New morphological information on Simulium wygodzinskyorum Coscarón & Py-Daniel, 1989 (Diptera: Simuliidae)AuthorNascimento, Jeane Marcelle Cavalcante DoAuthorHamada, NeusaAuthorHuamantinco-Araujo, Ana A.textZootaxa201641172289300journal article3895910.11646/zootaxa.4117.2.100a2bf21c-1852-452b-a182-cc2736d70bfb1175-5326263837A1FC7360-8804-4456-97BC-2B359A09D16DSimulium wygodzinskyorum
Coscarón & Py-Daniel
wygodzinskyorumCoscarón & Py-Daniel 1989
: 319
wygodzinskyorumCrosskey & Howard 1997
: 79
; 2004: 74; Miranda
Esquivel & Coscarón 2001
: 429
– 435;
Coscarón-Arias 2003
: 191
, 206; Coscarón, Coscarón-Arias & Papavero 2008: 50;
Hernández-Triana 2011
: 170
Adler & Crosskey 2016
Larva (last-instar)
Figs 2
A–E to 6A–I). Body length 4.6–5.0 mm (mean =
4.8 mm
, SD = 0.13, n = 5); head capsule, mean lateral length
0.72–0.9 mm
(mean =
0.8 mm
, SD = 0.05, n = 6). General color, dorso-laterally varying from dark green to brownish green, ventrally whitish (
Figs 2
Head capsule wrinkled, with small simple setae distributed on all over it; general coloration varying from brown to yellowish brown (
Figs 4
A–D; 5A–C); in dorsal view, frontoclypeal apotome with central area lighter and posterior margin, usually, with a brown triangular mark (
Figs 4
B–C); with 1 + 1 lateral, short, elongated marks (more evident in some individuals) (
Figs 4
A–D). Head, in dorsal view, with 1 + 1 small, whitish spots located above the ocelli (
Figs 4
A- D); in lateral view with yellowish marks near posterior margin (
Fig. 5
C); in ventral view with 1 + 1 elongated yellowish marks (
Figs 5
A, B), located near the posterior margin. Cervical sclerites small, elliptical, free in the membrane (
Fig. 6
D). In ventral view, postgenal cleft deep, subtriangular, with lateral margins parallel near posterior margins, covered with pigmented tissue (
Figs 5
A, B); postgenal bridge 0.56 times the hypostoma length (
Fig. 6
B); subesophageal ganglion not pigmented (
Figs 5
A, B). Antenna (
Fig. 6
E) shorter than labral fan stalk; proximal article shorter than distal and medial articles, distal article shorter than the medial one, proportions of articles (proximal: medial: distal, excluding apical
) 1: 0.36–0.5: 1.33–1.75 (n= 10); general coloration yellowish brown, except base of distal article and part of half distal region of medial article whitish (see
Fig. 6
E). Labral fan with 30–42 primary rays, general coloration yellowish brown; rays with microtrichia arranged as follows: an alternating series of one long microtrichium and three slightly shorter ones (
Fig. 6
C). Hypostoma (
Figs 6
A, B) with anterior margin straight, strongly pigmented; medial region with a dark longitudinal stripe wide at the posterior margin; with nine simple teeth; median and lateral teeth similar in length and longer than 3 + 3 sublateral teeth; lateral teeth wider at their base than the median and sublateral teeth; with 3–5 + 3–5 lateral serrations; hypostoma with 1 + 1 lines of 7–8 sublateral seta, 1 + 1 bifid setae on basal 1/5 and 1–2 + 1–2 small setae near hypostomal groove. Mandibular teeth: one apical, two external; three subapical; 6 or 7 internal teeth; one mandibular serration and one small mandibular
Craig & Craig 1986); four latero-mandibular processes thick and bifurcated on apical 1/3 (
Figs 6
F, G). Body cuticle with sparsely distributed short, simple setae; abdomen with 1 + 1 dorso-lateral tubercles on segments II–VIII (less frequently on segments I–VIII or III–VIII), varying from well-developed to poorly developed (
Figs 2
A–E; 3A, B); ventral tubercles absent; gill histoblast dissected with 12 filaments. Arms of anal sclerite as in
I, anterodorsal arms 0.45–0.60 as long as posteroventral arms, associated with some thin, short setae. Posterior circlet bearing 169– 191 rows (n= 6) with 20–29 hooks (n= 9). Rectal papilla (
Fig. 6
H) with three branches, each with approximately 25–35 finger-shaped lobes (n= 2); total number of lobes varying from 89 to 92.
Figs 7
A–B to 9A–J). Cocoon tightly woven, light brown, boot-shaped, with anterior rim slightly thickened (
Figs 7
A, B, 8C). Thorax with 4 + 4 pairs of multiramous trichomes (3–4 branches) (
Figs 8
D). Gills (
Figs 7
A, B, 8A) with 12 grayish brown, stout, crenulated filaments (
Fig. 8
B) distributed in a three-dimensional pattern: main trunk short, giving rise to four sets of primary branches, two with two secondary branches and two with four secondary branches; filaments branching at different heights; with tips pointed or slightly rounded, not sclerotized (
Figs 8
A, B); basal fenestra evident (
Fig. 8
A). Abdominal (
Fig. 9
) tergite I dark, sclerotized on proximal ¾, with one pair of anterolateral setae; tergite II with a small sclerotized area on anteromedial region, with 4 + 4 central stout setae in the medial region of the tergite (
Fig. 9
A), two pairs of short sublateral setae; tergites III and IV each with 4 + 4 anteriorly directed pairs of stout, simple hooks on posterior margin of the central region of the tergite (
Figs 9
B, C); tergite III with three pairs of short lateral setae on posterior margin; tergite V without setae or spines; tergite VI with comb-like groups of fine posteriorly directed microspines on antero-lateral region; tergites VII with a row of comb-like groups of fine posteriorly directed microspines near anterior margin (
Fig. 9
D); tergite VIII with a sclerotized comb of strong spines (posteriorly directed) located along the anterior region of the tergite (
Fig. 9
E); tergite IX with a sclerotized comb of strong spines (inward directed), located along the anterior margin of the tergite (
Fig. 9
F), median region of the comb with scarce spines; tergite IX with one pair of short spines, posteriorly. Sternites IV–VII with comb-like groups of fine posteriorly directed microspines on central, anterior region (
Fig. 9
H); sternite VIII with comb-like groups of fine posteriorly directed microspines on Male genitalia (
Figs 10
A–G). Gonocoxite and gonostylus (
Figs 10
A, B, G) yellowish brown, covered with long, thick setae; in ventral view, gonocoxite around 1.4 times wider than long, with proximal and apical region sclerotized and a central triangular region not sclerotized (
Fig. 10
G); gonostylus longer than wide (
Figs 10
A, G), around 1.2 times the gonocoxite length, bearing one stout spinule at the apex. Ventral plate (
Figs 10
C, D, F) rectangular (three times wider than high), with main body and median anterior projection covered with thin setae; in dorsal view, distal margin of ventral plate body concave medially, the base of the median anterior projection is inserted posteriorly to this concave margin, represented in this view by a rounded invaginated region that occupies almost the entire length of the mesal region of the ventral plate (
Fig. 10
C); in ventral view, median anterior projection as wide as long, slightly surpassing the distal margin (
Fig. 10
D); in lateral view, median anterior projection elongated, anteriorly projected, with basal region wide, narrowing toward apical region (
Fig. 10
E); in ventral view (with the apex tilted dorsally) median anterior projection 1.6 times longer than wide, apex rounded (
Fig. 10
F); proximal margin of the ventral plate body at the median region V-shaped (
Figs 10
C, D, F).
FIGURE 2.Simulium wygodzinskyorum
) larvae, lateral habitus.
color variation and variation in the development and number of paired dorsal tubercles. (Bar = 1 mm).
anterior region (Fig. 9J). Sternite V with 2 +
2 stout, simple hooks, each
pair closely inserted, located in the
area of the sternite (Fig. 9G); sternites VI
and VII with 2 + 2 stout,
simple hooks (Fig. 9I), each pair
FIGURE 3.Simulium wygodzinskyorum
) larva, partial view of abdomen showing the tubercles present on the dorsal region.
anterolateral view.
lateral view. (Bar = 0.5 mm).
FIGURE 4.Simulium wygodzinskyorum
) larval head, dorsal view.
variation in the color pattern of the cephalic apotome, with lighter areas inside it varying in distribution. (Bar = 0.2 mm).
FIGURE 5.Simulium wygodzinskyorum
) larval head, showing variation in the cuticle color pattern.
A, B:
ventral view, showing variation in the pigmentation of the tissue that covers the postgenal cleft.
lateral view. (Bar = 0.2 mm).
FIGURE 6.Simulium wygodzinskyorum
) larvae.
postgenal cleft.
labral fan, detail of microtrichia.
cervical sclerites.
: mandible. Arrow indicates the location of the latero-mandibular process.
latero-mandibular process showing the bifurcated apex.
rectal papilla.
anal sclerite.
Material examined.Peru
Chanchamayo Province
San Ramón District
Junín Region
Uarango River
1017 m
N. Hamada
J.M.C. Nascimento
R.L. Ferreira-Keppler & S.M. Clemente
, cols.:
12 larvae
on slides—4 (
) and 8 (MHN-UNMSM),
3 pupae
on slides—2 (
) and 1 (MHN-
8 larvae
in ethanol—3 (
) and 5 (
) on slide (
), 5 non-last instar larvae—2 (
) and 3 (
Other material examined.Simulium wygodzinskyorumCoscarón & Py-Daniel, 1989
: 318
Junin, San Ramón, Estancia El Naranjal
, altitude
1000 m
P. & B. Wygodzinsky
) (housed at the
Museo de La Plata—MLP, La Plata
Simulium wygodzinskyorum
on slide.
, (
C.L. Coscarón-Arias
) (housed at the
Museo de La Plata—MLP, La Plata