South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XIX: Overview of Cryptognathini and systematic revision of South American Cryptognatha Mulsant Author F, Guillermo González Author Hanley, Guy A. Author Gordon, Robert D. text Insecta Mundi 2019 2019-06-28 714 714 1 32 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3674855 ac53680f-6358-4d6b-8880-ccf3dd73297e 1942-1354 3674855 F9BABD1C-B18B-47FD-9B87-F44C49FD9D30 Cryptognathini Gordon Cryptognathaires Mulsant 1850: 496 . Pentiliares Mulsant 1850: 501 (in part). Chilocorides Crotch 1874 : XII (in part). Oeneiini Casey 1899: 74 . Cryptognathini Gordon 1971: 181 . Coccinellidae with body form rounded, surface glabrous. Head directed ventrally or slightly posteriorly, usually at least partly concealed behind prosternum; antenna short, compact, extending less than 1/2 distance to posterolateral angle of pronotum, with 8–10 articles; maxillary palpus with apical article ovate to broadly expanded. Prosternum narrow, not produced, or widely produced in front of procoxae. Epipleuron strongly descending externally or nearly horizontal, deeply foveate for reception of femoral apices. Metasternum and basal abdominal sternum deeply impressed for reception of femora. Leg with femora and tibia expanded, modified for reception of tibiae and tarsi, proleg with tibia strongly modified; tarsal claw feebly toothed basally. Abdomen with 5 visible ventrites, male ventrite 5 unmodified, identi- cal to female ventrite 5; postcoxal line incomplete. Male genitalia simple, of basic coccinellid type , all structures symmetrical. Female genitalia simple, of standard coccinellid type with curved spermathecal capsule and no apparent accessory gland.