Additions to the cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of Mongolia, with description of eleven new species Author Rosa, Paolo Laboratory of Zoology, University of Mons, Place du Parc 20, Mons, 7000, Belgium Author Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu. Federal Scientific Centre for East Asian Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Russia Author Halada, Marek Milady Horakove, 74, Ceske Budejovice, 37012, Czech Republic text ZooKeys 2021 2021-11-08 1068 149 187 journal article 1313-2970-1068-149 C5A1DC54DE9C49BEA01CA08EBD5A5952 8850F7DF1BC7585394F424BCBBBDFDEE Hedychridium weii Rosa, Proshchalykin & Halada sp. nov. Figure 16A-G Material examined. Holotype : , Mongolia : Dornogovi , 65 km SE of Chatan-Bulag , steppe, 1020 m alt., 2.VIII.2007 , leg. MH (MSNM). Diagnosis. Hedychridium weii sp. nov. is characterised by elongate shape of the black spot on metatibia; dark colouration; flagellum uniformly black, mesonotal punctures sparse; shape of genital capsule. Description. Male . Body length 4.4 mm. Head. Face almost flat; scapal basin finely transversely microridged; face between scapal basin and eye with large punctures; longitudinal mid-line complete, extended from brow to clypeus; area in front of anterior ocellus and lateral to posterior ocelli with narrow, deep sulcus; brow with large sized punctures, widely separated by polished interspaces (1 PD) (Fig. 16B ); ocellar triangle isosceles, with deep ocellar line; malar spaces impunctate; clypeus apically bordered by narrow, brown thickening; mandibles tridentate. Relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:1.5:1.0:0.8; OOL = 2.0 x MOD; POL = 1.9 x MOD; MS = 0.3 x MOD. Mesosoma. Pronotum with coarsely, irregular, uneven-sized punctures, somewhere transversally contiguous to confluent, with polished and corrugated interspaces; mesonotum with contrasting sculpture, with shallow, small and scattered punctures on the anterior half, with larger, denser and confluent punctures on posterior half; mesoscutellum medially with small, sparse punctures and wide polished interspaces (2-3 x PD), laterally and postero-laterally with denser punctures; mesopleuron with dense and large punctures; posterior propodeal projections triangular, divergent; metatibia with elongate dark brown spot covering 4/5 of its length; metatarsomere 2 slightly shorter than metatarsomere 3; pro-, mesopleuron and femora with long whitish setae (1.0-1.5 x MOD). Metasoma . T1-T3 with relatively dense, small punctures, anyway not as minute as in H. erythrosoma sp. nov.; punctures denser on T1 antero-dorsally; with larger punctures mixed to small punctures laterally; posterior margin of T1-T2 with impunctate, non-metallic black rim, as large as 1.0-1.5 x MOD; S2 without metallic spot, with sparse punctures; S2-S3 with long, whitish setae on posterior margin; apical margin of T3 bordered by thin hyaline rim; genital capsule as in Fig. 16C . Colouration. Fore body predominantly coppery, with greenish reflections and bluish propodeum; metasoma greenish, with bronze reflections and non-metallic posterior margin of T1-T2; T1 posteriorly and T2 antero-medially with a large black spot; scape shiny black; pedicel and flagellomeres dull black; tegulae non-metallic brown; femora and tibiae bronze to non-metallic dark brown on outer side, tibial joints largely yellowish; tarsi 1-3 yellowish, tarsi 4-5 brownish; wing membrane hyaline, somehow darkened medially; nervures light brown. Figure 16. Hedychridium weii sp. nov., male, holotype A habitus, dorsal view B head, frontal view C genital capsule D habitus, lateral view E right antenna, lateral view F metasoma, postero-lateral view G metasoma, ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Female. Unknown. Etymology. The specific epithet Hedychridium weii (masculine noun in genitive) is dedicated to Na-sen "Nelson" Wei (Guanghzou, China), for his contributions to the study of the Chrysididae of Inner Mongolia and China and his kind support to the studies of the first author. Comparative diagnosis. We describe Hedychridium weii sp. nov. in the H. femoratum species group. It is closely related to H. femoratum for its general habitus, yet it is separated by sparser mesonotal punctures, shape of genital capsule (Fig. 16C ), elongate shape of the black spot on metatibia (Fig. 16F ) and darker mesosoma colouration. It is separated from the other two newly- described species in this species group, H. splendens sp. nov. and H. jacobsi sp. nov., by flagellomeres black, different genital capsule and different shape of black spots on metatibia. Distribution. Mongolia (Dornogovi).