Four new species of Moneuptychia (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae: Euptychiina) from Brazil Author Freitas, André V. L. Author Barbosa, Eduardo P. Author Siewert, Ricardo R. Author Mielke, Af. H. H. Author Zacca, Thamara Author Azeredo-Espin, Ana Maria L. text Zootaxa 2015 3981 4 521 541 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3981.4.4 68e6be62-f09e-4e72-b7d4-fb465e216dda 1175-5326 238004 A25E1932-6C69-46E8-8A92-19D9294295EC Moneuptychia vitellina Freitas & Barbosa , new species ( Figs. 2 E, 6, 7) Adult: Diagnosis. Moneuptychia vitellina n. sp. is similar to some species in the Euptychoides castrensis species complex. However, they are easily distinguished from the above species, and from all other known species of Moneuptychia , by the broad yellow outlining the ocelli on the ventral hind wing. Descriptions of adults: Male ( Figs. 2 E, 6). Forewing length 17–19 mm (n = 7); hind wing length 13–14 mm (n = 7). Eyes naked, entirely brown. Palpus length 2.0 times head height, beige, with long dark brown and white hairs. Antenna of males 8 mm in length, with 35 antennomeres extending to mid-costa; shaft rust brown, dorsally covered by dark brown scales, club with 12 antennomeres, not conspicuously developed. Male foreleg covered by long beige hairs. Wings with dorsal ground color brown with few markings, restricted to marginal and submarginal lines in both wings; forewing with no additional markings; hind wing with two large black ocelli outlined by an orange ring in CuA1-CuA2 and CuA2-2A. Forewing of males presenting a conspicuous callus on SC vein, close to distal end of swollen portion of vein. Ventral wings mostly brown; forewing crossed by two dark brown lines, first indistinct, extending from discal cell to 2A one third from base; second extending from costa to 2A at two thirds from wing base; a dark brown irregular submarginal line and a brown regular marginal line extending from costa to 2A; ocelli absent. Hind wing crossed by two dark brown nearly straight lines from costa to anal margin, first onethird from wing base, second two-thirds from it; second crossing line delimiting a lighter marginal area; a brown irregular submarginal line and a brown regular marginal line extending from costa to 2A; a series of five black ocelli outlined by a broad yellow ring can be found in M1–M2 (ocellus 1), M2–M3 (2), M3–CuA1 (3), CuA1–CuA2 (4) and CuA2–2A (5); ocelli 2 and 3 small; in some individuals ocellus 2 can be nearly absent, reduced to few yellow scales with one white scale in center; ocellus 2 usually double (when visible); ocelli 1, 4 and 5 larger than other; ocelli 1 and 4 with double white pupil. Hind wing outer margin slightly wavy. No conspicuous androconial scales or patches observed. Male genitalia ( Fig. 7 ). Saccus short and slender in ventral view; tegumen rounded; gnathos absent; appendix angularis extremely conspicuous projecting posteriorly as a long process; uncus elongated; valvae elongated, narrowing towards end, and with a single pointed process projecting internally ( Figs. 7 B–C); aedeagus slightly curved upwards, with a conspicuous triangular projection in left near tip ( Fig. 7 E); cornuti absent; juxta membranous. FIGURE 6. Holotype male (left) and allotype female (right) of Moneuptychia vitellina n. sp. Dorsal above, ventral below. Scale bar = 1 cm. FIGURE 7. Male genitalia of M. vitellina n. sp. A. lateral view; B. dorsal view; C. ventral view; D. aedeagus (lateral view); E. aedeagus (dorsal view). All morphological details following Fig. 4. Scale bar = 0.2 mm. Female ( Fig. 6 ). Forewing length 19–20 mm (n = 5); hind wing length 15–18 mm (n = 5). Body entirely dark brown. General color and pattern very