The genus Cephaloleia Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) Author Staines, Charles L. Author Garcia-Robledo, Carlos text ZooKeys 2014 436 1 355 journal article 1313-2970-436-1 4AE52FD68CF948DCAA79C15AD75FF7F1 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Cephaloleia vicina Baly, 1858 Fig. 266 Cephaloleia vicina Baly 1858 : 55. Baly 1885 : 24 (noted); Blackwelder 1946 : 720 (catalog); Papp 1953 : 23 (catalog); Uhmann 1957a : 26 (catalog); Wilcox 1983 : 138 (catalog); Strong 1977a : 165 (host plants), 1977b : 578 (host plants), 1981 : 185 (host plants), 1982b : 1045 (host plants), 1983 : 711 (host plants); Staines 1996 : 70 (Central America species), 1999 : 241 (mimicry), 2004 : 313 (host plants), 2011 : 51 (faunal list); Staines and Staines 1999 : 524 (Baly species list). Cephalolia vicina Baly. Gemminger and Harold 1876 : 3602 (catalog); Donckier 1899 : 551 (catalog); Weise 1905a : 131 (noted), 1910 : 87 (noted), 1911a : 10 (catalog), 1911b : 10 (catalog); Uhmann 1936b : 484 (key). Description. Elongate; subparallel; depressed; head (except yellow frons), antennae, and scutellum black; pronotum yellow with triangular black macula behind head on anterior margin; elytra black with narrow yellow vittae which becomes obsolete on apical 1/5; venter with prosternum yellow, meso- and metasterna yellow medially, black laterally, abdominal sternite 1 entirely black, 2-5 yellow; legs with femur yellow with apex darker, coxae, tibiae, and tarsi darker. Head: vertex punctate, faint medial sulcus present; eyes convex, finely faceted; frons longitudinally strigose-punctate, not projecting; slightly depressed between eyes. Antenna: reaches to humerus; slender; antennomere 1 incrassate, elongate, compressed; 2 subglobose, short; 3 elongate, 2 x length of 2, triangular with projecting angle; 4-10 transverse; 4 3/4 length of 3; 5 shorter than 4; 6-10 subequal in length, each shorter than 5; 11 more than 2 x length of 2, pointed at apex; 1-2 punctate with scattered setae; 3-5 sparsely setose; 6-11 setose. Pronotum: quadrate; lateral margin straight then rounding to anterior angle, margined; anterior angle rounded, slightly produced; posterior angle acute; anterior margin emarginate behind head; disc flattened; surface with scattered large punctures laterally, impunctate medially; basal impression absent; pronotal length 1.15-1.27 mm; pronotal width 1.38-1.81 mm. Scutellum: elongate, acutely triangular; micropunctate. Elytron: lateral margin straight, smooth, narrowly margined; apex obtusely rounded; sutural angle without tooth; humerus rounded, not produced; constricted behind humerus; declivity beginning just behind humerus at puncture row 7 without faint carina; shallowly punctate-striate, rows converge and unite apically; elytral length 4.6-5.1 mm; elytral width 2.0-2.3 mm. Venter: prosternum impunctate; meso- and metasterna impunctate medially, punctate laterally; abdominal sterna punctate, each puncture with pale seta; suture between sterna 1 and 2 complete; last sternite with apical margin truncate in male, broadly concave in female. Leg: slender; punctate; tibia with fringe of setae on inner margin of apex. Total length: 5.9-6.7 mm. Diagnosis. This species is similar to Cephaloleia bella , Cephaloleia championi , and Cephaloleia luctuosa . It can be distinguished by the vertex of the head being depressed between the eyes, by the pronotum being punctate laterally, and by antennomere 2 being triangular. Host plant. Heliconia spp. ( Strong 1977a ), Heliconia latispatha Benth. ( Strong 1977b ), Heliconia imbricata (Kuntze) Baker ( Heliconiaceae ) ( Strong 1981 ). Adults feed on. Heliconia spp., Calathea spp., Ischnosiphon spp. ( Marantaceae ) ( Strong 1977a ); Heliconia psittacurum Sassy. Distribution. Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama. Type material examined. Lectotype female: Type/ female/ Cordova/ Mexico, Salle coll./ Cephaloleia vicina Fig. I/ Cephaloleia vicina Baly Salle coll. 1345/ B. C. A., Col. VI, 2. Cephaloleia vicina Baly/ sp. figured/ Cephaloleia vicina Baly, Mexico/ Lectotype Cephaloleia vicina Baly, Des. C. L. Staines 1993 [red label] (BMNH). Specimens examined. ?- Vermachtnis, 1907 (DEI); Viessa de Zargolica (DEI). COSTA RICA: Alajuela- Colonia Dos Rios , 1 November 1987 (MUCR); 2 Rios , 1 December 1987 (MUCR); Res. For. San Ramon , 8 March 1990 (MUCR). Heredia- Estacion Biol. La Selva, 22 January 1989 (USNM), 21 January 1989, 1 April 1990 (MUCR). Limon- Estacion Hitoy Cerere, R. Cerere, Reserva Biologica Hitoy Cerere, 4-20 December 1991, 5-19 March 1992 (INBIO). GUATEMALA: Baja Verapaz- 6-9 km E Purulha , +500', 15-24 April 1990 (FSCA). MEXICO: no further data (DEI). Guerrero- Ixcuinatoyac, 10 September 1943 (USNM). Jalisco- "Sierra Autlan", 20 mi SSE Autlan, 5500', 1 March 1953 (UMMZ). Tabasco- Cardenas, 15 October 2013 (USNM). Veracruz- Atoyac, 14 July 1941 (FMNH); Comoapan-Eyipantla, 14-27 June 1985 (EGRC); Fortin de las Flores- Sumidero, 21 May 1965 (FSCA); Motzorongo (DEI); 7 mi. S. E. Orizaba, 19-20 June 1983 (FSCA); Playa Vicente (DEI); Tezonapa, 8 August 1941 (FMNH). NICARAGUA: Lago- Chontales (USNM). PANAMA: Chiriqui- Fortuna, 20 May 1978 (USNM). Panama- Barro Colo Isl, 3 March 1959 (FSCA). Total: 39.