Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India Author Dollfuss, H. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2013 2013-07-31 45 1 383 564 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5341134 0253-116X 5341134 Ammophila mitlaensis ALFIERI ( Figs 58 , 92 , 151 , 247 , 302 , 434 , 501 , 557 , 604 ) Ammophila mitlaensis ALFIERI 1961: 139 , , Holotype : , Egypt : Sinai : Wadi Mitla (USNM), examined. M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: 1♀ , Holotype ( USNM ); Israel : Zin Wilderness Nakhall Zin at En Akrabim ( 1♀ OÖLM , 13 coll. Schmid-Egger ), Arana valley Iddan wadi 30°48.93’N 35°16.79’E (13 OÖLM , 2♀♀ , 333 coll. Schmid-Egger ). R e c o g n i t i o n Ammophila mitlaensis has the gastral apex black without metallic shine, the supra-antennal lamellate projection absent and the episternal sulcus extending to the anteroventral margin of the pleuron. Additionally, the mesothoracic venter is not prominent anteriorly, the arolia are well developed and the claws without basal tooth. The female of A. mitlaensis differs from A. brevipennis in having the clypeal free margin with a distinct median lobe laterally delimited by teeth and whitish erect setae ( A. brevipennis has the free margin of the clypeus rounded, without median lobe and black erect setae). Both sexes of A. mitlaensis differs from A. modesta in having a red petiole ( A. modesta has a black petiole). The female of A. assimilis differs from A. mitlaensis in having a black petiole and a scutum shiny, punctate and laterally transversely striate. The male of A. altigena differs from A. mitlaensis in having a black petiole, the mesopleuron without distinct appressed silvery setae and terga I and II dorsally without a black stripe. The male of A. assimilis differs from A. mitlaensis in having a black petiole and a scutum shiny and transversely striate. D e s c r i p t i o n: Gastral apex black, without metallic shine, supra-antennal lamellate projection absent, episternal sulcus extending to anteroventral margin of pleuron, mesothoracic venter not prominent anteriorly, arolia well developed and claws without basal tooth. : (13) 17-18 mm . Black, with following red: petiole, tergum I, gastral segment II, and basal half of segment III; in some specimens these all dorsally black. Clypeus (except ventral one third), frons, pronotal lobe, mesopleuron along mesopleural suture and propodeum posterolaterally covered with appressed silvery setae; erect setae silverywhite. Clypeus slightly elongate, median lobe laterally delimited by distinct tooth ( Fig. 58 ), disk convex ( Fig. 92 ). Pronotal collar ( Fig. 151 ) dorsally sparsely punctate, pronotum laterally transversely striate, scutum transversely striate and punctate. Anterior half of scutellum shiny and punctate, posterior half longitudinally striate, in some specimens scutellum all longitudinally striate. Propodeal enclosure along midline reticulate, covered with erect setae, laterally obliquely ridged and glabrous. Mesopleuron and metapleuron punctato-rugose, metapleuron without appressed silvery setae. Flagellomere I: II=1.5-1.6; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+0.75×II to I+II. 3 (hitherto unknown): 13-15 mm . Black, with following red: petiole, tergum I, gastral segment II (both with black stripe dorsally) and basal half of segment III. Clypeus, frons, pronotal lobe, mesopleuron, propodeum posterolaterally and coxa dorsally covered with appressed silvery setae; erect setae white. Clypeus elongate and emarginate ( Fig. 247 ), disk flat. Vertex nearly impunctate, dull, pronotal collar dull, scutum dull and distinctly but finely transversely striate, scutellum on anterior one-third smooth, on posterior twothirds longitudinally striate. Mesopleuron, metapleuron and propodeum laterally punctato-rugose. Propodeal enclosure along midline irregularly rugose and covered with erect setae, laterally with small stripe transversely striate and glabrous. Pronotal collar laterally: Fig. 302 . Gonostyle laterally: Fig. 434 ; penis valve laterally: Fig. 501 , ventrally: Fig. 557 , apically: Fig. 604 . Flagellomere I: II=1.4-1.6; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+II+0.25×III. G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: Egypt (SinaiPeninsula), Israel .