Phylogenetic systematics of Schacontia Dyar with descriptions of eight new species (Lepidoptera, Crambidae)
Goldstein, Paul Z.
Metz, Mark A.
Solis, M. Alma
journal article
Schacontia ysticalis (Dyar, 1925)
Figs 52546-48
Thlecteria ysticalis
Dyar, 1925, p. 8.
Material examined.
(16♂, 16♀, 1 sex undet.).
Type material.
Mexico: Holotype (♀, USNM).
Other mFaterial examined.
Bolivia: Puerto Suarez, Bolivia, 150 m, Dec. 1908, J. Steinbach C.M. Acc. 3758 (1♂) [CMNH]. Costa Rica (4♂, 6♀):Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste Prov., Costa Rica, D.H. Janzen, 12 Dec 1978-10 Jan 1979, Genitalia Slide by DA ♂ USNM 107,905, INBio Barcode # CR 1001 115170 (1♂); Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste Prov., Costa Rica, D.H. Janzen, 12 Dec 1978-10 Jan 1979, Genitalia Slide by DA ♂ USNM 107,904, INBio Barcode # CR 1001 115169 (1♂); Playa Naranjo, Sta Rosa P.N., Guanacaste Prov., Costa Rica, E. Alcazar, Ene 1991 L-N-309300-353300, INBio Barcode # CR 1000 640648 (1♂); Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste Prov., Costa Rica, D.H. Janzen, 12 Dec 1978-10 Jan 1979, Genitalia Slide by DA ♀ USNM 107,906, INBio Barcode # CR 1001
(1♀); Est. Queb. Bonita, 50 m, Res. Biol. Carara, Prov. Punt., Costa Rica, R. Zuniga, Jun 1991, L-N-194500, 469850, INBio Barcode # CR 1000 343579 (1♀); Estac. Quebrada Bonita, 50 m, R.B. Carara, Puntarenas Pr., Costa Rica, R. Zuniga, April 1989, 194500, 469850 INBio Barcode # CR 1000 017910 (1♀); Sirena, Corcovado Nat. Pk., Osa Penin., Costa Rica, 19-27 Mar1981, DH Janzen, W. Hallwachs, INBio Barcode # CR 1001 115172 (1♀); Est. Quebrada Bonita, R.B. Carara, Prov. Punta, Costa Rica, 50 m, Mar 1994, R. Guzman, L N 194500_469850 #2803, INBio Barcode # CR1001 754072 (1♀); Est. Quebrada Bonita, R.B. Carara, Prov. Punta, Costa Rica, 100 m, ENE 1995, R. Guzman, L_N_195250_469850 #4433, INBio Barcode # CR1002 243527 (1♀); Costa Rica, Prov. Limon, Sector Cedrales de la Rita, 3 km N del Puente Rio Suerte, Ruta Puerto Lindo, 10 m, Feb 1997, E. Rojas, L_N_278600_566500 #45311, INBio Barcode # CR1002 499299 (1♂). Mexico (2♂, 4♀):Col. Becker 42358, Mexico: Veracruz Est. Biol. Tuxtlas,, V. O. Becker Col.,
Schacontia ysticalis
Dyar, Det. M.A. Solis (1♀); Ibid. x4 exc. Col. Becker 42297 (3♀, 1♂); Venadio, Sinaloa, Mex, B P Clark donor, Not in BM 1925 W Schaus (1♂). Nicaragua [CMNH]: Managua Dist., Laguna de Xiloa, 23 April 1996, E. van den Berghe (3♂, 1♀); Managua Dist., Laguna de Xiloa, 14 April 1996, E. van den Berghe (2♂);Managua Dist., Laguna de Xiloa, 8 March 1997, E. van den Berghe (1♂) [CMNH]. Venezuela (7♂, 5♀): Venezuela, Guarico, Huato Masaguaral, 45 km S Calabozo,
, Galry For#4, 75 m, 12-13 Apr 1988, uv light, M. Epstein, R. Blahnik, Genitalic Slide by DA ♀ USNM 107,896 (1♀); same as previous (2♂, 4♀, 1 sex undet.), "hind leg used for illustration" [Fig. 20]); Venezuela, Guarico, Huato Masaguaral, 45 km S Calabozo,
, Galry For#4, 75 m, 13-16 May 1988, uv light, M. Epstein, R. Blahnik [3♂, incl. 1w/ label Genitalic Slide by DA ♂ USNM 108,100]; Venezuela, Guarico, Huato Masaguaral, 45 km S Calabozo,
, Galry For#4, 75 m, 23-24 Apr 1988, uv light, M. Epstein, R. Blahnik, Genitalic Slide by DA ♂ USNM 107,895, "Head illustrated" (1♂); Venezuela, Guarico, Huato Masaguaral, 45 km S Calabozo,
, Galry For#4, 75 m, 25 May, uv light M. Epstein & C. Canaday (1♂).
