Additions and corrections to the Catalogue of the Scathophagidae (Diptera) of the Palaearctic Region Author Šifner, František Author Šifner text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2009 2009-06-30 49 1 293 295 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5319133 0374-1036 5319133 Jezekia kmenti Šifner, 2009 Jezekia kmenti Šifner, 2009: 288 . HOLOTYPE : J, Czech Republic : Brdy Mts. , Tok Mt. ( 49°41′47″N 13°52′38″E ), about 830 m a.s.l. , Malaise trap , 12.v.2005 , Liška leg. (NMPC). Distribution. Czech Republic ( ŠIFNER 2009: 288 ). P. 157: Coniosternum Becker, 1894 The correct relevant pages mentioned in the Note are STROBL (1898: 254, 1909: 182). P. 158: Coniosternum jezeki Šifner, 1981 Coniosternum jezeki Šifner, 1981: 98 . HOLOTYPE : J, E. Iran , Deh Bakri , Locality No. 186, 1700–1750 m a.s.l. , 30.iv.–3.v.1973 , Exp. Mus. leg., Cat. No. 32 744 (NMPC). Distribution. Iran ( ŠIFNER 1981: 98 ); United Arab Emirates ( DEEMING 2009: 768 ). P. 167: Scathophaga mellipes (Coquillett, 1899) Scathophaga eoa Ozerov,2007b: 2 , syn. nov. HOLOTYPE : J, Russia :‘ Primorskii krai:environs of Lazo ( 43.380674 N , 133.895190 E ), 21.IX 1987 ( A.L. Ozerov )’ (ZMUM: registration number Di-0248). Note. According to the original description, Scathophaga eoa fully agrees with S. mellipes . The synonymy has also been confirmed by A. L. Ozerov (pers. comm.). I therefore formally establish the synonymy here. Distribution. China ( FENG & FAN 2001: 190 ); Japan ( FUKUHARA & KARAHASHI 1966a: 247 ); Russia – Far East ( OZEROV 2007b: 2 ). P. 184: HENDEL F. 1930b: Correct volume and pagination is 21A(18) : 1–12. P. 188: STROBL G. 1898: Correct volume and pagination is 34 : 192–298. P. 188: STROBL G. 1900: Correct name of the journal is Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bosnien und Herzegovina Sarajevo . P. 188: Missing reference: STROBL G. 1909: Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag. Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Steiermark 46 : 45–293. P. 189: Incomplete reference: ŠIFNER F. 1981: Les résultats de l’expédition entomologique Tchécoslovaque-iranienne à l’Iran en 1973. Diptera : Scatophagidae (Avec la description d’une espèce nouvelle du genre Coniosternum d’Albanie et avec le tableau analytique des espèces du genre Coniosternum Becker, 1894 paléarctiques). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 40 : 95–104.