Reinstatement of species belonging Marphysa sanguinea complex (Annelida Eunicidae) and description of new species from the mid-Pacific Ocean and the Adriatic Sea
Molina-Acevedo, Isabel C.
Estructura y Función del Bentos, Depto. Sistemática y Ecología Acuática, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México. & South China Sea Repository and Reference Centre, Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Idris, Izwandy
South China Sea Repository and Reference Centre, Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia. & izwandy. idris @ umt. edu. my, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1516 - 8175
journal article
Marphysa californica
Moore, 1909
Figures 5
Table 1
Marphysa californica
Moore, 1909: 251–253
, Pls. 7–8, Figs. 13–20.—
Carrera-Parra 2009: 179
et al.
Fig. 1–3
(phylogenetic trees).—
et al
. 2014: 93
Marphysa sanguinea
Monro 1933: 69
Hartman 1944a: 127–128
, Pl. 8, Figs. 179–183.—1961: 84–85 (
Montagu, 1813
Material examined
. Type material:
CAS 020357
San Diego County
, 1902, coll.
E.C. Starks.
Additional material:
POLY 52710
1 specimen
Point Fermin
10 Apr 1911
0000 (
1 specimen
Bluff Cove
Redondo Beach
26 Oct 1935
incomplete, ventrally dissected, with 92 chaetigers, L10 =
15.6 mm
, W10 =
8.3 mm
TL =
86 mm
. Anterior region of the body with dorsum convex and flat ventrum; body depressed from chaetiger 11, widest at chaetiger 30, tapering after chaetiger 43.
Prostomium bilobed,
3.1 mm
5 mm
wide; lobes frontally rounded; median sulcus shallow anteriorly and deep ventrally (
Fig. 5
A–B). Prostomial appendages in a semicircle, median antenna isolated by a gap. Palps reaching first chaetiger; lateral antennae reaching middle of first chaetiger; median antenna reaching second chaetiger. Palpophores and ceratophores ring-shaped, short, thick; palpostyles and ceratostyles tapering, slender. Eyes ovate, brown, between palps, and lateral antennae.
Peristomium (
3.8 mm
9 mm
wide) larger and wider than prostomium; first ring two times longer than second ring, separation between rings distinct on all sides (
Fig. 5
A–C). Ventral lip with a slight central anterior depression and several shallow wrinkles (
Fig. 5B
Maxillary apparatus with MF = 1 + 1, 4 + 4, 5 + 0, 4 + 8, 1 + 1 (
Fig. 5D
). MI three times longer than length of maxillary carriers. MI forceps-like, MI 4.4 times longer than length of closing system; ligament between MI and
, strongly sclerotized.
with recurved triangular teeth;
4.5 times longer than length of cavity opening (
Fig. 5
D–E); ligament between
and MIII and right MIV sclerotized. MIII with triangular teeth; with irregular attachment lamella, situated only in center of right edge of the plate, sclerotized (
Fig. 5
D–E). Left MIV with three lateral teeth smaller than rest; attachment lamella semicircle, slender, better developed on right side, situated 2/3 of anterior edge of maxilla. Right MIV with three lateral teeth larger than rest; attachment lamella semicircle, wide, better developed in central side, situated 3/4 of anterior edge of maxilla, sclerotized (
Fig. 5
D–E). MV square, with a short, rounded tooth. Mandibles dark, becoming light amber toward the outer edge; with calcareous cutting plates present and sclerotized cutting plates brown (
Fig. 5F
). Number of growth rings not observed.
Pectinate branchiae with up to six long filaments, present from chaetigers 31L–34R to last chaetiger of the fragment (
Fig. 5
J–K). Two filaments in first chaetiger; reaching the maximum five or six filaments from chaetigers 58L to the last chaetiger of the fragment (
Fig. 9E
). Branchial filaments longer than dorsal cirri except in the first three branchiae.
First two parapodia smaller, best developed in chaetigers 5–32, following ones becoming gradually smaller. Dorsal cirri conical; longer than ventral cirri in anterior region, following ones of similar size; best developed in chaetigers 4–25, following ones gradually smaller (
Fig. 5
G–K). Prechaetal lobes short, as transverse folds in all chaetigers (
Fig. 5
G–K). Chaetal lobes in the first 46 chaetigers rectangular, shorter than postchaetal lobe, with aciculae emerging dorsal to midline; from chaetiger 47 triangular, longer than other lobes (
Fig. 5
G–K), with acicula emerging in midline. Postchaetal lobes well developed in the first 92 chaetigers; digitiform in the first three chaetigers, ovoid in chaetigers 4–10, rounded from chaetiger 11, progressively smaller from chaetiger 22; from chaetiger 93 inconspicuous (
Fig. 5
G–K). Ventral cirri digitiform in first 12 chaetigers; in chaetigers 13 to last part of the fragment with an oval swollen base and digitiform tip (
Fig. 5
Aciculae blunt, reddish along most of its length, amber on the distal tip (
Fig. 5
G–K). First 2 chaetigers with six aciculae; in chaetigers 3–9 with five; in chaetigers 10–54 with four; in chaetigers 55–61 with three; from chaetiger 62 with two aciculae.
