(Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha, Coccomorpha) with particular reference to species from the Afrotropical, western Palaearctic and western Oriental Regions, with the revival of Antecerococcus Green and description of a new genus and fifteen new species, and with ten new synonomies Author Chris J. Hodgson Author Douglas J. Williams text Zootaxa 2016 4091 1 1 175 journal article 51608 10.11646/zootaxa.4091.1.1 bdd057d5-b4d6-4b57-940a-d7839f483e25 1175-5326 265332 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:76D13D36-682E-4E91-AC91-693CA9D3D465 Cerococcus artemisiae (Cockerell) Lecaniodiaspis artemisiae Cockerell 1897: 514 Solenophora coloradensis Cockerell 1898a: 262 . Synonymy by Lambdin & Kosztarab 1977: 2. Solenococcus coloradensis ; Cockerell, 1899: 392. Change of combination. Solenococcus artemisiae ; Hunter 1899: 76. Change of combination. Solenophora artemisiae ; Cockerell 1900: 368. Change of combination Cerococcus coloradensis ; Green 1917: 80. Change of combination. Cerococcus artemisiae ; Ferris 1955: 31. Change of combination. Type details. Solenococcuss artemisiae , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , New Mexico , Embudo, on Artemisia sp., 25.ix.1897 , T.D.A. Cockerell. Depository: USNM : Lectotype adf (designated by Lambdin & Kosztarab 1977: 60–64) + 3/5 paralectotype adff + 1 slide with a first-instar nymph. Type details. Solenophora coloradensis , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , Colorado, Cañon City, on Atriplex canescens , E. Bethel. Depository : USNM : Lectotype here designated, 1/1adf, also 3/11 paralectotype adff, 1/6 first-instar nymphs + 1/1 second-instar nymph. Material studied. C. artemisiae : lectotype and paralectotype ff: MEXICO , Embudo, on Artemisia sp. ( Asteraceae ), no date, T.D.A. Cockerell (USNM): 2/2adff (g). Cerococcus coloradensis , lectotype , Canon City, on Atriplex canescens (Amaranthaceae) , no date, E. Bethal (USNM): 1/1ad f (g) Comment. The material seen here agreed well with the description in Lambdin and Kosztarab (1977) apart from: (i) the dorsal 8-shaped pores did not appear to be in two distinct sizes, rather they appear to be variable in size although the larger pores did tend to be near the stigmatic pore bands and the cribriform plates as suggested by Lambdin and Kosztarab; (ii) no minute sclerotized leg stubs could be detected, and (iii) occasionally there are one or two multilocular disc-pores on each side of abdominal segment VII, and so the anterior band Lambdin and Kosztarab illustrate is on segment II; there are also 0–2 multilocular disc-pores submarginally on the metathorax. The adult female of C. artemisiae is characterised by the following combination of character-states: (i) 8- shaped pores on dorsum not in a reticulate pattern but fairly randomly distributed; (ii) 8-shaped pores on dorsum of one or two sizes, both quite small; (iii) apex of each stigmatic pore band with one to three 8-shaped pores; (iv) cribriform plates fused into submedial groups of two–four on each side of abdominal segment IV; (v) tubular ducts of two sizes present, broadest medially on posterior abdominal segments, narrower ducts abundant elsewhere; (vi) multilocular disc-pores present in narrow bands 1-pore wide across abdominal segments II–VI and on metathorax; occasionally with one or two submarginally on VII; (vii) stigmatic pore bands bifurcated; (viii) stigmatic pore bands with few spiracular disc-pores, and (ix) small leg stubs perhaps sometimes present. In the key to adult females of Cerococcus , C. artemisiae keys out close to C. andinus from Argentina and C. parrotti from North America .