Two New Eyeless Mite Species From The Western Provinces Of Iran: Stigmaeus Ladanae N. Sp. And Stigmaeus Nasrinae N. Sp. (Acari: Stigmaeidae) Author Nazari, A. Author Khanjani, M. Author Kamali, K. text Acarologia 2012 2012-06-22 52 2 173 181 journal article 7097 10.1051/acarologia/20122047 2a27e96d-26db-479a-a450-396b8089a867 2107-7207 4667079 Stigmaeus nasrinae n. sp. ( Figs. 3-4 ) Diagnosis — Prodorsal area with a few reticulations elements centrally, dorsum with 14 pairs of setae ( h 3 present), eyes and post ocular bodies absent, genital setae two pairs, aggenital setae four pairs, genua 5 - 2 - 0 - 1, palp tarsi with one bifurcate eupathidium, propodosomal setae ve/vi 3.2, ratio vi/vivi 0.59, c 1 / c 1 -c 1 0.30; d 1 / d 1 -d 1 0.40; c 1 -c 1 : d 1 -d 1 : e 1 -e 1 : f 1 -f 1 1.06: 0.77: 0.89: 1. Material examined — Holotype female, collected from soil under Apera spica-venti (L.) ( Poaceae ) in Nahavand, Hamedan province (31°14’N, 48°23’E, alitude 1070 m a.s.l.), Iran , 23 September 2011 , by Nasrin Nazari. One female paratype with the same data. The holotype female is deposited as slide-mounted specimens in the Collection of the Acarology Laboratory, University of Bu-Ali Sina , Hamadan , Iran . One female paratype will be deposited in the National Collection of Arachnida, Plant Protection Research, Pretoria, South Africa . Female (n = 2) — Color in life red. Idiosoma oval. Measurements of holotype : Length of body (excluding gnathosoma) 370 (374); width 197 (203); length of leg I 167 (165); leg II 138 (134); leg III 130 (132), leg IV 162 (164). Dorsum ( Fig. 3A ) — Prodorsum with a few reticulations elements centrally; with three pairs of setae ( vi, ve , sci ), eyes and pob absent ( Fig. 3A ); dorsal hysterosoma covered with longitudinal striae, with nine pairs of setae, almost smooth and four pairs of paired shields ( Fig. 3A ). Setae c 2 situated ventrolaterally between coxae II-III. Setae ve 3.2 (2.9) times longer than setae vi , seta sce on latral propodosomal area; central hysterosoma stiated, suranal shield divided and smooth and bearing three pairs of setae ( h 1 , h 2 and h 3 ), h 2 almost 1.5 times longer than h 1 and h 3 ( Fig. 3A ); lengths of dorsal setae: vi 15 (17), ve 48 (49), sci 13 (16), sce 24 (21), c 1 16 (15), c 2 38 (39), d 1 15 (15), d 2 14 (14), e 1 15 (15), e 2 14 (15), f 1 17 (17), h 1 18 (18), h 2 27 (26), h 3 20 (21); distances between dorsal setae: vi-vi 27, ve-ve 35, vi-ve 15 (16), sci -sci 53, sce-sce 124, ve-sci 34 (32), c 1 -sci 66 (64), c 2 -sce 124 (127), c 1 -c 1 51 (54), c 1 -c 2 70 (53), c 2 -c 2 172 (175), c 1 -d 1 54 (57), d 1 - d 1 37, d 1 -d 2 49 (50), d 1 - e 1 43 (44), d 1 -e 2 63 (65), d 2 - e 2 55 (57), d 2 -d 2 141 (143), e 1 - e 1 41 (44), e 2 -e 2 128, e 1 - e 2 43 (47), e 1 -f 1 28 (28), f 1 -f 1 48, f 1 -h 1 47 (48), h 1 -h 1 27, f 1 -h 2 48 (46), h 2 -h 2 40 (42); ratio: vi/vi-vi 0.59, c 1 / c 1 -c 1 0.30, d 1 / d 1 -d 1 0.40, e 1 / e 1 - e 1 0.36, f 1 / f 1 -f 1 0.35, h 1 / h 1 - h 1 0.66, h 2 /h 2 -h 2 0.67, h 1 /h 2 0.66 (0.69), c 1 -c 1 : d 1 -d 1 : e 1 -e 1 : f 1 -f 1 1.06: 0.77: 0.89: 1. Venter ( Fig. 3B ) — Coxisternal I-II and III-IV present, smooth. Ventral cuticle transversely striate between coxisternal II-III; coxisternallae I-II and III-IV surrounded by longitudinal striae ( Fig. 3B ). Length of setae 1a 20 (19), 1b 18 (17), 1c 25 (26), 2b 39 (38), 2c 25 (29), 3a 21 (18), 3b 21 (23), 3c 17 (16), 4a 18 (16), 4b 10 (13) and 4c 12 (13). Aggenital ( ag 1,-4 ) setae ag 1 as long as ag 2,-3 ; and genital setae g 2 longer than g 1 ; pseudanal seta ps 3 almost one half length of setae ps 1-2 ; measurements of setae: ag 1 16 (15), ag 2 14 (13), ag 3 21 (23), ag 4 23 (24), g 1 14 (13), g 2 13 (12), ps 1 19 (18), ps 2 13(15) ps 3 20 (17). Distances: ag 1 -ag 1 24, ag 2 -ag 2 32, ag 3 -ag 3 43, ag 4 -ag 4 36. Gnathosoma ( Figs. 3C, 3D ). Subcapitulum with two pairs of subcapitular setae and smooth, m 19 (18) and n 19 (47), two pairs of adoral setae, or 1 5 (5), or 2 10 (9); distances: or 1 -or 1 8, or 2 -or 2 12, m-m 22, n-n 26, or 1 -m 33 (34), m-n 7 ( Fig. 3D ). Chelicerae free 58 (60), movable digit 27 (27). Palpi five segmented, palp tarsus with five simple setae, one solenidion (ω) 5 (6), one bifurcate eupathidium, palp tibia with two setae + one well developed claw + one accessory claw, palp genu with one setae and palp femur with three setae ( Fig. 3C ). Legs ( Fig. 4 ) — Legs about half length of body. Setal formulae of leg segments as follows (specialized sensory setae such as solenidia, in parenthesis): coxae 2- 2 - 2 - 2; trochanters 1 - 1 - 2 - 1; femora 4 - 4 - 3 - 2, genua 5- 2 - 0 - 1; tibiae 5+1’ρ+1’ - 5+1’ρ - 5+1’ρ - 5+1’ρ; 13 (1ω) - 8 (1ω) - 7 (1ω) - 7 (1ω). Length of solenidia: ωI 10 (11), ωII 7 (6), ωIII 4 (4), ωIV 4 (4). Male — Unknown. Remarks — Stigmaeus nasrinae n. sp. exhibits most features of the S. elongatus Berlese (in having a few reticulations elements in median prodorsal area, eyes absent, h 3 present, palp tibia with three setae. However the new species differs from the latter in: femora I-IV 4-4-3- 2 in the new species instead of 6-6-3- 2 in S. elongatus , genua 5-2-0-1 instead of 6- 5-3- 3 in S. elongatus , tarsi II with 8+1ω oppose to 9+1ω in S. elongates , suranal shield divided instead of entire, aggenital shields with four pairs of setae and two pairs of genital setae instead of five pairs and three pairs respectively in S. elongates . Also closely resembles S. caeculus Barilo in having the same legs chaetotaxy dorsal pattern, however differs from the latter by: