A review of the Barsine perpallida-B. yuennanensis species-group, with descriptions of six new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) Author Volynkin, Anton V. Altai State University, Lenina Av., 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia; e-mails: volynkin _ a @ mail. ru, barsine @ yahoo. com & National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina Av., 36, RF- 634050, Tomsk, Russia Author Černý, Karel Tiergartenstrasse 27, A- 6020 Innsbruck, Austria; e-mail: natura. cerny @ aon. at Author Huang, Si-yao Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China; text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2019 2019-07-03 59 1 273 293 journal article 8126 10.2478/aemnp-2019-0022 b19250d7-2550-4b65-b129-ebc226232461 1804-6487 4488964 D95019E7-AA94-4E21-964E-DFF57E9EF272 Barsine hausmanni Volynkin & Černý , sp. nov. ( Figs 17–19 , 39 , 51 ) Barsine yuennanensis (misidentification): ČERNÝ & PINRATANA (2009) : 70 , pl. 15, fig. 139 (record from Thailand ). Type locality. Thailand , Changwat Chiang Mai , Mt. Doi Phahompok, 16 km NW of Fang, ca. 20°4′N 99°8′E , 2000 m . Type material. HOLOTYPE ( Figs 17 , 39 ):♂, “ Thailand / Changwat Chiang Mai / Mt. Doi Phahompok / 16 km NW of Fang / 2000 m , 6–7.VIII.1999 / leg. T. Csővári & L. Mikus ”, slide MWM 35665 Volynkin ( MWM / ZSM ) . PARATYPES : 3♂♂ 4♀♀ , same data as in the holotype , slides MWM 31537 (m), ZSM Arct. 148/2017 Volynkin ( MWM / ZSM ); 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , Thailand , Changwat Chiang Mai , Mt. Doi Phahompok, 19 km NW of Fang, 1900 m , 3.iv.1998 , leg. Tibor Csővári & Pál Stéger, slide MWM 31546 (♂), MWM 31547 ( ) Volynkin ( MWM / ZSM ); 5 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , N Thailand , Chiang Mai , Fang, Doi Pha Hom Pok, 2050m , 20°07′30′′N , 99°08′49′′E , 19–24.iii.2007 , leg.T.Ihle, slide AV4701♂ Volynkin ( CKC ); 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , same locality and collector, but 21–25.viii.2006 ( CKC ); 1 ♂, same locality and collector, but 27–31.x.2006 ( CKC ). Diagnosis. Barsine hausmanni ( Figs 17–19 ) is very similar externally to B. yuennanensis ( Figs 21–24 ) and B. dao ( Figs 25–28 ), but differs in bipectinate antennae in males (ciliate in B. yuennanensis and B. dao ). In addition, in B. hausmanni the dashes of the subterminal area are usually slightly shorter than those of B. dao . Barsine hausmanni also differs from B. yuennanensis in its darker coloration, slightly longer and broader dashes of transverse lines, and the antemedial and medial lines connected in the cell. The male genital capsule of B. hausmanni ( Fig. 39 ) can be easily distinguished from those of B. yuennanensis ( Figs 42, 43 ) and B. dao ( Figs 46, 47 ) by unilobate distal saccular process, shorter valva, and narrower and trigonal medial saccular process directed ventrally-distally (in B. yuennanensis it is broader, while in B. dao it is broader and has a strongly narrowed tip directed ventrally). The vesica shape of B. hausmanni is significantly different from those of B. yuennanensis and B. dao in its broad and membranous 1 st medial diverticulum (narrow and hook-like curved in B. yuennanensis , and small, globular and granulated in B. dao ), shorter and broader 2 nd medial diverticulum (elongated, narrowed, with a basal subdiverticulum in B. yuennanensis , and elongated and broadly conical in B. dao ), elongated and narrow distal section of the 3 rd medial diverticulum (short and broad in B. yuennanensis and B. dao ), membranous 4 th diverticulum (with clusters of short but robust cornuti in B. yuennanensis and B. dao ); in addition, the 5 th diverticulum has a cluster of cornuti occupying only half of its outer surface, while in B. yuennanensis and B. dao 5 th diverticula are evenly covered by cornuti. The female genitalia of B. hausmanni ( Fig. 51 ) differ from those of B. yuennanensis ( Fig. 53 ) in shorter apophyses anteriores, slightly longer and much broader ductus bursae, broader corpus bursae with broader sclerotized and scobinated posterior area having two signa (in B. yuennanensis there is one signum), and larger appendix