Revision of some types of North American aleocharines (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), with synonymic notes Author Gusarov, Vladimir I. text Zootaxa 2003 2003-11-17 353 1 1 134 journal article 5458 10.11646/zootaxa.353.1.1 740af13a-ed5c-40d0-b0c1-8d3fd2b92f56 1175­5334 5019783 Boreophilia angusticornis ( Bernhauer, 1907 ) , comb. nov. ( Figs. 116–124 ) Atheta ( Metaxya ) angusticornis Bernhauer, 1907: 384 . Metaxya plutonica Casey, 1910a: 82 , syn. nov. Atheta ( Metaxya ) angusticornis : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 612 (as valid species). Atheta ( Metaxya ) plutonica : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 616 (as valid species). Type material. Lectotype of Atheta angusticornis (here designated): (with broken antennae), “ Mt. Washgtn [ Washington ] N.[ew] H.[ampshire]”, “July”, white circle, “ angusticornis Brh. Typ. ”, “ angusticornis Brh. Typus” (yellow label), “Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection ” ( FMNH ) . Paralectotype : (with missing head and prothorax), “ Mt. Washgtn [ Washington ] N.[ew] H.[ampshire] Fenyes”, “ angusticornis Brh. Cotypus ” (yellow label), “Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection ” ( FMNH ) . FIGURES 120–124. Genitalia of Boreophilia angusticornis (Bernhauer) (male, lectotype of Atheta angusticornis (120–123); and female, lectotype of Metaxya plutonica Casey (124)). 120 — median lobe, parameral view; 121 — apex of median lobe with retracted internal sac, abparameral view; 122 — median lobe, lateral view; 123 — apex of median lobe with retracted internal sac, lateral view; 124 — spermatheca. Scale bar 0.2 mm. Lectotype of Metaxya plutonica (here designated): , “ Subalpine Mt. Wn. [ Washington ] N.[ew] H.[ampshire] vii.7.1899”, “ plutonica Csy. ”, “TYPE USNM 39064” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Diagnosis. Boreophilia angusticornis is closely related to Palaearctic Boreophilia subplana (J. Sahlberg, 1880 ) but differs in the shape of the aedeagus ( Figs. 120–123 ), particularly a narrower apex of the median lobe (in parameral view) (cf. Fig. 73 in Brundin 1953 and Fig. 120 in this paper). Discussion. The lectotype of Me. plutonica and the paralectotype of At. angusticornis are similar in external characters and also in the shape of the spermatheca. The two species were described from the same locality. I consider Me. plutonica to be a synonym of Boreophilia angusticornis . Distribution. Boreophilia angusticornis is known only from the Mount Washington , New Hampshire . This area was affected by the last glaciation and is unlikely to have relict endemic species. Boreophilia angusticornis may occur in other high mountains of the north­eastern United States and also in Canada , at lower altitudes further north.