Revision of Diplosynapsis Enderlein, 1914 (Diptera, Asilidae, Asilinae) with description of four new species Author Vieira, Rodrigo Author Rafael, José Albertino text Zootaxa 2016 4208 2 127 148 journal article 37540 10.11646/zootaxa.4208.2.2 90fadcec-e88a-45c2-8b2e-3b782a78b916 1175-5326 203823 75A3CA72-A530-4AE4-86E4-1D67232B6A90 Diplosynapsis fisheri sp. nov. ( Figs. 37–48 ) Diagnosis. Sternite 8 with medioapical margin produced ( Fig. 45 ); epandrium with ventral digitiform projection ( Figs. 38, 40 ); gonocoxite apex bifid ( Figs. 40, 41 ); female: hind femur with 3 black setae anteriorly; 4–5 black anteroventrally. Description. Male. Holotype . Head. Scape and pedicel black, postpedicel brown; 2 long, black ocellar macrosetae and 5 setae; vertex black; frons and face black, golden and grey tomentose on lateral margins; mystax with black setae; palpus with black setae; proboscis black with black and yellow setae; labial setae yellowish; occiput grey tomentose; occipital with black and yellow setae; 3–4 black postocular macrosetae. Thorax. Antepronotum and postpronotum black, sparsely grey tomentose; mesonotum black; lateral margin of mesonotum, postpronotal, sutural and prescutellar spot and scutellum grey tomentose; mesopleuron black, grey tomentose. Chaetotaxy: 2 black notopleural macrosetae; 1 black supra-alar setae; 1 black postalar setae; black dorsocentral setae; no anatergal setae; 7 black, apical scutellar macrosetae; black discal scutellar setae; black katatergal macrosetae; setae on meron+metanepisternal yellow and blackish. Wing ( Fig. 39 ). Light brown, with costal dilation; crossvein r-m beyond middle of discal cell; microtrichia on posterior wing margin arranged in a single plane; halter yellow-brown. Legs ( Fig. 37 ). Black. Chaetotaxy: fore femur with black and yellow setae; mid femur with 2 black macrosetae anteriorly and 3 anteroventrally; hind femur with 1 black macrosetae anteriorly, 4 anteroventrally, 1 anterior preapical dorsal macroseta, and another posteriorly; fore tibia apical 3/4, hind tibia 4/5, all tarsomeres ventrally, and fore and hind tarsomeres with brown, short, spiniform setae anteriorly; fore tibia with 4 black macrosetae posteriorly; mid tibia with 3 black setae anteroventrally; hind tibia with 1 black apical and 1 black posterior macroseta; tarsomeres with black setae. Abdomen. Tergites 2–5 black, except apex brown and basal grey spot laterally; tergites and sternites 6–7 brown with dull grey tomentum ( Figs. 37, 38 ); sternite 8 with medioapical margin produced ( Fig. 45 ); sternites black with brown apex, grey tomentose. Terminalia ( Figs. 38, 40–43 ). Black; terminalia oblique to body axis ( Fig. 37 ). Epandrium with ventral digitiform projection ( Figs. 38, 40 ); hypandrium developed laterally, with rounded ventral margin; gonocoxite apex bifid ( Figs. 40, 41 ); gonostylus apex rounded with short spines ( Figs. 41, 42 ); ejaculatory apodeme long and wide proximally, in lateral view ( Fig. 43 ); aedeagus apex without ventral projection ( Figs. 43, 44 ). Lengths. Body 23.8 mm; wing 15.6 mm. Holotype condition. Wing mounted in microslide with Canada balsam and terminalia in microtube with glycerin. Microtube and microslides pinned with specimen. Variation. Length: Body 18.2 mm– 28 mm ; wing: 11.2 mm– 16 mm ; antenna wholly black; 3 long, black ocellar macrosetae; halter brown; mid femur with 3 black macrosetae anteriorly; hind femur with 5 black macrosetae anteroventrally. Female. ( Figs. 46–48 ): Similar to male, except for body length: 16 mm –27.8 mm, wing 14.5 mm–17.1 mm; 5 long black ocellar macrosetae; mid femur with 3 black setae anteriorly; hind femur with 3 black setae anteriorly; 4– 5 black anteroventrally; tergites I–VI lateral margin, grey tomentose; tergite 8 long, slender and black ( Figs. 46, 48 ); tergite 9 + 10 membranous medially; sternites 1–7 black, grey tomentose; 3 spermathecae capsule small, rounded and sclerotized ( Fig. 47 ). Etymology. A patronym to the researcher Eric Fisher, PhD. Distribution. Costa Rica (Guapiles, Heredia , Limon , Puntarenas ) ( Fig. 75 ). Type material examined. Holotype : C.[ OSTA ] RICA: Heredia , Finca La Selva , 4.Apr. [il]. [19]80 (1146). H. Hespenheide / Holotype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER). Paratypes : COSTA RICA : Prov.[ince] Heredia : 11 km SE. La. Virgen, 450-550m , 10°20’N 84°04’W 8 Abril 2003 , INBio-OET-ALAS transect / 0 8 Abril 2003 Transect 05/M/01/061 / Project ALAS , INB 0003239606 / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; COSTA RICA , Heredia : Est.[ácion]. Biol.[ógica] La Selva , 50- 150m , 10°26’N , 84°01’ W , May 2000 , INBio-OET / 29 May/ 2000 Bosque secundário / M/19/749 / Costa Rica INBIO CRI 0022 730022 / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; COSTA RICA : Heredia , Pr [ovince]: La Selva Biol [ogical] Sta.[tion], 3 km S Pto. [Puerto] Viejo , 10°26’N , 84°01’ W / 23.vii.1993 , H.A. Hespenheide / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; same data, except: 20.vii.1982 / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; same data, except: 15.iv.1982 / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; same data, no date / Efferia sp. A, det. E.M. Fisher / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; COSTA RICA : Prov.[ince] Heredia : 11km SE. La. Virgen, 250-350m , 10°21’N 84°03’W , 18 Abril 2004 , 03/ELP/01 Transect / 18 Abril 2004 Transect 05/M/01/061 / Project ALAS , INB 0003622914 / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; COSTA RICA , Limon Prov.[ince] Guapiles , vi.24 -[19]65, Coll. R.J. Hamton / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; COSTA RICA , Cartago , 20 km , ne, Turrialba , 820m . July 23, 1975 , E.M. Fisher , collr. / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; same data / = Diplosynapsis Enderlein Enderl. [ein] det. E.M. Fisher [19]92 / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; COSTA RICA , Puntarenas Prov.[ince], Parque Nacional Corcovado , Est.[ácion] Sirena , 8° 28’ 31” N , 83°36’ W / 25.iii.1981 H.A. Hespenheide / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER) ; COSTA RICA : Limon Prov.[ince] 17 km , W. Guapiles , 13, Jul. [y], 1986, F.T. Hovore , P.H. Sullivan / Paratype Diplosynapsis fisheri ( EFISHER).