Two new species of the genus Baculentulus from the Russian Far East (Protura: Acerentomidae, Berberentulinae) Author Shrubovych, Julia text Zootaxa 2010 2619 39 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.198027 9052c876-af5e-4c8f-8d33-99709fe0dfdf 1175-5326 198027 Baculentulus potapovi sp. nov. Figs. 18–37 , Table 2 Material examined. Holotype female (slide 21.5), soil near Skvoznaya cave, 43°01'N 133°00'E , Chondalaz Range, between Nakhodka and Partizansk, Partizansky area, 26. IX. 2004 , coll. R. J. Pomorski. Eleven paratypes : four females, three males and two praeimagoes (slides 6605, 6606, 21.2–21.4), together with the holotype ; one female (slide 21.8), detritus without gravel near Sukhodol river, 43°10'N 132°46'E , Anisimovka, Livadiysky Range, Shkotovsky area, Primorski Kray, Russia , 21. IX. 2004 , coll. R. J. Pomorski; one female (slide 21.9), soil near source of stream with mosses, 43°06'N 131°32'E , deciduous forest, Kiedrovaya Pad’, Barabash, Khasansky area, Primorski Kray, Russia , 29. IX. 2004 , coll. R. J. Pomorski. The holotype (slide 21.5) and paratypes (slides 21.2, 21.8, 21.9) are deposited in the collection of SMNH . Paratypes (slides 21.3 and 21.4) are deposited in the collection of M. Potapov. Paratypes (slides 6605 and 6606) are deposited in the collection of ISEA . All specimens are mounted as microscopic slides in the medium of Faure ( Dunger & Fiedler 1989 ). Description. Head setae short, anteropseudocular ( ap ), postpseudocular ( pp ) setae present, additional seta absent ( Fig. 18 ); setae pp and ls sensilliform, seta pp twice the length of seta ls ( Fig. 19 ). Pseudoculus round, with short, indistinct posterior extension, PR 13–16 ( Fig. 19 ). Canal of maxillary gland smooth, calyx small, posterior filament short with weakly visible widening in central part, CF 7.0–9.6 ( Fig. 21 ). Maxillary palps with parallel-sided sensilla of equal length ( Fig. 20 A). Labial palps with three setae and short lanceolate sensillum ( Fig. 20 B). Labium with weakly serrated inner margin. Foretarsus lacking sensillum b’ ; sensillum t1 baculiform; t2 long and thin, t3 short and lanceolate ( Figs. 24, 25 ). Sensillum a surpassing base of sensillum c . Bases of sensilla b, c and d on the same level; d very close to c, their apices reaching base of α 5 . Sensillum b longer than c and d, reaching base of γ 4 . Sensilla e and f long, f slightly nearer to e than to g . Sensillum e reaching base of claw; apices of f and g surpassing base of claw. Sensillum a’ broad, short, slightly distal to sensillum t1 , reaching to level of δ 3 base. Sensillum c’ reaching base of claw. Setae β 1 and δ 4 sensilliform, shorter than other δ-setae. Claw without inner flap. Empodial appendage short. Relative lengths of sensilla: t3 < t1 < a ’ <(c’ = g ) < a < f <d < c < t2 <e < b . BS 0.5, TR 3.4–4.1, EU 0.1. Pores present on exterior part of foretarsi near base of sensilla a and t3 . FIGURES 18–25. Baculentulus potapovi sp. nov . 18—head; 19—pseudoculus; 20—maxillary palp (A) and labial palp (B); 21—canal of maxillary gland; 22—pronotum and mesonotum; 23—mesosternum (arrows show setae A2 and A4 ); 24—foretarsus, exterior view; 25—foretarsus, interior view. Arrows show pores. Figs. 20, 21, 24, 25, paratype 21.2a; others, holotype. Scale bars: 20 µm. FIGURES 26–37. Baculentulus potapovi sp. nov . 