similar to that of males, with wings more rounded. Remarks on color variation. Variation on the dorsal wing surfaces is virtually absent. The ventral surface of both wings shows some variation in intensity of the yellow rings outlining the ocelli, and size of the small ocelli (as described above in both sexes). Habitat, behavior and natural history . Moneuptychia vitellina n. sp. was observed in partially shaded areas, with open understory covered by grass ( Fig. 2 C). Adults of both sexes were observed flying near the edges of the shaded areas, where males perched and chased other males, but usually avoiding open areas with direct sunlight. Adults were observed perching on leaves from 10 to 50 cm above ground ( Fig. 2 E). Males are apparently territorial, and were observed interacting with other males, when it was possible to hear a clicking noise when two or more males flew together. No courtship behavior was observed. Distribution . The species is known from the Serra da Mantiqueira, in a narrow region extending from Campos do Jordão (São Paulo) to Itatiaia (Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro), and also from the Serra da Bocaina, in altitudes from 1550 to 1850 m . Etymology . The specific epithet is an adjective derived from the Latin ( vitellus = egg yolk), and refers to the large amount of yellow outlining the ocelli on the ventral hind wing of both sexes. Types . Holotype male. Deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (ZUEC), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil . With the following labels separated by transverse bars: / Holotypus / Alto da Boa Vista, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo: Brazil 3–4.II.2014 , 1820m, 22º42’46”S , 45º36’5”W , B-882-CJABV—AVL Freitas leg. / Holotypus Moneuptychia vitellina Freitas & Barbosa det. 2014 / ZUEC LEP 8907 / Allotype female. Deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (ZUEC), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil . With the following labels separated by transverse bars: / Allotypus/ Alto da Boa Vista, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo: Brazil 3–4.II.2014 , 1820m, 22º42’46”S , 45º36’5”W , B-882-CJABV—AVL Freitas leg. / Allotypus Moneuptychia vitellina Freitas & Barbosa det. 2014 / DNA voucher YPH-0435 / ZUEC LEP 8908 / Paratypes (all from Brazil ) . DZUP— Minas Gerais : Itamonte, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, 1850 m , 22º19’49”S , 44º43’55”W , 6-10- III-2011, 1 male, O.-C. Mielke & Dolibaina leg., DZ 26.534; 17-II-2010 , 1 male , Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.661. Virgínia, Fazenda dos Campos, 1500 m , 13-15- II-2010, 1 female, Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 30.662. IOC— Minas Gerais: Virgínia, 900m , 2 males and 1 female , 21-X-1920 , 15-II-1921 , 4-III-1921 , Coleção J.F. Zikán, Nº 28.544, Nº 28.541, Nº 28.557. MZUJSão Paulo : Campos do Jordão, Serra da Mantiqueira, 1750–1800 m , 1 male , 0 4-II-2014 , T. Pyrcz leg.; P. N. Bocaina, Serra da Bocaina, 1650–1700 m , 1 female , 14-II-2014 , T. Pyrcz leg. ZUECSão Paulo : Alto da Boa Vista, Campos do Jordão, 1820m , 22º42’46”S , 45º36’5”W , 3–4.II.2014 , 1 male , AVL Freitas leg., ZUEC LEP 8909. Alto da Boa Vista, Campos do Jordão, 1820m , 22º42’46”S , 45º36’5”W , 3–4.II.2014 , 3 males (DNA vouchers YPH-0451, YPH-0452, YPH-0481), 1 female (DNA voucher YPH-0450), AVL Freitas leg., ZUEC LEP 8910, ZUEC LEP 8911, ZUEC LEP 9166, ZUEC LEP 8912. Additional material . ZUEC-AVLFSão Paulo : Estrada Municipal do Fojo, Campos do Jordão, 24-II-1998 , 1 male (genitalia prepared), 1 female . Alto da Boa Vista, Campos do Jordão, 11-X-1997 , 1 female , 21-II-1998 , 1 female ; 3-4- II-2014, 1 male; AVLF leg.