evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae Author Lumen, Ryan Author Kamdńskd, Marcdn J. text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2024 201 201 358 386 journal article 301504 10.1093/zooldnnean/zlad146 5e66aeaf-44c5-4be9-924d-cc13680ace6a 0024-4082 13315269 3. Eurynotus barbosai Koch ( Figs 3D , 7A , 8J ) Eurynotus ( Eurynotus ) barbosai Koch 1954a: 284 .– Koch 1956: 27; Kamiński 2016: 236. Diagnosis: Eurynotus barbosai is most similar to E. thermarum and E. graniderma .All three species are differentiable from other congeners by size as they are the smallest (length 8–10 mm ; width 4.75–7.5 mm ) group within Eurynotus . Additionally, these species (along with E. capensis ) possess distinct modifications to the male mid - and/or hindlegs (small setose excavations on the tibiae). Eurynotus barbosai is sharply separable from the most similar species ( E. thermarum and E.graniderma ) by the cuticular surface (shining and relatively smooth in E. barbosai versus dull and microtuberculated in the other two) and with additional micropunctation in the inter - stices between punctures ( E. thermarum and E. graniderma instead with microtuberculation, or without additional specific intersti - tial structures, respectively). Additionally, while all three species are localized around north–north -eastern South Africa, Eurynotus barbosai is, as of this revision, the only species with a distribution east of Eswatini and into Mozambique. Redescription: Length 9–10mm 5–5.5 mm . Head: Punctures sep - arated by ≥1 puncture diameter. Mentum without apical notch. Eye with deeply impressed sulcus around margin. Prothorax: Pronotum smooth, shiny, and finely punctate; larger punctures sep - arated by ≥1 puncture diameter with micropunctures in interstices. Hypomeron shallowly and coarsely punctate; lightly sculptured/ wrinkled. Pterothorax: Elytral interval X terminating between hind coxae and elytra apex. Epipleuron wider than width of elytral intervals 9 + 10. Elytral intervals obscured by epipleuron in ventral view.Dorsally shining and without microtuberculation. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdominal ventrite V finely punctate, punctures separ - ated by ≥1 puncture diameter without larger, setigerous punctures intermixed and without micropunctation. Females without me - dian apical notch. Legs: Male mid - and hindlegs with setose patch or groove on tibiae. Female legs unmodified. Tarsi with golden setae. Males: pro/meso tarsi expanded with large, ventral, tomen - tose pads. Male terminalia: Parameres broad and parallel, truncate at apex with small divot made by medially inflexed parameres. Female terminalia: Bursa copulatrix sac -like and without sclerites, spermatheca thick and coiled, accessory gland and accessory pouch present. Material examined: Holotype (TMNH): ‘Lour, Marques Jan. Rev. H.A, Junod; 3864; Eurynotus sp ign.; Holotype No: 1849 Eurynotus barbosai KOCH’. Additional Material: TMNH: ‘ Marracuene’ , ‘SOUTH AFRICA, NATAL Ndumu Game Reserve 26.54S 32.15E , 05–07.xi.1984. R . Oberprieler’ . Distribution: Mozambique and South Africa (Fig. 10).