Description and phylogenetic analysis of a new firefly genus from the Atlantic Rainforest, with five new species and new combinations (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Lampyrinae) Author da Silveira, Luiz Felipe Lima Biology Department, Western Carolina University, 122 Central Dr, Cullowhee, NC 28723, United States of America; Luiz Felipe Lima da Silveira [silveira. lfl @ gmail. com] Author Roza, Andre Silva Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 1 - 107, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Andre Silva Roza [andreroza 1993 @ gmail. com]; Jose Ricardo Miras Mermudes [jrmermudes @ gmail. com] Author Vaz, Stephanie Laboratorio de Ecologia de Insetos, Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 0 - 111, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Stephanie Vaz [anievaz @ gmail. com] Author Mermudes, Jose Ricardo M. Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, A 1 - 107, Bloco A, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Andre Silva Roza [andreroza 1993 @ gmail. com]; Jose Ricardo Miras Mermudes [jrmermudes @ gmail. com] text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2021 2021-05-14 79 115 150 journal article 1864-8312-79-115 6D857849A9ED4DA3A5B834FDAAB0A318 A4EA6692C24753F7B3CB5DFCAF1EFFAD Costalampys delicata sp. nov. Silveira, Roza, Vaz & Mermudes Figs 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 22 Costalampys delicata Type species. Diagnostic description. Overall brown. Pronotal disc (Fig. 13A ) pink, usually with a large black line in the middle, pronotal expansions variably dark brown to almost entirely testaceous. Elytron (Fig. 11A, B ) dark brown with a pale yellow longitudinal stripe about 4/5 x as long as elytron. Legs pale yellow. Sternum VIII (Fig. 14C ) with lateral vitreous spots. Pygidium brown. Figure 11. Costalampys delicata sp. nov. A , Male habitus, dorsal view; B , Male habitus, ventral view. Scale bar: 2 mm (A-B). Pronotum (Fig. 13A ) with sides rounded and divergent posteriorly. Sternum VI (Fig. 14A ) with a small lantern, occupying the medial 1.6 of the sternum, not reaching its anterior margin. Male. Total length = 9.1-9.9 mm (aver. 9.5 mm); Pronotal length = 1.8 mm; Pronotal width = 2.5-2.7 mm (aver. 2.6 mm); Elytral length = 6.1-6.5 mm (aver. 6.3 mm); Elytral width = 1.6-1.7 mm (aver. 1.65 mm). Antennomere I with lamella as long as core antennomere. Sternum VIII with posterior margin medially sinuose. Pygidium (Fig. 14C ) with sides rounded, posterior corners barely visible, posterior margin medially mucronate. Syntergite boomerang-shaped (with anterior margin strongly curved). Phallus with dorsal plate bent dorsally (lateral view), with sides rounded and acuminate at apical half. Paramere apex curved ventrally, ventral projection (lateral view) well developed, almost right-angled. Female. Total length = 9.9-11.0 mm (aver. 10.45 mm); Pronotal length = 2.1-2.2 mm (aver. 2.15 mm); Pronotal width = 3.0-3.3 mm (aver. 2.6 mm); Elytral length = 7.4-7.8 mm (aver. 7.6 mm); Elytral width = 2.1-2.2 mm (aver. 2.15 mm). Antennomeres (Fig. 15A-C ) III-X with apical corners almost right-angled, not projected. Figure 12. Costalampys delicata sp. nov. , male head. A , Head capsule, dorsal view; B , Head capsule, ventral view; C , Head capsule, lateral view; D , Head capsule, frontal view; E , Head capsule, posterior view; F , Head capsule, occipital view; G , Mandible, dorsal view; H , Mandible, ventral view; I , Tentorium, dorsal view; J , Tentorium, frontal view; K , Tentorium, lateral view; L , antenna, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A-K); Scale bar: 1.0 mm (L). Figure 13. Costalampys delicata sp. nov. A , Male prothorax, dorsal view; B , Male prothorax, ventral view; C , Male prothorax, lateral view; D , Male prothorax, posterior view; E , Mesoscutellum and alinotum, dorsal view; F , Pterothoracical sclerites, lateral view; G , Pterothoracical sclerites, ventral view; H , Pterothoracical sclerites, lateral view; I , Proleg, lateral view; J , Mesoleg, lateral view; K , Metaleg, lateral view; L , Right wing, dorsal. Scale bar: 1 mm (A-K); Scale bar: 2.0 mm (L). Figure 14. Costalampys delicata sp. nov. A , Abdominal sclerites, dorsal view; B , Abdominal sclerites, ventral view; C , Pygidium, dorsal view; D , Syntergite, dorsal view; E , Sternite IX, ventral view; F , Aedeagus, dorsal view; G , Aedeagus, lateral view; H , Aedeagus, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A-H). Figure 15. Costalampys delicata sp. nov. A , Female habitus, dorsal view; B , Female habitus, ventral view; C , Female antenna, lateral view; D , Sternum VIII, ventral view; E , Pygidium, Dorsal view; F , Ovipositor, dorsal view; G , Ovipositor, lateral view; H , Internal genitalia, dorsal view; I , Internal genitalia, ventral view. Scale bar: 2 mm (A-C); Scale bar: 1.0 mm (D-I). Remarks. The type species Costalampys delicata sp. nov. is similar to C. bella sp. nov. , Costalampys joanae sp. nov. , C. tricolor (Gorham, 1880) comb. nov. , and C. decorata (Olivier, 1888) comb. nov. , in the dorsal color pattern (overall brown or dark brown, with pronotal disc broadly pink, and with an elongate pale-yellow spot on elytron). C. delicata sp. nov. is unique among the aforementioned species by the pale-yellow legs in both sexes (overall brown or dark brown in the others), and antennomere III with lamella short, as long as core antennomere in males (at least 1.5 longer in the others). Etymology. Delicata is a Latin adjective that means delicate. Types. Holotype : BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: 1♂, Teresopolis , P.N. Serra dos Orgaos , Malaise trap, PVE9B ( 22°26 '57.8" S , 43°0 '13.7" W , 1,236 m), I.2016, L. Silveira col. (DZRJ). Paratype : BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: 1♂, Paraty, P.N. Serra da Bocaina, Estr. Paraty-Cunha, 1514 m, 23.I.2010, Mattos, I. & Mermudes col. (DZRJ); 1♀, Teresopolis , P.N. Serra dos Orgaos , Trilha da Pedra do Sino, Cach. Veu da Noiva, 29-31.I.2014, active search [morning ~10am], L. Silveira col. (DZRJ); 1♀, P.N. Serra dos Orgaos , I.2014, PENSARIOP2 ( 22°26 '48" S , 43°00 '42,6" W , 1050 m), 1♂, Malaise trap, R. Monteiro col. (DZRJ); Teresopolis , P.N. Serra dos Orgaos , Represa Beija-Flor, 14-17.I.2015, active search [afternoon ~3pm], L. Silveira col. (DZRJ); 1♂, P.N. Serra dos Orgaos , Malaise trap, PVE7B ( 22°27 '24,8" S , 42°59 '7,2" W , 952 m), I.2015, L. Silveira col. (DZRJ); 1♂, 2♀, PVE9A ( 22°26 '55,1" S , 43°00 '16,4" W , 1246 m), XII.2015, Silveira & Khattar col. (DZRJ); 1♀, Teresopolis , P.N. Serra dos Orgaos , I.1969, Porter & Garcia col. (DZUP).