bursae. Compared to those of B. dao ( Fig. 56 ), the female genitalia of B. hausmanni have shorter apophyses anteriores, round ostium bursae (while it has a horseshoe-shaped concavity in B. dao ), ductus bursae stronger broadened anteriorly (only slightly broadened anteriorly in B. dao ), less rugose posterior sclerotized section of corpus bursae, membranous anterior section of corpus bursae (in B. dao it is weakly sclerotized and rugose laterally), and the presence of two signa in the posterior section of corpus bursae (while in B. dao there are one signum in the posterior section and one signum in the anterior section of corpus bursae). Figs 39–41. Barsine spp., male genitalia. 39 – B. hausmanni sp. nov. , holotype ♂, Thailand, slide MWM 35665 Volynkin. 40–41 – B. andromeda sp. nov. : 40 – holotype, China, slide MWM 31542 Volynkin; 41 – paratype, China, slide MWM 35666 Volynkin. Description . Adult ( Figs 17–19 ). Forewing length is 16.0–17.0 mm in males (16.0 mm in holotype ) and 19.0–19.5 mm in females. Male antennae bipectinate, female antennae ciliate. Head and thorax from ochreous yellow to bright yellow; abdomen pale ochreous basally and ochreous yellow or bright yellow distally. Forewing ground color from ochreous yellow to bright yellow. Pattern black. Antemedial and medial lines slightly curved, consist of elongated dashes on veins, situated closely to each other, sometimes their dashes connected in the cell; postmedial line curved, consist of elongated dashes on veins; subterminal area with series of longitudinal dashes of various length on veins. In females pattern more diffuse, longitudinal dashes thinner and often fused to each other. Cilia as forewing ground color. Hindwing pale yellow. Male genitalia ( Fig. 39 ). Uncus narrow, elongated, slightly wavy medially, claw-like pointed apically. Tuba analis broad, membranous, subscaphium broad and setose. Tegumen short and narrow. Juxta long and narrow, X-shaped. Vinculum short, U-shaped. Valva broadened medially and strongly narrowed distally. Medial costal process narrowly trigonal, apically pointed, directed ventrally-distally. Distal costal process reduced to very small protrusion. Distal membranous lobe of valva elongated, narrow, directed distally. Sacculus broad, its basal process narrow and long, only slightly shorter than valva, apically pointed. Distal costal process unilobate, finger-like, straight, directed distally. Aedeagus almost straight, slightly narrowed medially. Basal diverticulum of vesica short, broadly conical with rounded tip, membranous. 1 st medial diverticulum broad, sack-like, membranous; 2 nd medial diverticulum short and broad, covered with numerous short but robust cornuti of various size; 3 rd medial diverticulum with broad base and elongated and strongly narrowed distal part, its outer surface covered with numerous short but robust cornuti of various size; 4 th medial diverticulum small, membranous; 5 th medial diverticulum large, almost globular, its distal half with a broad cluster of short but robust cornuti of various size; proximal half of 5 th medial diverticulum membranous, with small area of granulation proximally. Basal plate of vesica ejaculatorius large and heavily sclerotized, broadly trigonal with slightly curved outer margin. Female genitalia ( Fig. 51 ). Papillae anales broad, trapezoidal with rounded corners, setose. Apophyses long and thin, apophyses anteriores one third shorter than apophyses posteriores. Ostium bursae broad. Ductus bursae sclerotized, long, dorso-ventrally flattened, broadened anteriorly, its posterior part with several broad longitudinal subostial folds. Corpus bursae broad, globular, its anterior half membranous. Posterior half of corpus bursae with two elliptical signa of different size and broad, sclerotized, slightly rugose area surrounded by area of shortly spinulose scobination.Appendix bursae sclerotized, short, conical, with broad base. Etymology. The species is dedicated to Dr. Axel Hausmann, the head of the Department of Entomology of ZSM (Munich, Germany ). Distribution. North Thailand ( Chiang Mai Province ) ( ČERNÝ & PINRATANA 2009 , as Barsine yuennanensis ).