Berlese's Primitive Oribatid Mites Author van der Hammen, L. text Zoologische Verhandelingen 1959 40 1 93 journal article ORI111 0DC6B575-3CB3-41C1-A3EC-850520AE4487 Hoplophorella cucullata (Ewing, 1909) Hoploderma cucullatum Ewing , 1909, p. 133, pl. 6 fig. 35. Hoploderma licnophorum Berlese , 1913, p. 102, pl. 8 fig. 99. Hoplophorella cucullata , Jacot, 1953, p. 249. The type-specimens of H. cucullatum Ewing and H. licnophorum Berlese both have been collected by Crosby at the same locality: Columbia, Missouri. The original descriptions point to the same species, and Jacot (1933) regarded cucullatum and licnophorum already as Synonyms. Apparently Berlese himself also discovered this fact, because in 1923 he described a variety of " Phthiracarus (Hoplophorella) cucullatus ", of which the type-material is still labelled as " Phthiracarus (Hoplophorella) licnophora var. obsoletior ". The type-slide (no. 142/5) of the species is still present in the Berlese Collection. There is no doubt about its identity with cucullata .