A New Syndyas Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Hybotidae: Hybotinae) From Mangroves In Singapore, With A Review Of The Oriental And Australasian Species
Grootaert, Patrick
Yang, Ding
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
journal article
Syndyas brevior
de Meijere, 1910
Figs. 2
Syndyas brevior
de Meijere, 1910: 68
Fig. 5
Material examined.
[E. Jacoboson Lang Eiland Krakatau Mei 1908] [
Syndyas brevior
det. de Meijere type] red label [
Syndyas brevior de Meijere 1910 ZMAN
1 female
[E. Jacobson. Verlaten Eiland Krakatau Mei 1908] red label [
Syndyas brevior de Meijere 1910 ZMAN
A small species with clear wing membrane, no stigma and discal cell much shorter than basal cells. Hind femur thickened on apical 2/3 with a ventral row of spiny bristles, about half as long as femur is wide. Hind tarsomere slightly thickened and much shorter than following tarsomeres together.
Female: length:
2 mm
; wing:
1.75 mm
Head. Eyes holoptic, frons and face linear. A pair of proclinate ocellars as long as all antennal segments together. Postoculars short, black, with tips proclinate over the eye. Antenna black, third segment elliptical 3 times as long as wide. Arista missing. Palp and proboscis hidden.
Thorax black in ground-colour, with thin pale brownish pubescence. Mesonotum shining black on anterior 2/3, posterior third thinly covered (subshining) with brownish dusting. Pleura grey dusted. Large thoracic bristles brown. Acrostichals long biseriate, the rows widely separated; dorsocentrals uniseriate but with numerous hairs at sides, ending in a long prescutellar. A pair of long brown apical scutellars and some shorter marginal hairs on both sides.
Legs brownish-black. Fore femur without ventral bristles, a few fine black posteroventrals near tip. Fore tibia (
Fig. 8
) somewhat curved in dorsal view, slightly dilated, especially around the opening of the tibial gland, opening of the tibial gland not distinct; tibia with 2 short dorsal bristles and with a row of long posteroventrals, a little longer than tibia is wide, the row continuing on tarsomere 1. Tarsomere 1 with some long dorsal bristles, especially a basal one and a pair of apicals; following tarsomeres also with distinct dorsal hairs. Mid femur ventrally bare. Mid tibia with 4-5 brown dorsal bristles, twice as long as tibia is wide and a very long ventral preapical; a row of long brown posteroventrals. Mid tarsomere 1 with two long dorsals and a row of long posteroventrals and a long ventral near base. Hind femur club-shaped, slender on basal third, gently widening towards tip, near tip about twice as wide as at base, ventrally with a row of equally long spine-like bristles. Hind tibia clubshaped, narrow at base but quickly widening towards tip, at its widest part, 3 times as wide as at base (
Fig. 10
) dorsally with 3-4 long black bristles, in addition a pair of preapical dorsal bristles. Hind tarsomere 1 thickened, about half as long as following four tarsomeres together; with a pair of long preapical bristles.
Wing (
Fig. 2
) clear, without stigma. Discal cell short; basal cells about 1.5 times as long as discal cell. Vein R
and M slightly converging near wing tip and ending parallel into costa.
Figs. 1–4:
wings: 1,
S. singaporensis
new species
; 2,
S. brevior
de Meijere
; 3,
S. aterrima
de Meijere
; 4,
S. elongata
de Meijere.
Abdomen shining black. Tergites dorsally with short pale brownish bristles; basal tergite with long brown bristles at sides. Apical two segments and cerci brown dusted.
(1938) reports a male from the
, unfortunately not giving any details.
is clear that in the future these specimens should be examined in order to try to establish conspecificity with the
female of Krakatau