Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India Author Dollfuss, H. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2013 2013-07-31 45 1 383 564 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5341134 0253-116X 5341134 Ammophila dubia KOHL ( Figs 30 , 176 , 223 , 384 , 454 , 518 , 572 ) Ammophila dubia KOHL 1901: 159 , , 3. Lectotype : , Egypt (no specific locality) (NHMW), examined, present designation . M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d lectotype , 12♀♀ , 1233 (NHMW), 3♀♀ , 1033 (OÖLM), 233 (coll. Jacobs), 2♀♀ , 433 (coll. Schmid-Egger). R e c o g n i t i o n Ammophila dubia has the gastral apex with a metallic shine, terga V-VI (VII) pruinose, the pronotal collar with no transverse rugae and the mesothoracic venter not prominent anteriorly. Additionally, the episternal sulcus is extending to the anteroventral margin of the pleuron. The head (except vertex), the thorax and the propodeum (including propodeal enclosure) are evenly covered with appressed silvery setae that partly obscure the underlying sculpture; the erect setae are silvery-white. Both sexes of A. holosericea differ from A. dubia in having distinct spots of appressed silvery setae on the pronotal lobe, the mesopleuron along the mesopleural suture and the propodeum posterolaterally, and in having a black petiole. The female of A. dubia differs from the similar A. poecilocnemis in having the last terga pruinose, and from A. erminea and A. rubripes in having the gastral apex with a metallic shine. Both sexes of A. heydeni differ from A. dubia in having distinct spots of appressed silver setae on the mesopleuron along the mesopleural suture and the propodeum posterolaterally and the gastral apex without a metallic shine. The male of A. poecilocnemis differs from A. dubia in having the gastral apex not pruinose and the gonostyle characteristically broadened at the apical third ( Fig. 383 ), and that of A. rubripes in having a differently shaped clypeus ( Fig. 220 ), a differently shaped penis valve ( Figs 448 , 513 , 567 ) and the gastral apex without a metallic shine. The male of A. erminea differs from A. dubia in having the gastral apex without a metallic shine. D e s c r i p t i o n: Gastral apex with metallic shine, terga V-VI (VII) pruinose. Supraantennal lamellate projection absent, pronotal collar without transverse rugae and mesothoracic venter not prominent anteriorly. Episternal sulcus extending to anteroventral margin of pleuron, arolia well defined and claws without basal tooth. Head (except vertex), thorax and propodeum (including propodeal enclosure) evenly covered with appressed silvery setae that partly obscure underlying sculpture; erect setae silverywhite. : 17-20 mm . Black, with following yellowish-brown: mandible (except apex), legs (partly darkened), petiole, tergum I and gastral segments II and III (in some specimens with dorsal black stripe); in some specimens clypeus adjacent to free margin, scape, pronotal collar and pronotal lobe also yellowish-brown. Scutum transversely punctatorugose, scutellum longitudinally striate and punctate. Propodeal enclosure irregularly transversely rugose, covered with fine appressed silvery setae and silvery-white erect setae. Flagellomere I: II=1.6-1.7; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+II to I+II+0.5×III. 3: 15-17 mm . Black, with following yellowish-brown: mandible (except apex), scape (partly), tegula, petiole, tergum I, gastral segments II and III (all with black dorsal stripe) and legs (coxa, trochanter, mid- and hindfemora black dorsally). Clypeus slightly elongate and emarginate ( Fig. 223 ), disk slightly convex. Scutum punctate, in some specimens punctures confluent to transverse rugae and scutellum coarsely punctate anteriorly and longitudinally ridged posteriorly. Gonostyle laterally: Fig. 384 ; penis valve laterally: Fig. 454 , ventrally: Fig. 518 , apically: Fig. 572 . Flagellomere I: II=1.4; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+II+0.5×III to I+II+0.75×III. G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: Egypt , Israel , Malta , Iran , Yemen , Libya , Morocco , Chad , Sudan .