Revision of the spider family Zodariidae (Arachnida, Araneae) in Iran and Turkmenistan, with seventeen new species Author Zamani, Alireza Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, University of Turku, FI- 20014, Finland Author Marusik, Yuri M. Institute for Biological Problems of the North RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan, Russia & Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa text ZooKeys 2021 2021-04-27 1035 145 193 journal article 1313-2970-1035-145 ADD73A162DB34873890B1E490C2C8841 55CAE096B4A451D88EA433175454DA3F Lachesana kavirensis sp. nov. Figs 1A-C , 3A-E , 4I , 32 Type material. Holotype ♂ (MHNG), Iran: Qom Province : Dasht-e Masileh, 34°47'N , 51°11'E , 11.2017 (M. Mirghazanfari). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from 'Kavir' , a Persian word for desert, referring to the occurrence of the species in the central deserts of Iran. Diagnosis. The male of L. kavirensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from the similar L. dyachkovi Fomichev & Marusik, 2019 by having a gently bent cheliceral fang ( vs. bent over 90°, cf. Fig. 1C and fig. 15 in Fomichev and Marusik 2019 ). The shape of the RTA is also different from other species of the region (stalk with a gentle curve ventrally and tip straightly pointed; cf. Fig. 4I and Fig. 4F-H, J ). Figure 1. Habitus and chelicerae of male Lachesana kavirensis sp. nov. ( A-C ) and L. perseus sp. nov. ( D-F ) A, B, D, E habitus, dorsal C, F chelicerae, ventral. Description. Male. Habitus as in Fig. 1A, B . Total length 11.55. Carapace 5.80 long, 2.60 wide at pars cephalica, 3.75 wide at pars thoracica. Eye sizes and interdistance of PMEs: AME: 0.23, ALE: 0.20, PME: 0.17, PLE: 0.23, PME-PME: 0.14. Carapace, sternum, labium, chelicerae and maxillae light brown. Chelicera (Fig. 1C ) with dense, black setae and one promarginal tooth; fangs gently curved, almost straight. Legs the same color as carapace, without annulations and with numerous spines. Abdomen pale, dorsally with a longitudinal dark stripe and several small spots. Spinnerets slightly lighter than abdomen, uniform in color. Measurements of legs: I: 15.49 (4.47, 1.88, 3.33, 3.29, 2.52), II: 15.03 (4.20, 1.79, 3.02, 3.50, 2.52), III: 15.78 (4.08, 1.96, 2.48, 4.71, 2.55), IV: 18.30 (4.58, 2.07, 3.20, 5.24, 3.21). Palp as in Figs 3A-E , 4I . RTA long, over 1.2 times longer than tibia, its widest part less than 2 times wider than stalk; cymbium with 2 spines in mesal proximal part; bulb elongate, 1.3 times longer than wide; base of embolus large, 1/3 of the tegulum's length; embolus filamentous, lying in chute formed by conductor. Female. Unknown. Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Qom Province, northern Iran (Fig. 32 ).