Iapir quadridentatus sp. nov., a new torridincolid beetle from Brazil (Coleoptera: Myxophaga: Torridincolidae)
Pinto, Valeria Araújo Braule
Fonseca, Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos Da
Hamada, Neusa
journal article
Iapir quadridentatus
sp. nov.
Figs. 1–13
male (
: Primavera / Rio Ipojuca, Cachoeira do Urubu / (
08º17'55.9" S
35º21'40.2" W
), /
; Neusa Hamada / Jeferson
. Silva e
M. / Fusari cols. / Aderido a folhas de
sp./ (
) [white rectangular printed label]; Holótipo 3 /
Iapir quadridentatus
/ Det. V.A.Braule-Pinto, 2008; [red plastic label]. Condition of
: intact, stored in alcohol.
same data as the
48 males
37 females
stored in alcohol,
1 female
mounted on slides, deposited in
2 males
2 females
, deposited in
Adult with keel extending from the frons to the gular region (
Fig. 3
), left mandible bearing four teeth (
Fig. 5
), male and female with a semi-lunar form between ventrites III and IV (
Fig. 11
) and wings well developed (
Fig 10
Description of the adult.
Form and color
: General color shiny dark brown, body convex dorsally.
: Short, prognathous (
Fig. 2
), visible keel extending from the frons to the gular region, profiling above the eyes (
Fig. 3
), rostrum visible, prominent eyes separated by a distance about twice the diameter of each eye with posterior margin sheltered by the anterior angles of the pronotum. Vertex and frons convex with smooth punctuations. Frons wide, frontoclypeal suture distinct. Antenna arising in front of eyes, with 9 antennomeres; scape globoid, pedicel short, apical antennomere as long as the first four flagelomeres combined, bearing four apical sensillae (
Fig. 4
). Mandibles slightly asymmetrical (
Fig. 5
): left mandible with two apical non-articulated teeth and two articulated subapical teeth, molar lobe well developed with transverse ridges covering its entire external surface, prostheca well developed with marginal setae on internal face; right mandible of similar general shape as left mandible, but bearing only 2 apical non-articulated teeth, a tuft of setae on the base of the mola and prostheca with a small set of apical setae, but no setae on the lateral face. Maxilla (
Fig. 6
) with mala divided by an incomplete suture, with three apical laminar processes and 5 robust setae situated subapically; cardo short, stipes long, maxillary palpus with 3 palpomeres; palpomere 1 short, palpomere 2 three times longer than palpomere 1, palpomere 3 bearing sensillae apically. Labrum rugose and punctated in apical half, anterior margin pubescent, setae long and directed mesally. Labium (
Fig. 7
) grossly punctated bearing long setae on the entire extension; prementum densely pilose with a set of central setae. Labial palpus with 3 palpomeres; palpomere 1 short spiniform setae and several punctures apically dispersed over the entire surface and one basal seta.
: Prosternum, mesoventrite and metaventrite joined in trapezoid form; prosternum with anterior region narrowed relative to base; mesoventrite seven times shorter than metaventrite. Pronotum (
Fig. 8
) punctated and convex, with lateral border flat and widened, bearing marginal setae; posterior border biconcave with two short invaginations on the posterior part. Scutellar shield short, triangular with curved sides. Elytron strongly punctuated with an elliptical spot on the mediolateral portion in both sexes (seen only with open elytron), punctures arranged in 12 complete and 2 incomplete striae (the incomplete ones situated on the lateral part); humeral callus moderately protuberant.
Legs pale brown, elongated and unequal in length, dark brown on apical region of femora and at base of tibiae. Procoxa situated very close to mesocoxa. Metatrochanter (
Fig. 9
) with punctuations and spines and one evident tooth on posterior margin. Femora and tibiae with a row of long setae situated on laterals, tarsal formula 4-4-4, tarsomeres 1–2 short, bearing 2 basal spines each, tarsomere 3 twice as long as tarsomere 2, tarsomere 4 long, bearing two claws.
Posterior wings (
Fig. 10
) with short setae on PC+C, setae absent on the region of RA. RA1+2 with short and scattered setae becoming gradually closer and longer until posterior region of the wing. ScP weak and sinuous near the margin of RA, both fused in a radial sclerotized bar, wide and strong, bifurcated at the apex. Distal extremity of RA1+2 diverging to the anterior margin. Region above RA3+4 reinforced by a sclerotized strip. RA 3+4 bifurcated and evanescent on distal portion. RA3 wide with a spot weakly sclerotized. RA4 and
2 oriented to the apex of the wing, not reaching the margin;
3+4 and MP4+CuA1+2 weakly sclerotized, evanescent and disconnected. Cross vein r1 well developed, bifurcated posteriorly. MP1+2 strongly angular in distal fourth and sclerotized joining to rp-mp1 and rp-mp2 and forming a closed oblongum, evanescent on the region of rp-mp2. AA strongly sclerotized reaching the posterior region of the wing. CU and MP4+CuA1+2 weakly sclerotized and developed apically. AP short and sclerotized.
Iapir quadridentatus
sp. nov.
, adult male. 1. General dorsal view; 2. Mouthparts, ventral view; 3. Keel on the head, lateral view; 4. Antenna, dorsal view; 5. Mandibles, dorsal view; 6. Maxillary palpi, ventral view; 7. Labium, ventral view; 8. Pronotum, dorsal view; 9. Metatrochanter, ventral view; 10. Right wing, dorsal view; 11. Semi-lunar structure in the abdomen, ventral view; 12. Aedeagus, dorsal view; 13. Aedeagus apex, lateral view. Figs. 1, 8 and 11 scale = 0.5 mm; Figs. 3 and 12 scale = 0.2 mm; Figs. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13 scale = 0.1 mm.
FIGURES 14–20.
Iapir quadridentatus
sp. nov.
, larvae. 14. General dorsal view; 15. Antenna, dorsal view; 16. Mouthparts, ventral view; 17. Mandibles, dorsal view; 18. Labium, ventral view; 19. Maxillary palpi, ventral view; 20. Left urogomphus and spiracular gill, dorsal view. Fig. 14 scale = 0.5 mm; Figs. 15–20 scale = 0.1 mm.
With four ventrites visible, with plastron on the first ventrite, with structure semi-lunar in form (a reduced ventrite) located between third and fourth ventrites, distal width of this structure almost reaching the lateral margin of the abdomen (
Fig. 11
), fourth ventrite with a set of setae and rugosity on distal region. Aedeagus (
Fig. 12
) with a developed process preceding the basal piece; parameres short, arising very close to the base of the aedeagus and ending in a very strong and pointed seta; medium lobe long, with median region thicker than its base, the apex narrowed with spines (
Fig. 13
1.8–2.3 mm
2.2 mm
Description of the female.
Similar to male, sexual dimorphism absent in all characters examined. Body length: 2.0–
2.4 mm
quadri- =
dentatus =
toothed. The specific epithet is a reference to the four teeth in the left mandible (
Fig. 4