Description of a new species of Gaeolaelaps (Acari: Laelapidae) from Iran
Saeidi, Zarir
Nemati, Alireza
Khalili-Moghadam, Arsalan
journal article
Taxon classification Animalia Mesostigmata Laelapidae
Gaeolaelaps izajiensis
sp. n.
Figures 1-5, 6-9, 10-13
Specimens examined and type deposition.
Holotype female, Izeh, Khuzestan province, soil, coll. A. Nemati, 2013. Paratypes: two females, Ghaletol, Khuzestan province, soil, coll. Z. Saeidi, 2014. The holotype and two female paratypes are deposited in the Acarological Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Agricultural College, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran (APAS).
Diagnosis (adult female).
Dorsal shield with constriction at lateral margins near setae s6 and distinct reticulation posterior to j6 along with line reticulation in lateral margins of podonotal part, possesses 39 pairs of simple thin acicular setae; sternal shield with reticulation in lateral regions, epigynal shield with elongate and nearly quadrangle cells and abutting anal shield, exopodal plates fragmented between coxae II and IV; peritremes relatively long and extending to the posterior margin of coxae I.
Description of adult female.
Three specimens measured, range is provided in
Dorsal idiosoma. Idiosoma oval-shaped 431-442 long, 266-273 wide (at level of setae r3), dorsal shield with constriction at lateral margins near s6 setae and distinct reticulation posterior to j6 along with line reticulation in lateral margins of podonotal part, shield not covering whole dorsum (Fig. 1), 400-419 long from its anteromedian edge anterior to bases of setae j1 to its posteromedian edge posterior to bases of setae Z5, 240-247 wide at level of setae r2-r3 (widest part), shield with 39 pairs of thin, small, simple acicular setae, 22 pairs on podonotal region (j1-6; z1-6; s1-6; r2-5) and 17 pairs on opisthonotal part (J1-5; Z1-5; S1-5) including PX2-3 between J and Z series. Unsclerotised cuticle lateral of podonotal region including a smooth sub-triangular accessory shield (Fig. 1). Dorsal setae short (22-30), not reaching to following seta base in series. Setae J3 located nearly far from J4, the distance of J3-J4 is approximately five times J3 length. Unsclerotised cuticle lateral of podonotal part with
6 (between s6 and S1) and lateral of opisthonotal with R1, R4, R6 and R7. UR seta located between R4 and R6. Dorsal shield with 22 pairs of pores and pore-like structures, including gd2 (posterolaterad of setae j4) and gd6 (posterior of z6) and one pair of poroids (idR3) on soft lateral cuticle near R4 seta as shown in Figure 1.
Figures 1-5.
Gaeolaelaps izajiensis
sp. n. Female: 1 dorsal idiosoma 2 ventral idiosoma 3 Peritreme and sub-triangular accessory shield 4-5 the position of Jv2.
Ventral idiosoma (Fig. 2). Base of tritosternum 25-30 long, 7-10 wide (at basal level), pilose laciniae free for 59-73 and fused basally for 7-9. Pre-endopodal area granulated, with a pair of slightly sclerotised pre-sternal plates. Sternal shield 120-127 long (along midline from anterior edge to its posterior margin), 98-110 wide (at level of projection between coxae II-III) and 81-88 at level of st2, smooth in median region and posterior part and reticulated in lateral margins, with distinct anterior and posterior margins, posterior margin irregular. Sternal setae smooth, st1- st3 (20-23), iv1 slit-like, located slightly behind st1, iv2 pore-like, between st2-st3. Setae st4 (16-19) and pore-like iv3 located on integument behind posterior margin of sternal shield.
tongue-shaped epigynal shield with elongate and nearly quadrangle cells, 171-180 long at midline from anterior margin to posterior level and abutting anal shield, 73-83 wide at epigynal setae, ratio of length to width (L/W) 2.14-2.4, with one pair of simple acicular setae (st5 = 18-20). Paragenital pores (iv5) on soft integument posterior to epigynal setae, between epigynal margin and coxa IV. Anal shield subtriangular, reticulated, 54-60 long (at midline from the anterior margin to the posterior edge of the cribrum), 54-56 wide (at widest point), post anal seta (14-15) nearly equal to para-anal setae (15-17). Cribrum thin and extending posterolaterally to the level of post-anal seta insertion. Opisthogastric surface with: one pair of narrow and slightly elongate paragenital platelets; one pair of suboval metapodal plates (24
12); one pair of minute platelets between paragenital and metapodal plates; eight pairs of smooth acicular setae: Zv1-3 and Jv1-5; and five pairs of pore-like structures, plus para-anal gland pores gv3 on lateral margins of anal shield. Jv2 located on soft opisthogastric cuticle at postero-lateral part of epigynal shield (Fig. 4). In holotype this part of soft cuticle bent down and Jv2 appeared on anterior margin of anal shield
shown in Figures 2 and 5. Stigma located at anterior level of coxa IV. Peritremes narrow and long, extending anteriorly to posterior margin of coxae I with fusing at posterior margin of sub-triangular accessory shield, peritrematal plate wider in middle part, and with one glandular poroid gp and one lyrifissure ip (Fig. 3), separated from exopodal shield. Poststigmatal plate narrow and with two pore-like structures. Exopodal II-III small and subtriangular, along with two fragmented platelets at posterior part of coxa III. Exopodal III-IV narrow, angular and reached to the tip of endopodal III-IV at posterior level of coxa IV. Endopodal plates II/III incorporated to lateral margins of sternal shield, III-IV strip like extending to the posterior margin of coxa IV.
