A new species of mite in the genus Nenteria (Uropodina, Trematuridae), with a key to the Egyptian species Author Abo-Shnaf, Reham 0000-0002-4033-9063 Vegetable and Aromatic Plant Mites Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre, 12611 Dokii, Giza, Egypt. riamaboshnaf@yahoo.com Author Allam, Sally F. M. 0000-0001-8777-7418 Zoology and Agricultural Nematology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. sallyfmallam@gmail.com Author Othman, Nehal A. A. 0009-0000-0774-7260 Applied Centre of Entomonematodes, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. nahlan665@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2024 2024-06-18 5471 2 268 286 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5471.2.7 journal article 298732 10.11646/zootaxa.5471.2.7 c71f972c-d889-455e-a154-223a628a4b30 1175-5326 12190037 A6655F6A-A6FD-4717-919A-FF783C0E7838 Nenteria bahariyaensis n. sp. Abo-Shnaf & Allam Figs 1–25 Diagnosis. Epistome with a broad smooth base and moderately long dentate projection, bifid apically; fixed cheliceral digit with apical notch that fits apical tooth of movable digit; corniculi horn-like; all hypostomal setae pilose. Dorsal idiosoma with an unpaired seta ( jx ) between j3–j3 ; most dorsal setae smooth with transparent tip. Sternum with five pairs of simple setae ( st1–st5 ) and one extra seta ( stx ); pygidial shield tongue-shaped with curved bifid projection; opisthogaster with eight pairs of opisthogastric setae ( JV1–JV5 and ZV3–ZV5 ); post-anal seta absent. Legs with chitinus membrane on coxa I, trochanters I–II, femura I–IV, genu and tibia IV, most leg setae short and aciculate, except pv2 on trochanter I, pilose; some other setae thick and spine-like. Adult female ( Four females examined) ( Figs 1–13 ) Dorsum of idiosoma ( Figs 1, 2 ) Idiosoma oval-shaped, ornamented with small subrounded pits, less distinct medially where muscle scars are more evident, and a few reticulations between J4–J5 , 914 (848–968) long and 628 (527– 702) wide at widest level; with 33 pairs setae ( j1–j6 , z1–z6 , s1–s6 , J1–J5 , Z1–Z5 , and S1–S5 ), an unpaired seta ( jx ) between j3–j3 , 39 pairs of distinct poroids and six pairs of distinct solenostomes. Most dorsal shield setae of uniform length and shorter than distance to the subsequent seta, or almost reaching the base of to the subsequent seta ( Fig. 1 ). All setae smooth with transparent tip ( Fig. 2 ), except for J5 and Z5 , pilose ( Fig. 2 ). Marginal shield narrow, inner margin slightly crenulated, ornamented with deep prolonged depressions, clearly demarcated from dorsal shield, fused with dorsal shield anteriorly at level anteriad s2 ; with 21 pairs of smooth setae and a pair of pilose setae, most of uniform length. Lengths of recognised dorsal setae: j1 92 (88–96), j2 47 (44–52), j3 53 (49–57), j4 56 (52–59), j5 38 (34–42), j6 40 (38–42), jx 51 (47–55), z1 62 (55–68), z2 51 (49–52), z3 53 (49–57), z4 54 (52–55), z5 55 (53–57), z6 56 (52–59), s1 21 (18–26), s2 54 (52–57), s3 51 (47–55), s4 53 (47–57), s5 59 (52–70), s6 63 (60–68), J1 52 (49–56), J2 68, J3 59 (55–62), J4 56 (49–60), J5 56 (47–68), Z1 52 (44–59), Z2 53 (49–56), Z3 51 (48–59), Z4 51 (44–61), Z5 56 (47–61), S1 46 (44–47), S2 66 (57–75), S3 67 (60–81), S4 72 (68–83), S5 64 (60–75). Venter of idiosoma ( Figs 3–5 ) All setae smooth. Tritosternum base wide, 58 (55–60) long and 31 (30–32) wide at mid-level, with a pair of small lateral basal loops, laciniae serrate with dentate base, 90 (83–96) long, apically trifid, median lacinia longer than laterals, free for about 