Limbate chaetae of two lengths in same chaetiger: long and short, long blades are in dorsal position, short blades in ventral position; limbate chaetae reduced in number around chaetiger 28, and then maintained a similar number until the posterior end. Four
of pectinate chaetae; in anterior chaetigers, thin, isodont narrow, symmetric, with short, and slender teeth, 2–3 chaetae, up to 15 teeth (
Fig. 5L
). In median-posterior chaetigers, thin, isodont wide, symmetric, with short, and slender teeth, 8–9 chaetae, up to 26 teeth (
Fig. 5M
), and thick, isodont wide, symmetric, with long and thick teeth, 1–2 pectinate, and up to 18 teeth. In posterior chaetigers, thick, pectinate anodont, symmetric, wide with long and thick teeth, 1–2 chaetae, up to 18 teeth (
Fig. 5N
). Compound spinigers present throughout, in anterior chaetiger with blades of two lengths: shorter blades slightly more abundant than longer blades (
Fig. 5O
). Subacicular hook absent; in additional material LACM-AHF POLY 52710 (L10 =
13.5 mm
) subacicular hook unidentate, translucent; starting from chaetiger 204, present discontinuously in all chaetigers (
Fig. 5P
Material examined with L10 =
13.5–19 mm
, W10 =
6.5–10.3 mm
. All specimens incomplete. Palps reaching second peristomial ring or first chaetiger; lateral antennae reaching middle of first chaetiger; median antenna reaching second chaetiger. Maxillary formula is variable:
3–4 + 5, MIII 5, MIV 4 + 7–8. Branchiae from chaetigers 28–40. Maximum number of branchial filaments varied from four to eight and postchaetal lobes were conspicuous in first 41–92 chaetigers. Ventral cirri with a swollen base from chaetigers 13–14. Subacicular hook from chaetigers 204 or absent.
Marphysa californica
Moore, 1909
. A. Anterior end, dorsal view; B. Anterior end, ventral view; C. Anterior view, lateral view; D. Maxillary apparatus, dorsal view; E. Left MI-II-III-IV-V, lateral view; F. Mandible; G. Parapodium 3; H. Parapodium 6; I. Parapodium 12; J. Parapodium 86; K. Parapodium 212; L. Thin, isodont narrow, symmetric, with long and slender teeth, chaetiger 17; M. Thin, isodont wide, symmetric, with short and slender teeth, chaetiger 86; N. Thick, anodont wide, symmetric, with long and thick teeth, chaetiger 212; O. Compound spinigers, chaetiger 12; P. Subacicular hook, chaetiger 212. A–J, O from holotype CAS 020357; K, M–N, P from LACM-AHF POLY 52710. All chaetigers in anterior view; LMI-II: Ligament between MI and MII; LMII-III: Ligament between MII and MIII. Scale bars: A–C, 3.9 mm; D–E, 1.6 mm; F, 1.5 mm; G–K, 0.2 mm; L–M, N, P, 30 µm; O, 0.1 mm.
According to
Moore (1909)
was collected by Profesor E.C. Starks from San Diego Bays, in the sand-bar, within the intertidal zone.
Marphysa californica
, described by
Moore (1909)
from San Diego (
), it was later consider as a junior synonym of
M. sanguinea
Monro (1933)
. Based on the distance between the
localities of
M. sanguinea
M. californica
Carrera-Parra (2009)
suggested a review on
M. californica
to solve the validity of the species. Later, according to molecular evidence taken from the
et al
. (2010)
M. californica
as valid species and different from
M. sanguinea
, although they did not clarify its taxonomic status. Herein, after a morphological comparison between both
and additional materials, the following differences were found. In
M. californica
(L10 =
13.5–19 mm
) the branchiae start from chaetigers 28–40, the chaetal lobe is rectangular in anterior region, the ventral cirri with swollen base start from chaetigers 13–14, there are two
of isodont pectinate chaetae in median-posterior region, and the subacicular hook is translucent. In
M. sanguinea
(L10 =
11.5–20.4 mm
) the branchiae start from chaetigers 21–25, the chaetal lobe is rounded in anterior region, the ventral cirri with swollen base start from chaetigers 5–8, there is only one
of isodont pectinate chaetae in posterior region, and the subacicular hook is reddish. Because of the above and the molecular evidence presented by
et al
. (2010)
M. californica
should be considered as a valid species.
Marphysa californica
M. acicularum
M. baileybrockae
n. sp.
M. brasiliensis
M. bulla
(Yellow Sea,
M. maxidenticulata
(Yellow Sea,
), and
M. parishii
by having branchiae pectinate with long branchial filaments, the absence of the subacicular limbate chaetae, and the subacicular hook translucent. However,
M. californica
has eyes, in contrast of
M. bulla
M. maxidenticulata
in which lack eyes. Moreover,
M. californica
has conical dorsal cirri in all chaetigers, whereas in
M. acicularum
, the dorsal cirri are conical with a broad base.
Marphysa californica
has the prechaetal lobe as a transversal fold in anterior region, instaed of
M. acicularum
M. baileybrockae
n. sp.
in which the prechaetal lobe has dorsal edge longer than ventral in the same region. In addition,
M. californica
has the chaetal lobe rectangular in first chaetigers, whereas in
M. acicularum
M. baileybrockae
n. sp.
M. brasiliensis
M. bulla
M. maxidenticulata
, and
M. parishii
, the chaetal lobe is rounded in first chaetigers. Also,
M. californica
and additional material, L10 =
13.5–19 mm
) has the postchaetal lobe developed up to chaetigers 41–92, different from
M. brasiliensis
(L10 =
17 mm
) and
M. parishii
(L10 =
12.2 mm
), in which the postchaetal lobe is developed in more than 200 chaetigers. Finally, in
M. californica
the ventral cirri with swollen base start from chaetigers 13–14, whereas in
M. acicularum
M. brasiliensis
, start from chaetigers 3–5. The comparison of
M. californica
with related species is provided in
Table 1