Gnathosoma. Hypostome (Fig. 6) with three pairs of smooth simple acicular setae; h1 (28-32), h2 (15-17) and h3 (17-19). Palpcoxal setae 17-19 long. Deutosternal groove with six rows of denticles (7-12). Corniculi horn-like, internal malae with median barbed extensions longer than fringed lateral lobes, labrum short and slightly pubescent. Epistome denticulate (Fig. 7). Chelicera (Fig. 8) with dorsal seta, small and setaceous pilus dentilis, lateral lyrifissure and arthrodial crownet-shaped, moveable digit (46-54) with two teeth; middle article from the basal level to the base of dorsal seta 78-85 ending in fixed digit (49-51) with five teeth in addition to terminal tooth. Palp chaetotaxy normal for
mites (sensu Evans & Till, 1965), with simple setae except al1 and al2 of genu slightly thickened with blunt tip, palp apotele two-tined (Fig. 9).
Figures 6-9.
Gaeolaelaps izajiensis
sp. n. Female: 6 hypostome 7 epistome 8 chelicera 9 palp (trochanter to tibia).
Legs. Tarsi I-IV with claws and ambulacra. leg I 427-432, coxa 61-63, trochanter 39-44, basi-femur 20-24, telo-femur 61-68, genu 66-73, tibia 78, tarsus 90-95; leg II 317-329, coxa 37-39, trochanter 41-44, basi-femur 17-22, telo-femur 49-56, genu 46-54, tibia 46-49, tarsus: 73-78; leg III 249-259, coxa 22, trochanter 37-41, basi-femur 15-20, telo-femur 39, genu 24-32, tibia 37-41, tarsus 63-73; leg IV 383-417, coxa 34-37, trochanter 68-73, basi-femur 20-26, telo-femur 54-61, genu 49-56, tibia 54-61, tarsus 98-103. Legs I and IV longer than legs II and III. Chaetotaxy of all leg segments normal for
(sensu Faraji & Halliday, 2009). All leg setae smooth and pointed.
Legs Chaetotaxy (Figs 10-13): Leg I (Fig. 10): coxa 0 0/1 0/1 0; trochanter 1 0/2 1/1 1; femur 2 2/1 3/3 2; genu 2 3/2 3/1 2; tibia 2 3/2 3/1 2. Leg II (Fig. 11): coxa 0 0/1 0/1 0; trochanter 1 0/2 0/1 1; femur 2 3/1 2/2 1; genu 2 3/1 2/1 2(pv slightly thicker than other setae on the segment); tibia 2 2/1 2/1 2 (av and pv slightly thicker than other setae on the segment); tarsus 3 3/2 3/2 3 + mv, md (pl1, al1, pv1 -2, av1-2, md and mv slightly thicker than other setae on the segment). Leg III (Fig. 12): coxa 0 0/1 0/1 0; trochanter 1 0/2 0/1 1; femur 1 2/1 1/0 1; genu 2 2/1 2/1 1; tibia 2 1/1 2/1 1; tarsus 3 3/2 3/2 3 + mv, md (the thickness of setae similar to those on tarsus II). Leg IV (Fig. 13): coxa 0 0/1 0/0 0; trochanter 1 0/2 0/1 1; femur 1 2/1 1/0 1; genu 2 2/1 3/0 1 (av thicker than other setae on segment); tibia 2 1/1 3/1 2 (av and pv slightly thicker than other setae on the segment); tarsus 3 3/2 3/2 3 + mv, md (av1-2, pv1-2, pl2, mv and md slightly thicker than other setae on the segment. All setae fine and needle-like unless otherwise noted.
Figures 10-13.
Gaeolaelaps izajiensis
sp. n. Female: 10 Leg I 11 Leg II 12 Leg III 13 Leg IV.
Insemination structures. Not seen.
The name of the new species refers to Izaj, the ancient name of Izeh (a town in Khuzestan province, southwest Iran) where the holotype was collected.
Gaeolaelaps izajiensis
sp. n. is differentiated from all other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: dorsal shield with constriction at lateral margins near setae s6, with 39 pairs of simple thin acicular setae; reticulated epigynal shield with elongate and nearly quadrangle cells and abutting anal shield, exopodal plates fragmented between coxae III and IV; peritremes long and extending to the posterior margin of coxae I. Some species of
genus have long epigynal shield like:
Gaeolaelaps loksai
(Karg, 2000),
Gaeolaelaps pinnae
(Karg, 1987) and
Gaeolaelaps macra
(Karg, 1978) in which the epigynal shield extending near anal shield with only one pair of opisthogastric setae between epigynal and anal shields.
Gaeolaelaps macra
Gaeolaelaps loksai
have short peritremes which extended to near anterior and middle level of coxa II, respectively.
Gaeolaelaps pinnae
has long peritreme extending to anterior part of coxa I but has long dorsal setae which exceed the base of successive setae in series, seta J1 and some other opisthonotal setae barbed distally and iv2 slit-like (
Karg 1978