Stolonochloa, a new Australian genus segregated from Panicum (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae: Boivinellinae) based on phenetic analysis of morphological data Author Thompson, Edward John text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-10-13 568 2 99 148 journal article 165034 10.11646/phytotaxa.568.2.1 4d791cf1-3b5b-4f5f-b07f-3bb277298706 1179-3163 7192827 2. Stolonochloa lachnophylla (Benth.) E.J.Thomps ., comb. nov . Basionym :— Panicum lachnophyllum Bentham (1878: 486) . Type :—[ Australia , Queensland ]. Moreton Bay , C . Stuart s.n. (holo: K000674389; iso: BRI AQ0319820 (spikelet)) . Panicum lachnophyllum Bentham var. tropicum Domin (1915: 314) . Type :— Queensland , near Yungaburra , Domin II . 1910 (holo: PR ) . Culms to 15 cm tall. Leaves 30–100 mm long, 3–7 mm wide, predominantly 70 mm x 5 mm ; abaxial surface of blade sparsely to densely pubescent with hairs c. 0.2 mm long. Leaf sheath hispid with hairs 0.2 mm long. Ligule 0.1–0.3 mm long. Inflorescence axes 10–40 mm long, glabrous or with hairs to 0.5 mm long; branches appressed to main axis, usually without pulvini in axils. Pedicels, 0.2–2.0 mm long. Spikelets 1.9–2.4 mm long. Lower glume 0.5–1.3 mm long, apex acute. Anthers 0.8–0.9 mm long. Illustrations: —T.D. Stanley & E.M. Ross, Flora of South-eastern Queensland Vol. 3 198 Fig. 31E (1989). Wheeler et al. 1982: 220, Fig. 35b), Jacobs & Wall (1993: 484) Additional specimens examined:— Queensland : Lamington National Park , 25 March 2015 , Forster & Leiper PIF42156 (BRI AQ0838240) ; Wongabel , 16 February 1996 , Forster & Ryan PIF 18627 (BRI AQ602813) ; Tablelands , 5 Mar. 2003 , Jago et al. 6403 (BRI AQ0774891) ; Gadgarra , 29 March 1961 , Hyland 1831 (BRI AQ0730930) ; Moreton Bay , 2 May 1937 , Blake 12945 (BRI AQ0268287) ; Mt Mee , 14 March 1976 , Simon 2941 (BRI AQ0268288) ; Mt. Mee , 02 May 1937 , Blake 12945 (BRI AQ0268287) ; Kenilworth , 19 February 1939 , Blake 13950 (BRI AQ0268276) ; Tablelands , 8 January 2004 , McDonald et al. KRM1691 (BRI AQ0579142) ; Christmas Creek , 14 January 1938 , Goy & Smith 88 (BRI AQ0268282) ; Levers Plateau , 6 April 1972 , Henderson H 1295 (BRI AQ 0346145) ; New South Wales : Tooloom Range , 17 April 1953 , Vickery NSW23717 (BRI AQ0268290) . Distribution and habitat :—East coast of Australia in two disjunct strips from 16–18 O and 24–33 O S latitude usually in wet forest adjacent to or in rainforest on soils derived from basalt ( Fig. 27 ). Phenology :—All year but mostly January to May. Conservation status :— Stolonochloa lachnophylla has been recorded for National Parks in Queensland including Conondale, Gadgarra, Lamington, Mebbin, Melany, Tully Falls and Wollumbin; and New South Wales including Border Ranges, Coorabakh, Gumbaynggirr, Mebbin, Richmond Range, Royal and Washpool, Whian Whian and Wollumbin.