26—tergite I, right side; 27—tergites VI and VII, right side; 28— tergite VIII; 29—tergite XII; 30—abdominal leg II; 31—comb of tergite VIII; 32—sternite I; 33—sternites VI and VII; 34—sternite VIII; 35—female squama genitalis; 36—praeimago squama genitalis (arrows show additional setae); 37— male squama genitalis (arrows show additional setae). Arrows show pores. Figs. 30, 37, paratype 21.5a; Fig. 31, paratype 6605; Fig. 36, paratype 21.2b; others, holotype. Scale bars: 20 µm. Chaetotaxy formula as in Table 2 . Setae on nota strongly differentiated ( Fig. 22 ). Pronotal seta 1 twice the length of seta 2. Seta M on meso- and metanotum short (seta P1 about twice length of M ). Accessory setae P1a and P2a on meso- and metanotum, and P5 on mesonotum sensilliform; P5 on metanotum rudimentary; P3a and P4 setiform. Mesonotum with pores al and sl, metanotum with pore sl only. Prosternum with seta A2 ; meso- and metasternum with 7 anterior setae, seta A1 absent. Setae M2 and A2 on prosternum, A2 and A4 on meso- and metasternum sensilliform, seta A4 slightly thicker than other sensilliform setae ( Fig. 23 ). Pro-, meso- and metasternum without pores. TABLE 2. Chaetotaxy of Baculentulus potapovi sp. nov. Dorsal Ventral Abdominal tergites I–V and VII with three pairs of anterior setae, tergite VI with four pairs ( Figs. 26, 27, 32, 33 ). Seta P3 on tergites II–VI anterior to other P -row setae; on tergites I and VII P3 level with other P -row setae. Accessory setae on tergites and sternites I–VII short, sensilliform and of equal length. Tergites I–VII with seta P1a (one of 10 specimens with asymmetrical absence of P1a on tergite VII), lacking seta P3a . Pores psm situated slightly anterior to and between P1a and P2 on tergites I–VIII; pore psl on tergites VI and VII, and pore al on II–VII situated anterior to and between A4 and A5 . Membrane between tergites and sternites IV and VII with single amb pore, and between V and VI with double amb pores ( Fig. 33 ). Sternites V and VI with a pair of pores close to P1 , sternite VII with single asymmetrically situated pore close to P1 ( Fig. 33 ). Legs with 4, 2, 2 setae. Subapical seta of II and III legs about half the length of apical seta ( Fig. 30 ). Abdominal segment VIII with striate band reduced to three serrate lines, striae indistinct ( Figs. 28, 34 ). Tergite and sternite without granulation. Comb VIII composed of 9–11 short teeth ( Fig. 31 ). Lateral and posterior margins of tergites and sternites VIII–X smooth. Hind margin of tergite XI with weak medial serration ( Fig. 29 ). Dorsal lobe of telson with single median pore on serrate line, ventral lobe with 1+1 anterolateral pores. Posterior margins of dorsal and ventral lobes smooth.
Setae Formula Setae Formula
Th. I 1,2 4 A1, 2, M1, 2 P1, 2, 3 4+4 6
Th. II–III A2, 4, M P1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4, 5 4+2 16 Ac, 2, 3, 4, M P1, 3 7+2 4
Abd. I A1, 2, 5 P1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 4 6 12 Ac, 2 P1, 1a 3 4
Abd. II–III A1, 2, 5 P1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a, 5 6 16 Ac, 2 Pc, 1a, 2 3 5
Abd. IV–V A1, 2, 5 P1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a, 5 6 16 Ac, 2 P1, 1a, 2, 3 3 8
Abd. VI A1, 2, 4, 5 P1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a, 5 8 16 Ac, 2 P1, 1a, 2, 3 3 8
Abd. VII A2, 4, 5 P1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a, 5 6 16 Ac, 2 P1, 1a, 2, 3 3 8
Abd. VIII A1, 4, 5 M1, P1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 5 6 16 1, 2 4 0
Abd. IX 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4 14 1, 2 4
Abd. X 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 4 12 1, 2 4
Abd. XI 1, 3, 4 6 6
Telson 9 6
Female squama genitalis elongated, acrostyli stout, pointed ( Fig. 35 ). Male squama genitalis with 8+8 setae, including 1+1 additional slender, sensilliform setae ( Fig. 37 ). Praeimago squama genitalis less developed than in the imago, additional setae present ( Fig. 36 ). Body measurements (n = 10) (in μm): total length 720–1100, head 98–117, pseudoculus 7–8, posterior part of maxillary gland 12–16, pronotal seta 1 18–21 , pronotal seta 2 9–10 ; mesonotal seta P 1 11–15, mesonotal seta P 2 19–25, mesonotal seta M 7–8, foretarsus 77–86, claw 21–25, empodial appendage 2–3. Etymology. Baculentulus potapovi is named for my colleague Dr. Mikhail Potapov, who accompanied Pomorski on the expedition that collected these specimens.