Two new species of Squalius, S. adanaensis and S. seyhanensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), from the Seyhan River in Turkey Author Turan, Davut Author Kottelat, Maurice Author Doğan, Esra text Zootaxa 2013 3637 3 308 324 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3637.3.4 69d8d17b-5a6a-4302-8dd1-a611e6155a4d 1175-5326 222361 9D808E86-955E-4CDF-94B5-1BE1F7B7A2F5 Squalius adanaensis , new species ( Fig. 2 ) Holotype . FFR 1994, 148 mm SL; Turkey : Adana Prov.: Üçürge Stream at Karaisalı, Seyhan River drainage; D. Turan & R. Buyurucu, 3 July 2007 . Paratypes . FFR 1995, 16, 85–157 mm SL; CMK 22403, 4, 101– 128 mm SL; same data as holotype . Diagnosis. Squalius adanaensis is distinguished from all the species of Squalius in Turkey and adjacent waters by the combination of the following characters (none unique to the species): a black spot on the scale pocket of each scale, covered by the preceding scale and appearing as a greyish spot at the posterior tip of the preceding scales; no or only few melanophores along the posterior margin of each flank scale ( Fig. 3 a); the absence of a black bar behind the opercle; most flank scales with a somewhat undulating outer margin; head long (length 27.8–31.1 % SL), approximately 1.2–1.3 times body depth, head shape not sexually dimorphic; mouth terminal, without or with a very slightly distinct chin, its corner almost reaching the vertical through the anterior margin of the eye; length of mouth gape approximately equal to its width; upper jaw slightly projecting beyond lower jaw; upper lip thin, its anterior width approximately 1.3–1.5 times the width at the corner of the mouth; dorsal body profile behind head straight or very slightly convex, ventral profile slightly more convex than dorsal profile; anal fin not fleshy; caudal fin deeply forked (length of middle rays 59–68 % of length of lower lobe), lobes slightly pointed; 38–42 + 1–2 lateral line scales; and anal and pelvic fins without orange pigments on rays in life. Description. General appearance is shown in Figure 2 ; morphometric and meristic data are given in Tables 1 and 3 . Body moderately deep, slightly compressed laterally. Dorsal profile behind head straight or slightly arched in predorsal region, ventral profile more arched than dorsal profile. Head long, approximately 1.2–1.3 times body depth at dorsal-fin origin, its dorsal profile straight or slightly convex. Mouth terminal, without or with very slightly distinct chin, its corner almost reaching vertical through anterior margin of eye. Length of mouth gape approximately equal to its width. Lips thin, slightly thickened at tip of snout, anterior width approximately 1.3–1.5 times width at corner of mouth. Snout slightly pointed. Lateral line with 38–42 + 1–2 scales; 6–8 scales rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 3–4 scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin; most flank scales with a somewhat undulating outer margin. Gill rakers 2– 3 + 6–7 = 8–10 on outer side of first gill arch. Dorsal fin with 3 simple and 8½ branched rays; its height 18.3–21.5 % SL, outer margin straight or slightly concave. Pectoral fin long, its length 17.8–20.5 % SL, outer margin slightly convex, with 15–17 branched rays. Pelvic fin rounded, with 1 simple and 8 branched rays. Anal fin with 3 simple and 8½ branched rays, slender, outer margin convex. Caudal fin forked, lobes slightly pointed. Pharyngeal teeth 5.2–2.5, distinctly hooked and serrated. Sexual dimorphism. No tubercles on head, body or fins in either sex. Coloration. Formalin-fixed adults and juveniles brownish on back and upper part of flank, yellowish on lower part of flank and belly. Caudal fin light grey; dorsal, pectoral, pelvic and anal fins yellowish. A black spot poorly developed on scale pocket of each scale, almost completely covered by preceding scale and appearing superficially as a greyish spot at tip of preceding scales; no or only few melanophores along posterior margin of scales ( Fig. 3 a). Anal and pelvic fins without orange pigments on rays in life. Anal fin with very few melanophores on rays in preserved specimens. FIGURE 2. Squalius adanaensis , holotype, FFR 1994, 148 mm SL; Turkey: Adana Prov.: Seyhan River drainage. TABLE 1. Morphometry of Squalius adanaensis , S. seyhanensis and S. fellowesii . Values in parentheses: mean. Values of holotypes included in range.
S. adanaensis S. seyhanensis S. fellowesii
Basin Mediterranean Mediterranean Mediterranean
Drainage Seyhan Seyhan Eşen
Number of specimens 15 holotype 11 holotype
Standard length (mm) 100–157 148 126–240 150 90-160
In percent of standard length 15
Head length 27.8–31.1 (29.2) 29.5 25.4–27.4 (26.3) 25.4 24.1–26.2 (24.9)
Body depth at dorsal-fin origin 22.6–24.7 (24.0) 22.6 24.4–27.5 (25.7) 25.0 22.1–26.0 (23.5)
Predorsal length 52.4–57.0 (54.8) 53.1 53.2–57.6 (55.4) 54.6 50.2–55.5 (54.0)
Prepelvic length 49.9–55.4 (52.4) 52.1 50.0–53.1 (52.0) 51.4 48.5–52.5 (50.4)
Preanal length 70.8–77.9 (73.8) 73.4 72.4–74.3 (73.5) 73.9 71.5–74.6 (73.2)
Pectoral-fin origin to anal fin 45.7–51.7 (49.6) 50.3 48.1–53.2 (50.5) 51.6 48.2–52.5 (50.6)
Pectoral-fin origin to pelvic fin 25.9–28.3 (27.1) 27.3 25.6–30.6 (28.3) 29.2 24.4–28.8 (27.0)
Pelvic-fin origin to anal fin 19.6–24.8 (22.9) 23.0 21.9–25.1 (23.3) 23.1 22.0–25.2 (24.0)
Dorsal-fin height 18.3–21.5 (19.8) 18.7 14.0–19.4 (17.7) 16.4 17.1–19.3 (18.1)
Anal-fin height 16.0–19.2 (17.4) 17.1 15.6–17.9 (16.8) 16.3 16.7–19.7 (18.4)
Pectoral-fin length 17.8–20.5 (19.2) 17.9 16.1–18.9 (17.9) 17.2 16.0–19.1 (18.1)
Pelvic-fin length 14.6–17.2 (15.5) 14.8 13.0–16.0 (14.8) 14.3 13.3–15.6 (14.7)
Length of upper caudal-fin lobe 18.5–23.0 (21.1) 18.6 17.6–18.9 (18.4) 18.8 17.8–23.5 (20.4)
Length of middle caudal-fin rays 11.7–15.2 (13.9) 14.6 12.5–14.6 (14.0) 13.3 13.0–16.7 (14.2)
Length of caudal peduncle 18.9–22.7 (20.3) 19.6 19.0–21.4 (20.4) 20.8 18.7–20.2 (19.4)
Depth of caudal peduncle 11.0–12.3 (11.8) 11.6 12.0–12.9 (12.3) 12.3 10.7–12.0 (11.4)
In percent of head length
Snout length 29–34 (30.7) 29.6 31–34 (32.8) 31.8 29–33 (31.6)
Eye diameter 17–24 (20.1) 18.1 15–21 (17.7) 17.0 17–24 (21.2)
Interorbital width 31–38 (36.1) 33.9 37–41 (38.3) 37.9 36–39 (37.0)
Head width1 at anterior margin of eyes 38–42 (40.4) 41.6 43–47 (45.4) 46.7 40–47 (43.8)
Head width2 at posterior margin of eyes 50.0–55 (53.4) 54.6 56–60 (58.2) 58.0 54–60 (57.2)
Head width3 at middle of opercle 55–62 (58.8) 58.6 63–67 (65.2) 66.9 60–65 (62.2)
Head depth1 at through eye 43–47 (45.1) 44.6 46–51 (48.4) 48.9 49–55 (51.8)
Head depth2 at nape 61–69 64.6) 65.7 62–71 (62.8) 68.0 66–75 (70.2)
Snout width at nostrils 34–41(36.9) 37.9 37–44 (41.4) 41.1 37–46 (40.3)
Snout depth at nostrils 25–32 (28.2) 24.8 30–34 (32.5) 32.8 29–36 (33.0)
Width of mouth gape 26–33 (29.9) 33.3 31–35 (33.6) 34.6 28–34 (31.7)
Length of mouth gape 26–31 (29.3) 28.2 27–31 (29.2) 30.4 25-31 (29.0)
FIGURE 3. Pigments on flank scales of Squalius species present in eastern Anatolia: a, S. adanaensis , FFR 1995, 155 mm SL; b, S. seyhanensis , FFR 1992, 236 mm SL; c, S. berak , FFR 3821, 181 mm SL; d, S. turcicus , FFR 771, 1193 mm SL; e, S. orientalis , FFR 770, 193 mm SL. Distribution and notes on biology. Squalius adanaensis is presently known only from the Üçürge Stream, a tributary of the lower part of Seyhan River ( Fig. 4 ). It inhabits swift and warm flowing water, with cobbles and pebbles bottom. Capoeta turani , Oxynoemacheilus seyhanensis and Alburnus sp. have been collected together with S. adanaensis . Its maximum known size is 180 mm SL (observed in the field). Etymology. The name of the species is derived from the name of the city and eponymous province of Adana, where we first observed it. An adjective.