Two New Species Of The Aenictus Pachycerus Species Group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Aenictinae) From Southeast Asia Author Jaitrong, Weeyawat Thailand Natural History Museum, National Science Museum, Technopolis Khlong 5, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani, 12120 Thailand Author Wiwatwitaya, Decha Department of Forest Biology, Faculty of Foresty, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900 Thailand text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2013 2013-02-28 61 1 97 102 journal article 55751 10.5281/zenodo.4509303 00e75800-0902-42f5-a9e8-45532ccc8acb 2345-7600 4509303 FAAB4704-9E2C-438C-BA06-B4FAFC6E8CB5 Aenictus sulawesiensis , new species ( Fig. 2 A–C) Material examined . Holotype worker from Indonesia , S. Sulawesi , Barru , Taneterilau , Lipukasi , Forest Complex Coppo ( 4°30'S , 119°37'E ), 8 Jan.2011 , coll. Sk. Yamane , CE11-SKY-21 ( MZB ). Sixty-seven paratype workers , same data as holotype ( AMK , BMNH , MCZC , MHNG , MZB , SKYC , THNHM ). Measurements . — Holotype : TL 3.25 mm ; HL 0.76 mm ; HW 0.65 mm ; SL 0.63 mm ; ML 1.05 mm ; PL 0.29 mm , CI 85; SI 96. Paratypes (n = 9): TL 3.25–3.30 mm ; HL 0.75–0.78 mm ; HW 0.63–0.65 mm ; SL 0.60–0.63 mm ; ML 1.04–1.06 mm ; PL 0.28–0.30 mm , CI 82–85; SI 96–98. Worker description . — Head in full-face view elliptical, distinctly longer than broad, with feebly convex sides; posterior margin convex; occipital margin bearing a narrow collar. Antennal scape relatively short, extending beyond 2/3 of head length, but not reaching posterolateral corner of head; antennal segment II slightly shorter than broad; III–VII each almost as long as broad; terminal segment almost as long as VII+VIII+IX. Frontal carinae well developed, fused at the level of antennal base to form a single carina, extending less than half length of head; posterior half of frontal carina very poorly developed, with head in profile roundly concave. Parafrontal ridge well developed, reaching 1/3 of head length ( 0.30 mm ); seen in profile, its anteriormost part well developed and subtriangular, and posterior part feebly convex. Masticatory margin of mandible with large apical tooth followed by a medium-sized subapical tooth and 5–6 denticles; basal margin lacking denticles. Mesosoma elongate and stout; promesonotum seen in profile slightly convex dorsally, sloping gradually to metanotal groove; mesopleuron not clearly demarcated from metapleuron; metanotal groove indistinct; propodeum in profile lower than promesonotum, nearly straight dorsally; propodeal junction angulate; declivity of propodeum shallowly concave, encircled with a rim. Petiole subsessile, almost as long as high, its node short and elevated posteriorly; subpetiolar process weakly developed or almost absent, its ventral margin feebly convex. Postpetiole almost as long as petiole, dorsally convex. Dorsum of head punctate; lateral face with weaker punctation (reticulate with smooth and shiny bottoms) than dorsum and partly smooth and shiny or superficially reticulate with smooth interspaces. Antennal scape microreticulate. Mandible entirely micropunctate except for apical tooth and along masticatory margin. Greater part of pronotum superficially sculptured or smooth and shiny. Petiole entirely punctate and opaque; postpetiole entirely punctate except small area on dorsum shiny. First gastral tergite and sternite smooth and shiny except for the basalmost part with dense punctures. Basal half of femora microreticulate, but apical half superficially macroreticulate, smooth and shiny, partly superficially shagreened with smooth and shiny interspaces. Tibiae microreticulate, somewhat shiny. Head and mesosoma dorsally with dense standing hairs; longest pronotal hair 0.23–0.25 mm long. Dorsum of head, mandible and mesosoma dark brown; legs, waist, and gaster dark reddish brown to reddish brown; antennal scape dark brown except for apicalmost portion reddish brown; all funicular segments reddish brown. Typhlatta spot absent. Etymology . — The specific name is derived from name of the type locality, Sulawesi Island of Indonesia . Fig. 2. Aenictus sulawesiensis , new species (holotype, CE11-SKY- 21): A, head in full-face view; B, head in profile; C, mesosoma and waist in profile; D, body in dorsal view. Colour pictures (A–C) are available in Distribution . Sulawesi ( Fig. 3 ). Table 1. List of the worker-based names of Southeast Asian Aenictus pachycerus group and their distribution. Type localities are marked with *.
Species Distribution
1. Aenictus bobaiensis Zhou & Chen, 1999 S. China (Guangxi*, Hainan, and Hong Kong) and Vietnam
2. Aenictus carolianus Zettel & Sorger, 2010 Philippines (Cantipla* and Luzon)
3. Aenictus dentatus Forel, 1911 Malay Peninsula (Southern part of Thailand and Malaysia*), Sumatra, Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, and Kalimantan), and Java
4. Aenictus kutai , new species Borneo (E. Kalimantan*)
5. Aenictus levior (Karavaivev, 1926) Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei), Malay Peninsula (Malaysia), and Buru Island*)
6. Aenictus nesiotis Wheeler & Chapman, 1930 Philippines (Negros*, Luzon and Palawan), Sulawesi, and Australia
7. Aenictus paradentatus Jaitrong & Yamane, 2012 Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand*
8. Aenictus powersi Wheeler & Chapman, 1930 Philippines (Negros*)
9. Aenictus reyesi Chapman, 1963 Philippines (Negros*)
10. Aenictus sulawesiensis , new species Sulawesi*
11. Aenictus sp. 84 of WJT' Java
Notes . — So far A. sulawesiensis has been known only from the type locality. This species is very similar to A. kutai (see under A. kutai ).