Habitus, male and female genitalia (Figs 5, 46-48). Distinct by virtue of orange cast to basal and postmedial areas of forewing. Male genitalia distinct by virtue of wide, rounded uncus without modifications; heavy, long recurved setal tufts at costa of valva; and intrasaccular patch of heavy setae. Female genitalia distinct by virtue of elongate, robust bursa combined with conspicuous appendices bursae.
Male (Fig. 5). Forewing length: 7.0-11.0 mm (n=14). Head (Fig. 14) - Ocelli present; proboscis normal; frons conical or expressed as a small hump; labial palpi porrect, extending beyond clypeus. Thorax - Legs white, forelegs cupreous dorsally, as basal tarsomeres on all legs. Female with two pair of hind tibial spurs (medial pair present). Forewing. Basal, antemedial, and subterminal fasciae brownish orange, shaded distally with white (dark basad). Both antemedial and postmedial lines shaded distally with white (dark basad); antemedial and postmedial areas rust colored/cupreous; medial area sparsely suffused with white. FW fringe brown. Hindwing. postmedial line faint if present; HW yellowed at margin, sub
line interrupted; fringe whitish beige. Abdomen - Cupreous sheen; white abdominal bands on all segments. Scales arranged in two terminal black dorsal spots in males. Tympanal organs (Fig. 25). As for ysticalis-themis group, vide supra. Male genitalia (Figs 46, 47) - Teguminal sulcus short, such that anterior margin of tegumen appears deeply invaginate, the two oblong teguminal lobes joined obliquely. Uncus wider than long; terminal edge of uncus entire. Gnathos quadrate. Juxta an inverted triangular plate or robust
, less sclerotized at center. Valvae complex; costa robust with recurved, elongate tufts of setae; subcostal lobe with petiolate scales, most arched towards dorsal articulation of valva; with secondary outer, oblong lobe or process below costa; with fleshy setose lobe associated with terminus of costa and located between distal portion of costa and lower portion. Intrasaccular process a simple flange, the inner surface of which bears chisel-shaped setae; with robust, spine-like setae at base; submarginal area of sacculus setose. Saccular margin angled close to vinculum, not at saccular mid-point; ventro-marginal setae concentrated at saccular ulna. Phallus moderately sclerotized; vesica with a small cornutus. Female genitalia (Fig. 48) - Papillae anales separate, more or less round, flat, and swollen; ostium bursae with membrane between seventh and eighth segment; antrum membranous; colliculum present as a sclerotized collar of intermediate length embedded within ductus bursae; two conspicuous appendices bursae located at posterior end of corpus bursae; corpus elongate, membranous, without signa; ductus seminalis near posterior end of corpus bursae.
Immature stages.
Unknown. Recorded adult activity mid-June (Mexico),
(Costa Rica), 8
23 April (Nicaragua), 12
25 May (Venezuela), December (Bolivia).
Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia.