petiolaris transversely rugose, with lateral carina. Hind coxa densely punctate, without scopa. Hind femur with dense punctures, 4.1× longer than wide. Hind tibia with three denticular spurs externally. Claws not pectinate. Areolet pentagonal, frontal distance between veins 2rs-m and 3rs-m 3× their width; vein 2m-cu slightly basad its middle. Vein 1cu-a interstitial.
Metasoma semi-amblypygous; hypopygium about as long as distance between its apical margin and metasoma apex. Postpetiolus moderately widened, without dorsal carina; lateral field with dense punctures, wide median field with micosculpture, shining, with scattered punctures. 2
tergite 1.3× wider than long. Gastrocoelus distinctly impressed, with ridges. Thyridium slightly oblique, c. 0.9× as wide as the interval. 2
to 4
tergites densely and finely rugose-punctate, ± dull, 2
tergite finely aciculate between gastrocoeli. Ovipositor sheath not extending behind metasomal apex.
Color: black. Stripes on flagellomeres 8-12, palps, spot on gena, narrow stripe on orbits (interrupted opposite lateral ocelli), collar and upper margin of pronotum, small spot on subtegular ridge and two confluent posterolateral spots on scutellum yellow. Metasoma blackish; 2
to 7
tergites with diffuse reddish hind margins. Coxae blackish; legs otherwise reddish-brown; hind femur in apical 0.4 and hind tibia in apical 0.25 diffusely infuscate; hind tarsus brown. Wings hyaline; pterostigma ochreous.
♁ unknown.
R e m a r k: The new taxon can be separated from other known members of
by the narrowed temple, rather large thyridium and characteristic color pattern. It resembles
M. niphonicus
, but differs by the yellow spots on gena and scutellum, yellow upper margin of pronotum and different coloration of its hind leg.