Phylogenetics and classification of the world genera of Diparinae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Author Desjardins, Christopher A. text Zootaxa 2007 2007-11-28 1647 1 1 88 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1647.1.1 1175­5334 5103860 9CDBECB7-17F1-4B0B-B577-CE29B34AA89A Chimaerolelaps Desjardins , New Genus ( Fig. 62 ) Type Species: Chimaerolelaps villosa Desjardins , New Species Diagnosis: Chimaerolelaps is unique among diparines in 2 ways. First, it has 4 pairs of scutellar bristles, while all other diparines have at most 2 pairs. Second, it has an elongate anellus which is longer than broad ( Fig. 62 ), while all other diparines have an anellus that is broader than long ( Figs. 59, 60 ). Chimaerolelaps may superficially resemble Lelaps or Netomocera . Chimaerolelaps has a clypeal margin which is protruding and straight, while Lelaps has a median clypeal tooth ( Fig. 16 , mct). Chimaerolelaps also has a symmetrical flagellum, while the flagellum in Netomocera is asymmetrical. Description: Female. Head: Occipital margin rounded; occipital carina present; upper face without strong, transversely carinate sculpture; eyes not posteriorly extended beyond occipital margin; inner eye margins uniformly convex; eyes bare; scrobe present and scrobal channel parallel-sided dorsal to toruli; dorsal margin of scrobe rounded; toruli not on shelf, junction of upper and lower face rounded; antennae symmetrically clavate; antennal formula 11173; anellus longer than broad; pedicel, first funicular segment, second funicular segment subequal in length; claval apex without thick tuft of micropilosity; apical clypeal margin protruding and straight; malar groove present; single pair of strong, dark bristles on vertex present. Mesos- oma: dorsum of mesosoma with strong, dark bristles (1 pair median scutal, 1 pair lateral scutal, 3 pairs anterior scutellar, 1 pair posterior scutellar); pronotum short, collar-like; notauli not arched and meeting posterior scutal margin at lateral edge of scutoscutellar suture; lateral lobes of scutum similar in color to remainder of scutum; posterior scutal margin without setose groove; scutellum large, convex, and sharply sloped posteriorly; axillae convex and not reduced; posterior notal wing process present, pointed; frenal sulcus present; metanotum present as narrow, sculptured band; propodeum at least 1.5X longer than high; propodeum with dorsoventrally flattened spine near anterior margin; plicae absent; suture between postspiracular area and metapleuron diagonal; propodeal foramen circular, open in one plane; longitudinal invagination of pronotum, mesepimeron and metapleuron absent; prepectus elongate, reaching tegula; tegula normal, flap-like; axillary wing sclerite not visible; acropleuron normal, not expanded; mesopleuron with smooth and sculptured regions posteriorly; metacoxa posteriorly convex, with transverse striations; metacoxa posteriorly without thick vertical brush of setae; 2 metatibial spurs, <1.5X width of tibia at point of insertion. Metasoma: Petiole cylindrical, with single pair of setae, at least 2X as long as broad; GT1 expanded, covering at least half of metasoma length; GT1 rounded lateral to petiole insertion; cercal setae elongate; cercal brush present. Male: Unknown. Discussion: Chimaerolelaps is positioned phylogenetically as sister-group to (or near in some analyses) the Dipara clade, although the only synapomorphy for this clade is the presence of petiolar setae in the female. Etymology: chimaero- , to represent the odd assemblage of ancestral and derived features present in this taxon, and -lelaps , to ally the genus with Diparinae . The genus is identified in some collections with a manuscript name. As the manuscript name was somewhat misleading with regards to the phylogenetic position of the group, it is not used here. Number of Species: 1 described species. Distribution: Costa Rica . Hosts: Unknown. Key to Species: none.