On the status of some of the Cantharis Linnaeus, 1758 species described in the first half of the 19 th century by Ménétriés, Gebler and Fischer von Waldheim (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) Author Kazantsev, S. V. text Russian Entomological Journal 2022 2022-03-31 31 1 42 46 http://dx.doi.org/10.15298/rusentj.31.1.08 journal article 294454 10.15298/rusentj.31.1.08 3a582e1c-63fd-4ff6-b440-4edeff8849f8 0132-8069 10978483 Cantharis ( Cyrtomoptila ) pygmaea Ménétriés, 1832 Fig. 4 . Cantharis pygmaea Ménétriés, 1832: 162 . = Cantharis inforticornis Pic, 1913: 187 . = Rhagonycha beckeri Pic, 1902: 56 , syn.n. = Telephorus edentulus Baudi di Selve, 1872: 106 , syn.n. REMARKS. The type of Cantharis pygmaea Ménétriés, 1832 has not been found either. Its description reads as follows: Fusca , thorace submarginato, flavescenti; elytris fuscis; antennarum basi, pedibus anoque flavo-lividis; tibiis posticis infuscatis. Long. 2 li. 1/3. Larg. 1 li. Elle est très voisine de la C. fulvicollis , mais elle est deux fois plus petite, et autrement colorée. A Lenkoran’ [ Ménétriés, 1832 ]. This description, although brief, allows rather confident attribution of the taxon, which is in fact related and similar to C. lateralis , distinguishable by the absence of light margin on the elytra ( Fig. 4 ). Cantharis pygmaea is distributed in the steppe and semi-desert areas of southern Russia ( Dagestan , Volgograd Oblast ), also from Azerbaijan (‘Lenkoran’) [ Ménétriés, 1832 ], Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan and Iran to Mongolia [ Kazantsev, Brancucci, 2007 ; Kazantsev, 2011 ]. The species C. edentula (Baudi, 1872) and C. beckeri ( Pic, 1902 ) described, respectively, from southern Russia (‘Ross. mer.’) and Volgograd Oblast (‘Sarepta’) [Baudi a Selve, 1872 ; Pic, 1902 ], are very similar to C. lateralis as well, also differing by the uniformly black elytra. Both of them were notably introduced without being compared to C. pygmaea . Syntypes of Rhagonycha beckeri Pic, 1902 from the Museum of Natural History in Paris and the Zoological Institute in Saint-Petersburg were studied, and the taxon was transferred first from Rhagonycha to Cantharis and then to the subgenus Cyrtomoptila [ Dahlgren, 1972 ; Kazantsev, 2010 ]. The type of C. edentula has not been found yet. Nevertheless, as there seem to occur just one such cantharine in the Pre- and Transcaspian steppe and semi-desert areas, and as the three above-mentioned species apparently belong to a single taxon, Telephorus edentulus Baudi, 1872 , syn.n. and Rhagonycha beckeri Pic, 1902 , syn.n. are proposed as junior synonyms of Cantharis pygmaea Ménétriés, 1832 .