The Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampoidea) of Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique: a provisional checklist with descriptions of three new species and taxonomic notes Author Takano, Hitoshi African Natural History Research Trust, Street Court, Leominster, HR 6 9 QA, UK. Author László, Gyula M. 0000-0001-9862-8290 African Natural History Research Trust, Street Court, Leominster, HR 6 9 QA, UK. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-08-05 5492 2 231 259 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.2.5 1175-5326 13219306 4EBF5CFE-4C49-4D87-A4B2-514640ACED97 Rhinobombyx maputoensis sp. n. ( Figs 79–81 , 92 ) Holotype ( ANHRT ): MOZAMBIQUE 22m / Maputo Special Reserve , / West Gate ( Sand Forest ) / 26°30’14.2”S , 32°42’59.6”E / 13-15.ii.2018 Actinic LightTrap / Laszlo, G., Mulvaney, J., / Smith, L. , leg. / ANHRT :2018.2 // ANHRTUK / 00037176 // Gen. slide No. / LG 6261 / prep. by Gy.M. Laszlo [partially handwritten]” Paratypes ( 13♂♂ in ANHRT and MHN ): [1C] 1♂ ; [4G]— 2♂♂ ; [4H]— 5♂♂ ; [4I]— 1♂ ; [4J]— 4♂♂ . Diagnosis . Rhinobombyx maputoensis sp. n. is phenotypically reminiscent of Leipoxais peraffinis ( syntype examined in NHMUK), but in the latter, the medial fascia of the forewing upperside is irregularly but strongly crenulate, a diffuse brown postmedial fascia is present and the terminal area is heavily irrorated with silvery-grey scales. In the male genitalia, L. peraffinis ( Fig. 94 ) has ca. three times longer valval lobes where the proximal lobe is very narrow digitiform and the distal one is strongly curved caudad, and a markedly longer, sub-quadrangular cubile with a medially slightly depressed anterior margin without well-developed anterolateral processes. Additionally, L. peraffinis possesses a characteristically bilobate vesica as well as a very wide, dentate carinal plate of the phallus. Description . Forewing length: holotype : 17 mm ; paratypes : 15–18 mm . Male. Upperside. Ground colour of head, thorax, wings and abdomen varying from russet to pale brown; body and base of wings irrorated with pale greyish-silver scales. Labial palp, long, porrect, three times diameter of eye. Antenna bipectinate, brown. Forewing elongate triangular, rounded at apex, outer margin gently arcuate with weak interneural crenulation. Anal margin with dark scales medially. Antemedial fascia dark brown, unevenly arcuate. Discal spot white, crescent- or reniform-shaped, ringed in black. Medial fascia dark brown, gently and unevenly arcuate, with paler scaling on its outer edge. Submarginal fascia dark brown, indistinct in some specimens, irregularly sinuate, indented distad in space CuA1, strongly defined on its outer edge leaving a weaker ‘shadow’ proximally. Terminal area irrorated with dark scales. Termen with pale greyish-silver scales. Fringe greyish-brown. Hindwing ovoid, costal margin with emargination, outer margin arcuate and crenulate; paler basally and anally. Costal margin with darker brown irroration. Medial fascia dark brown, faint, gently arcuate, with a paler diffuse band on its outer edge. Submarginal fascia dark brown, indistinct, irregularly sinuate. Termen with pale greyish-silver scales. Fringe greyish-brown. Underside. Ground colour as on upperside but forewings paler; both wings irrorated with pale straw or greyish-silver scales, and generally paler distally and basally. Medial fascia as on upperside but petering out towards anal margin. Postmedial fascia dark brown, very faint, straight. Submarginal fascia as on upperside but weakly-expressed. Terminal fascia dark brown, very narrow. Hindwing medial fascia as on upperside but well-defined. Postmedial fascia dark brown, very faint, sinuate. Submarginal fascia as on upperside, but diffuse, broader and better defined. Male genitalia. Uncus fully reduced. Socius reduced, represented by small membranous bulge bearing very long setae. Tegumen moderately long (ca. twice length of valve) with very narrow lateral plates. Juxta quadrangular, heavily sclerotized, fused with phallus with short densely setose brush-like processes basolaterally. Valve very short (ca. half length of phallus), bilobate, densely setose, proximal lobe rounded in basal two-thirds produced into a short but stout, apically rounded process; distal lobe considerably narrower basally and ca. 10% longer than proximal lobe, apex produced into a short, pointed tip. Vinculum short and broad (as long as valve base), cubile elongatequadrangular with thick, apically rounded craniolateral processes of same length as basal part of cubile and gently sinuous caudal margin. Phallus moderately thick, posteriorly dilated; carina short (a third of length of phallus), robust triangular, situated dorsally; ventral side of phallus with scobinate plate ventrally. Vesica as long as carina, inflated, without cornuti. Female unknown. DNA divergences . The new species is recovered in two BINs BOLD:AFG8787 and BOLD:AFG8788 with intraspecific PWDs of 0.0–2.0% (n=7). It differs from R. cuneata with PWDs of 5.6–6.8% (n=4). Derivatio nominis . The new species derives its name from the type locality. An adjective in the nominative singular. Distribution . The new species is known only from its type locality and is almost certainly endemic to the MPA hotspot.