Thraumata, a new genus from South America with description of a new species from Peru (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Author Goldstein, Paul Z. Author Zilli, Alberto text ZooKeys 2019 867 139 160 journal article 1313-2970-867-139 9765595E1A204418B5C6AC4B6F587CE5 729147F7504F521DB514FA3017CB4CD3 Thraumata subvenata (Schaus, 1914), comb. nov. (provisional position) Figs 1 , 2 , 10 , 11 (habitus); Figs 23 , 24 (male genitalia); 27 (male abdomen); Fig. 30 (female genitalia); Figs 31-34 (morphological details). Phuphena subvenata Schaus, 1914: 486. Type locality: [Guyana] British Guiana: Essequebo River, Rockstone. Material examined. Type material . GUYANA : Holotype ♂ (USNM). Collection Wm Schaus, Rockstone, Essequebo, Type 16528 USNM, Phuphena subvenata Type Schs, USNMENT00973242. Paratype. GUYANA : 1♂ Rockstone, Essequebo; Phuphena subvenata Schs, W. Schaus, 1912-38. [NHMUK]; Other material examined (3♂, 7♀). GUYANA : 1♀ Demerara; Rothschild Bequest, B.M. 1939-1 [NHMUK]; 1♀ Demerara; 75; Adams Bequest. BM 1912-399., NHMUK010914717, slide NHMUK010314585 [NHMUK]; 1♂ Brit. Guiana, Kaialam [illeg.], 26.V.1929, [illeg.] T.D.A. Cockerell, Pres. by Imp. Bur. Ent. Brit. Mus 1930-188., NHMUK010914410, slide NHMUK010314636 [NHMUK]; 1♂ Georgetown Br. Guiana; July; A Busck coll, Not in BM 1925, USNM Dissection 148139, USNMENT01440389, BOLD Process ID LNAUW3138-17. SURINAME (1♀): Geldersland [sic], Surinam River.; Collection Wm Schaus, USNMENT01440366. VENEZUELA (1♀): Venezuela, Bolivar: Guiaquinima tepui, camp 1, 5°55'N , 63°30'W , 1150 m, Feb. 24-28, 1990, D. Grimaldi [AMNH]. COLOMBIA (1♂, 1♀): Ober Rio Negro, Ost. Colomb., 800 m., Coll. Fassl; Ex. Oberthuer Coll. Brit. Mus. 1927-3.; (♂) NHMUK010201223; slide NHMUK010314637 [NHMUK]. BRAZIL (2♀): Para (A. M. Moss); Rothschild Bequest, BM, 1939-1, NMHUK010916076 [NHMUK]. Diagnosis. The predominantly golden-brown coloration of the forewing upperside and the prominent white edging of its markings readily distinguished this species from T. petrovna and T. peruviensia . Valvae are more broadly articulated with the vinculum than in the other species, the costal edge <1/2 the length of the outer edge. Unlike the two predominantly gray-brown species, T. subvenata also bears basal abdominal brushes and what appear to be well-developed eversible coremata on the sacculus. Figures 23, 24. Thraumata subvenata 23 Apparatus, dissection 148139, USNMENT01440389 24 Phallus, NHMUK010201223, slide NHMUK010314637, Colombia. Redescription. Head . Proboscis edged with papillae and a micro-serrated ridge. Antennae ciliate; eyes hairless; palpi extending above eyes. Frons, vertex and palpi with a mix of brown and white scales; terminal segment of the palpus whitish. Thorax . Vestiture predominantly light brown, a whitish V formed by two lines of whitish scales within the tegulae. Wings. Forewing length, males ( N = 2), 11.5 (holotype)-12.0 mm; females ( N = 3), 12.1 mm, 12.4 mm, 13.0 mm. Forewing coloration dominated by golden-brown scaling; the differential white shadowing, of various pattern elements, particularly the postmedial and subterminal lines, renders a fractured appearance consisting of streaks and sickle-shaped forms: two basal white streaks, 2 crescent-shaped medial markings bisected by brown inner line and two, more expansive, subterminal forms, each enclosing a brown center. These latter four simply bracket the broad, dentate subterminal band homologous to that in the previous two species. Legs. Predominantly brown, paler outwardly but not silvery white. Male fore-femur with a thick, cream-colored pencil of long scales ( Figs 31 , 32 ), absent in females and therefore likely a scent tuft. Abdomen . Posterior edges of abdominal segments ringed with cream-colored scales. Males with several secondary sexual structures, including distal scale tufts borne by the lateral rods of 8th sternite and a pair of mixed gray and brown abdominal brushes on A2 sternite, visible in situ on the holotype as arching inward and overlapping above the midline ( Fig. 33 ). The holotype was clearly damaged and repaired poorly, with abdomen re-attached upside down, such that ventral brushes appear dorsal. Tufts of elongate hairs present on 8th sternite ( Fig. 34 ). Male genitalia . Relative to the rest of the moth, valvae the largest of the three species; costal and ventral edges swollen to form an inner crest; a bundle of stiff hairs inserted on the infero-lateral corners of valvae; valvae fused to vinculum along more than half their length. Vesica with three rudimentary subbasal diverticula, para-basal plate at the distal end of the phallus weakly sclerotized, appearing faintly crenulate. Female genitalia . Anterior and posterior apophyses comparable in length. Antrum well developed, cuplike. Relative to its congeners, T. subvenata has a longer ductus bursae, with the ductus seminalis arising from a bulge along the ductus bursae, posterior to the corpus. Immature stages. Unknown. Distribution. Known only from northern South America, specifically Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and Brazil ( Para ). Remarks. Both the valvae and the legs of subvenata males are equipped with more conspicuous scent tufts than either of the two sister species. An incomplete barcode sequence (658bp - 88n = 570bp) was generated from a 1925 male specimen from Guyana USNMENT01440389 corresponding to USNM dissection 148139 ( Figs 21 , 22 ), BOLD sample ID USNM_PG_H04. Figures 25, 26. Thraumata male abdomens. 25 T. peruviensia dissection 148134, USNMENT01440385 26 T. peruviensia dissection 148129, USNMENT01440371, Brazil. Figure 27. Thraumata subvenata NHMUK010201223, slide NHMUK010314637, Colombia.