Comparative morphology and key to Amydetinae genera, with description of three new firefly species (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) Author Campello, Lucas Programa de Pos-graduacao em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva-Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 1 - 107, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Author Vaz, Stephanie Programa de Pos-graduacao em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva-Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 1 - 107, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Author Mermudes, Jose R. M. Programa de Pos-graduacao em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva-Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 1 - 107, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Author Ferreira, Andre L. D. Programa de Pos-graduacao em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva-Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 1 - 107, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Author Silveira, Luiz F. L. Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 1 - 107, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil text ZooKeys 2022 2022-07-27 1114 131 166 journal article 1313-2970-1114-131 D865EE0366174BA18064BBEE3AC72758 9864F9CE80F25184A1D17838955E5ACE Magnoculus obscurus Olivier, 1885 Figs 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 Megalophthalmus obscurus Olivier, 1885: 146. Magnoculus obscurus (Olivier, 1885)- Constantin 2011 : 153; Silveira et al. 2021 : 283, 286, 289. Diagnosis. Elytra with inner margin dehiscent (i.e., sinuose inner margin) at posterior 1/3 (Fig. 17C ); pronotum semilunar, with rounded and obtuse posterolateral angles (Fig. 19A, B ), 2 x wider than long; frons raised (Fig. 18D ); eyes separated by the same length of maxillary palpomere III (Fig. 18B ); antennomere III as long as wide (Fig. 18G ); antennae shorter than 0.5 x body length (Fig. 17A-C ); posterior margin of mesoscutellum straight (Fig. 20A ); phallobase symmetrical (Fig. 23A-H ); sternite IX symmetrical (Fig. 23I ); pygidium with posterior margin bisinuate (Fig. 23K ). Figure 17. Magnoculus obscurus , male habitus A ventral B lateral C dorsal. Scale bar: 1 mm ( A-C ). Figure 18. Magnoculus obscurus , head A dorsal B ventral C frontal D lateral E posterior F occipital; antennae G dorsal H lateral. Scale bar: 0.5 mm ( A-H ). Note the gular margins contiguous (arrow). Figure 19. Magnoculus obscurus , pronotum A dorsal B ventral C lateral D posterior. Scale bar: 1 mm ( A-D ). Note the raised tubercle (arrow). Figure 20. Magnoculus obscurus , mesoscutellum A dorsal; metanotum B dorsal; pterothorax C dorsal; mesoendoesternite D dorsal; metaendoesternite E dorsal. Scale bars: 500 µm ( A, D-E ); 1 mm ( B, C ). Note the sutures between mesoventrite/mesanespisternum and mesanepisternum/mesepimeron; the metathoracic discrimen; and flap-like projections on mesendosternum (arrows). Redescription. Male. Coloration . Antennae dark brown (Fig. 18G, H ); pronotum brown, with two sclerotized raised tubercles dark brown on the posterior 1/2 (Fig. 19A, B ); elytron dark brown (Fig. 21A-C ); abdomen completely dark brown (Fig. 22A-C ). Head . Capsule 1.5 x wider than long (Fig. 18A ); vertex convex (Fig. 18C ); eyes separated by 2/3 of head width in frontal view (Fig. 18C ); frons raised (Fig. 18D ); labrum connate to fronto-clypeus, frontoclypeo-labral suture obliterate (Fig. 18C ); antennal insertions rounded (Fig. 18C, D ), separated by 0.5 x labrum width. Antennae flabellate, lamellae stiff and laterally compressed, with 11 antennomeres (Fig. 18G, H ), as long as 1/3 of body length (Fig. 17A-C ); pedicel 2 x wider than long (Fig. 18G, H ), III-V subequal in length, V-IX subequal in length, IX-X subequal in length. Maxillary palp with four palpomeres (Fig. 18B ), II-IV subequal in length, III 2 x longer than I. Labial palp with three palpomeres (Fig. 18B ), I-II subequal in length, III 2 x longer than II. Occipital foramen subcordiform in posterior view (Fig. 18E, F ). Thorax . Pronotum semilunar (Fig. 19A-D ), almost 2 x longer than head length in ventral view (Fig. 17A ), 2 x wider than long in dorsal view (Fig. 19A ), with contiguous and equidistant punctures along the entire surface, except for two sclerotized raised tubercles on the posterior 1/2, equidistant from sides (Fig. 19A, D ); hypomeron 2 x longer than tall (Fig. 19C ); prosternum wider than 1/5 of pronotum width in dorsal view (Fig. 19B ). Elytron slightly dehiscent (i.e., sinuose inner margin), subparallel-sided (Fig. 21A-C ). Hind wing (Fig. 21D ) with radial cell evanescent, 2 x wider than long; vein r3 as long as 1/4 r4 length, vein CuA1 absent; vein CuA3+4 present; vein J as long as 1/3 the length of vein AP3+4. Metanotum as long as wide, posterior margin emarginate medially, allocrista distinct (Fig. 20B ). Mesoventrite sclerotized (Fig. 20B ), posterior margin rounded; suture between mesoventrite and mesanepisternum visible (Fig. 20C ), mesendosternum with two irregular, flap-like projections (Fig. 20E ); metaendosternum spatulate, diamond-shaped (Fig. 20D ). Tibial spurs absent (Fig. 21E-G ), tarsus I>V>IV>II=III (Fig. 21E-G ). Abdomen . Lanterns occupying almost the entire area of sternite VI and VII (Fig. 17A ); sternites II-VII with sides rounded (Fig. 22A ), II, III, VI and VII with posterior margin medially emarginate; sternite VIII mucronate (Fig. 23J ); sternite IX symmetrical (Fig. 23I ), 1.5 x longer than wide, posterior margin rounded. Pygidium 1.5 x wider than long (Fig. 23K ), sides rounded, posterior margin bisinuate (Fig. 8F ), posterolateral angles obtuse, central 1/3 extending slightly longer than posterolateral angles (Fig. 23K ). Phallus with a dorsal and ventral plate (Fig. 23H, I ) dorsal plate acuminate from apical 1/2 on, skewed to the anatomical left (i.e. left of the specimen), extending about a 1/4 longer than ventral plate towards the base (Fig. 23A, B, F, G ), ventral plate bilobed (Fig. 23B-E ), lobes spoon-shaped and separated by a deep cleft reaching basal 2/5, projected dorsolaterally to right under dorsal plate, dorsal plate extending a 1/3 beyond parameres; parameres symmetrical and spatulate (Fig. 23A, D, F, H ), anterior margin rounded, apically separated from each other (i.e., not fused), and 1/2 shorter than the phallus (Fig. 23A ); phallobase symmetrical (Fig. 23A ). Figure 21. Magnoculus obscurus , elytra A dorsal B lateral C ventral; right wing D dorsal; proleg E lateral; mesoleg F lateral; metaleg G lateral. Scale bar: 1 mm ( A-G ). Figure 22. Magnoculus obscurus , abdomen A ventral B lateral C dorsal. Scale bar: 1 mm ( A-C ). Figure 23. Magnoculus obscurus , aedeagus A dorsal B left dorsolateral C lateral D left lateroventral E ventral F right lateroventral G lateral H right dorsolateral; sternum IX I ventral; sternite VIII J ventral; pygidium K dorsal. Scale bars: 200 µm ( A-H ); 500 μm ( I ); 1 mm ( J, K ). Females and immature stages. Unknown. Biology. Fourteen individuals were collected in hilly areas in Ilha Grande State Park between 160-345 m a.s.l. Six specimens were collected using Malaise traps: three at 160 m a.s.l. in August 2017, December 2017, and January 2018; two at 170 m a.s.l. in November 2017 and April 2018; one at 345 m a.s.l. in August 2017. In addition, nine specimens were collected by active searches in July 2017 (five specimens), September 2017 (two specimens), and July 2018 (two specimens). Ma. obscurus has a yellowish-green glow, and males often fly between 0.1 and 4 m a.s.l., sometimes reaching up to approximately 7 m a.s.l. towards the forest canopy. Adults are apparently active in the early twilight hours. About five to ten males were observed flying close together in the same visual field. Remarks. Magnoculus obscurus is the second species of genus to be redescribed (see Zaragoza-Caballero 1995 for redescription of Ma. cf. guatemalae ). The few species recently studied and illustrated in detail by Constantin (2011) and Zaragoza-Caballero (1995) allowed us to find interesting commonalities and differences among Magnoculus species. For example, Ma. obscurus shares the following characteristics with its congeners: elytra with three raised costae; pronotum with two sclerotized raised tubercles on the posterior 1/2 and posterior angles obtuse; and sternite VIII mucronate. A comparison of Ma. obscurus with species described and illustrated in detail by Constantin (2011) and Zaragoza-Caballero (1995) is given here, as follows: antennae smaller than 1/2 body length, similar to Ma. dalensi and Ma. touroulti , but longer than 1/2 body length in Ma. brulei , Ma. dewynteri , Ma. poirieri , and Ma. guatemalae ; flabellum of antennomere III as long as pronotum length, similar to Ma. touroulti and Ma. guatemalae , but 0.5 x shorter in Ma. dalensi , ~2.5 x longer in Ma. brulei , Ma. poirieri , and Ma. dewynteri ; eyes ventrally close-set in Ma. obscurus , similar to Ma. touroulti and Ma. brulei , but not in Ma. guatemalae and Ma. dewynteri (undescribed in Ma. dalensi and Ma. poirieri ); gular margins contiguous in Ma. obscurus , Ma. guatemalae , and Ma. touroulti , but open in Ma. dewynteri (no information for Ma. dalensi , Ma. poirieri , and Ma. brulei ); pronotum semilunar, 2 x wider than long, similar to Ma. touroulti , Ma. brulei , and Ma. guatemalae , but as wide as long in Ma. dalensi , triangular and as wide as long with anterior margin rounded in Ma. poirieri and Ma. dewynteri , completely yellow in Ma. poirieri , brown with an orange anterior spot in Ma. dewynteri , and completely dark brown in Ma. obscurus , Ma. brulei , Ma. dalensi , and Ma. tourolti . Pronotal disc with two sclerotized raised tubercles on the posterior 1/2, similar to Ma. brulei , Ma. poirieri , Ma. dewynteri , and Ma. tourolti , which are reduced in Ma. dalensi . Pygidium bisinuate in Ma. obscurus , as in Ma. dalensi and Ma. guatemalae , but semilunar in Ma. brulei , Ma. dewynteri , Ma. poirieri , and Ma. touroulti . Aedeagus of Ma. obscurus asymmetrical, as in Ma. guatemalae , Ma. poirieri , and Ma. touroulti , but symmetrical in Ma. brulei , Ma. dewynteri , and Ma. dalensi . Lectotype (designated herein). Bearing the labels: "SYNTYPE. Megalophthalmus . Megalophthalmus obscurus . Olivier, 1885. MNHN, Paris-co E. Olivier" [aged red label, typewritten]; "Museum Paris. Coll. E. Olivier" [green label, typewritten]; "Bresil." [aged white label, typewritten]; "Sahlberg." [aged white label, typewritten]; " Megalophthalmus obscurus . Bresil 'oliv' [aged white label with green margins] (MNHN, ex. coll E. Olivier; Suppl. material 1: Fig. S2). Olivier mentioned examining specimens in his and also in Oberthuer's collections. It is unclear how many specimens Olivier examined, and we did not have the opportunity to carefully look for them at the MNHN. Other materials examined. BrazilRio de Janeiro : Angra dos Reis : Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande ), Pico do Papagaio ; 4 ♂ ; 29 Jul. 2017 ; L. Silveira leg. (DZRJ) • 23°08'51.5"S , 44°10'52.4"W ; 345 m a.s.l.; 1 ♂ ; Aug. 2017 (DZRJ) • 23°10'05.7"S , 44°11'04.0"W ; 170 m a.s.l.; 1 ♂ , Sep. 2017 (MNRJ) • same data as for preceding; 1 ♂ , Apr. 2018 (MNRJ) • same data as for preceding, Estrada para Dois Rios ; 2 ♂ ; 22 Nov. 2017 (MNRJ) • same data as for preceding; 2 ♂ ; Jul. 2018 (MNRJ) • same data as for preceding, Poco do Soldado ; 23°10'04.7"S , 44°11'03.5"W ; 160 m a.s.l. ; 1 ♂ ; Dec. 2017 (DZRJ) • same data as for preceding; 1 ♂ ; Aug. 2017 (MNRJ) • same data as for preceding; 1 ♂ ; Jan. 2018 (MNRJ).