Systematic revision and total evidence phylogenetic analysis of the Andean family Metasarcidae Kury, 1994 (Opiliones: Laniatores), with description of two new genera and twenty new species Author Benedetti, Alipio Rezende Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal: 11.461, 05422 - 970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil & Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, campus Sao Joao Evangelista, Av. Primeiro de Junho, 1043, Sao Joao Evangelista, MG, Brazil Author Pinto-da-Rocha, Ricardo Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal: 11.461, 05422 - 970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2022 2022-08-16 80 309 388 journal article 1864-8312-80-309 D5C0468B99A14EF39237D9BC51A8BDA3 11907D1B6F665D96B5FD2F9751431366 3.18. Ayacucho roeweri nom. nov. Figs 2H , 28 Cajacaybia spinigera Roewer, 1957: 74 (desc.), figs. 27 (dorsal habitus), 28 (pedipalpus); Kury, 2003: 144 (cat.). Redescription. FEMALE: Measurements ( n =1) DWS: 3.6; DSL: 4.0; CL: 1.4. FIVL: 3.5. ChL: 1.3. Coloration (in ethanol): Uniformly yellowish (reddish-brown, in the original description), with darker spots on the carapace, especially behind ocularium and legs. Dorsum : (Fig. 2H ) Alpha-type DSS, with wide coda. Anterior margin of dorsal scutum with a median elevation; with granules sparsely distributed on the lateral regions of DS. Ocularium with a pair of long spines; with granules sparsely distributed. Carapace with few granules in lateral regions to predominantly smooth near its posterior margin. Areas I-IV with granules sparsely distributed; I with a paramedian pair of tubercles; II-IV with a median pair of small tubercles, of equal size, but larger than those on area I. Lateral margins of dorsal scutum with granules sparsely distributed. Posterior margin of dorsal scutum with a row of larger blunt tubercles, with a more acuminate median tubercle, interspersed with smaller tubercles. Free tergites I-II with a row of small blunt tubercles, with a large median acuminate tubercle, projecting backwards. Free tergite III with a row of granules and a median pair of acuminate tubercles that are smaller than those on tergites I-II. Chelicerae . (Fig. 2H ) Not swollen. Segment I granulate. Segment II predominantly smooth, two teeth on the finger. Segment III with three teeth. Pedipalpus . Small granules distributed on the dorsal surface of the femur. Trochanter with a ventrodistal setiferous tubercle. Femur with a row of five tiny ventral tubercles, slightly larger than the dorsal ones. Tibia: prolateral III, retrolateral iiIi. Tarsus: prolateral IIii, retrolateral iIiii. Venter . Coxae I-IV smooth. Between the coxae II-III and III-IV with a minute tubercle on the apical part. Genital area smooth. Free sternites without granules. Anal operculum smooth. Legs . (Fig. 2H ) Coxae I-II each with one prolateral and one retrolateral apophysis; III with prolateral apophysis; IV with granules distributed throughout its surface, and a prodistal apophysis with acuminate apex. Trochanters I-III smooth; IV with few dorsal median granules and a retroapical acuminate tubercle. Femora I-III with few granules sparsely distributed; IV densely granulate; with a retrolateral row of 10 small acuminate tubercles. Patellae-tibiae I-IV smooth. Tarsal segmentation: ( n =1) 7, 12, 8, 8. - MALE : unknown. Figure 12. Penis of Metasarcidae , dorsal and lateral views, respectively. A - B A. bambamarca (Roewer, 1957) comb. nov. ; C - D Ayacucho inermis (Roewer, 1957) comb. nov. ; E - F Ayacucho pasolinii sp. nov. ; G - H Ayacucho spielbergi sp. nov. ; I - J Ayacucho titschacki Roewer, 1949; K - L Ayacucho triarmatus nom. nov. ; Legend bars = 0.1 mm. Diagnosis. It differs from other species of the genus with known females by having a high median spine in the free tergites I-II (Fig. 2H ). Remarks. Considering that Cajacaybia spinigera and Palcares spiniger were described in the same work ( Roewer 1957 ), we established the precedence of Palcares spiniger name (Art. 24.2 of ICZN). Therefore, since they are both species in the genus Ayacucho , Cajacaybia spinigera Roewer, 1957 is a secondary homonym of Palcares spiniger Roewer, 1957 and must be replaced. Consequently, we create Ayacucho roeweri nom. nov. as a replacement name for Roewer's name. Figure 13. Penis of Metasarcidae , dorsal and lateral views, respectively. A - B A. vargasllosai sp. nov. ; C - D A. weyrauchi (Roewer, 1952) comb. nov. ; E - F Incasarcus argenteus Kury & Maury, 1998; G - H Incasarcus dianae Kury & Maury, 1998; I - J : Incasarcus pictus Kury & Maury, 1998; Legend bars = 0.1 mm. Derivatio nominis. The specific epithet of masculine gender, in the genitive form, dedicated to the German arachnologist Carl Friedrich Roewer (1881-1963), the author of original name in secondary homonymy. Distribution. (Fig. 28 ) PERU. Ancash. Cajacay. Material examined. Type material : Hototype , ' PERU . Ancash . Cajacay , Rio Fortaleza , 2,700 m a.s.l. , 5/III/1956 , Weyrauch leg. (SMF RII 11645 /28) .