33% of their total length ( Fig. 5 ). Sternal shield smooth with anterior margin well delineated and smooth, medially convex; with five pairs of simple setae ( st1–st5 ) and an extra seta ( stx ), four pairs of distinct poroids and four pairs of distinct solenostomes, st1 inserted near anterior margin of the shield, st2–st5 lateral to pygidial shield, st2 close to st1 . Endopodal plates between coxae I–II, II–III and III–IV fused to sternal shield. Pygidial shield tongue-shaped, smooth, 185 (167–198) long; with curved bifid projection (in one paratype female with trifid projection) ( Fig. 3 ), 60 (56–63) long, almost reaching the base of coxa I ( Fig. 4 ); posterior margin ends at anterior margin of coxae IV, truncate, 127 (124–131) wide at posterior corners; shield located between coxae II–III; paragenital poroids ( iv5 ) and a pair of solenostomes ( ivo ) on unsclerotised cuticle anterolaterad st5 , distance st5–st5 108 (101–118). Opisthogaster with a fine reticulate pattern between JV2–JV3 and with small subrounded pits, with eight pairs of opisthogastric setae ( JV1–JV5 and ZV3–ZV5 ) in addition to Ad2 , post-anal seta ( Pa ) absent, three pairs of distinct poroids ( ivo ) and two pairs of distinct solenostomes; anal opening small, 36 (34–40) long including frame. With 11 pairs of submarginal ventral setae, aciculate, most of uniform length. Exopodal plates between coxae II–III and III–IV fused with endopodal plates ( Fig. 4 ). Lengths of setae: st1 10 (9–10), st2 9 (8–10), st3 42 (42–44), st4 27 (23–31), st5 30 (25–34), stx 9 (8–10), JV1 35, JV2 39 (35–42), JV3 60 (56–64), JV4 61 (57–65), JV5 63 (57–68), ZV3 38 (34–42), ZV4 71 (65–74), ZV5 79 (70–83), Ad2 29 (23–35). Peritreme ( Fig. 4 ) Peritrematic plate broadly fused with exopodal plate between coxae II–III; stigmata located at level between coxae II–III, peritreme curved down anteriorly, with two poroids and one solenostome behind coxa IV ( ip3 , ip4 , and gp2 of Lindquist & Moraza 2009 ). Gnathosoma ( Figs 6–8 ) Epistome with a broad smooth base and moderately long dentate projection, bifid apically ( Fig. 6 ). Fixed cheliceral digit 93 (87–99) long, with apical notch that fits apical tooth of movable digit, and with a tooth; movable digit 67 (64–70) long, with a tooth. Cheliceral antiaxial and dorsal lyrifissures, dorsal seta, and nodulus distinct ( Fig. 7 ). Deutosternal grove narrow and smooth. Corniculi horn-like, parallel to each other, about 77 (74–78) long and 29 (26–31) wide at the base, distance between tips of corniculi 44 (39–49). Hypostomal setae h1 longest and pilose, h2 shortest and pilose, h3 long and pilose, sc short and pilose. Ventral setae on palp trochanter av smooth, pv pilose ( Fig. 8 ); palp chaetotaxy: trochanter-tarsus (2–5–5–14–15); all setae smooth, except for av1 on trochanter, pv1 and pv2 on femur pilose. Lengths of setae: h1 90 (86–94), h2 28 (27–29), h3 73 (69–75) and sc 43 (42–47); palp trochanter setae av 27 (23–30) and pv 26 (26–27). Legs ( Figs 9–13 ) Legs short, distinctly shorter than dorsal shield. Pretarsi I–IV each with a pair of claws and pulvillus with three rounded lobules ( Fig. 13 ), leg I with a long subterminal seta, claws on tarsus I much smaller than other claws on other legs. Chitinous membrane present on coxa I, trochanters I–II, femura I–IV, genu and tibia IV ( Figs 9–13 ). Lengths of legs: I—524 (491–581), II—456 (428–473), III—443 (428–464) and IV—479 (464–491). Leg chaetotaxy: coxae: 2-2-2-1; trochanters: 4-4-4-4; femora: I—9 (1, 2/1, 2/2, 1); II—9 (2, 2/1, 2/1, 1); III—6 (1, 2/1, 1/0, 1); IV—7 (1, 2/1, 2/0, 1); genua: I—8 (1, 2/1, 2/1, 1); II—7 (1, 2/0, 2/1, 1); III—6 (1, 2/0, 2/0, 1); IV—6 (1, 2/0, 2/0, 1); tibiae: I—7 (1, 1/1, 2/1, 1); II—7 (1, 1/1, 2/1, 1); III—7 (1, 1/1, 2/1, 1); IV—7 (1, 1/1, 2/1, 1). Legs with chitinus membrane on coxa I, trochanters I–II, femura I–IV, genu and tibia IV, most leg setae short and aciculate, except pv2 on trochanter I, pilose ( Fig. 9 ), some other setae thick and spine-like. FIGURES 1–2. Nenteria bahariyaensis n. sp. , holotype female: 1. Dorsal idiosoma; 2. Details of some dorsal setae. FIGURES 3–4. Nenteria bahariyaensis n. sp. , holotype female: 3. Anterior projection of pygidial shield, variant specimen; 4. Ventral idiosoma. FIGURES 5–8. Nenteria bahariyaensis n. sp. , holotype female: 5. Tritosternum; 6. Epistome; 7. Chelicera; 8. Hypostome. FIGURES 9–13. Nenteria bahariyaensis n. sp. , holotype female: 9. Coxa-tibia of leg I; 10. Coxa-tarsus of leg II; 11. Coxatarsus of leg III; 12. Coxa-tarsus of leg IV; 13. Pretarsus of legs I–IV. Adult male ( Two specimens examined) ( Figs 14–25 ) Dorsum of idiosoma ( Fig. 14 ) Dorsal shield shape, ornamentation, and reticulations similar to adult female, 945– 999 long and 675–720 wide at widest level; with 33 pairs setae ( j1–j6 , z1–z6 , s1–s6 , J1–J5 , Z1–Z5 and S1–S5 ), an unpaired seta ( jx ) between j3–j3 , 40 pairs of distinct poroids and five pairs of distinct solenostomes. Relative lengths and shape of setae similar to adult female. Marginal shield narrow, inner margin slightly crenulated, ornamented with deep prolonged depressions, clearly demarcated from dorsal shield, fused with dorsal shield anteriorly at level anteriad s2 ; with 22 pairs of smooth setae and a pair of pilose setae, most of uniform length. Lengths of recognised dorsal setae: j1 99–104, j2 70–78, j3 , 65–70, j4 68–70, j5 39–47, j6 31–42, jx 73, z1 73–75, z2 47–57, z3 70–73, z4 66–70, z5 62, z6 68–69, s1 23 –29, s2 70–78, s3 73–78, s4 70–78, s5 68–69, s6 68–73, J1 62, J2 62–68, J3 65–66, J4 61, J5 52–55, Z1 52–65, Z2 60–65, Z3 73–75, Z4 62–65, Z5 55–61, S1 73–74, S2 73–78, S3 60 –78, S4 62–78, S5 81–83. Venter of idiosoma ( Figs 15 , 16 ) All setae smooth. Tritosternum base wide, 43 long and 30 wide at mid-level, without lateral basal loops, laciniae serrate with dentate base, 83 long, apically trifid, median lacinia longer than laterals, free for about 35% of their total length ( Fig. 16 ). Sternal region smooth with anterior margin well delineated and smooth, medially convex, fused with whole endopodal plates; with five pairs of simple setae ( st1–st5 ) and an extra seta ( stx ), four pairs of distinct poroids and five pairs of distinct solenostomes, st1 and st2 anteriad pygidial opening, st3 , st4 , and stx lateral to pygidial opening. Pygidial opening oval, 129–130 long and 99–104 wide, displaced at level of coxae III; pygidial seta st5 behind pygidial opening; distance st5–st5 140–142. Opisthogaster smooth and with small subrounded pits, with ten pairs of opisthogastric setae ( JV1–JV5 and ZV1–ZV5 ) in addition to Ad2 , post-anal seta ( Pa ) absent and four pairs of distinct poroids ( ivo ); anal opening small, 36–43 long including frame. With 12 pairs of submarginal ventral setae, smooth, most of uniform length. Exopodoal plates between coxae II–III and III–IV fused with endopodal plates ( Fig. 15 ). Lengths of setae: st1 12, st2 10–13, st3 34, st4 26–27, st5 21–26, stx 14–16, JV1 20, JV2 18–20, JV3 65–70, JV4 68–73, JV5 65–73, ZV1 21, ZV2 39–42, ZV3 38–42, ZV4 65–68, ZV5 91–96, Ad2 31–34. Peritreme ( Fig. 15 ) Peritrematic plate broadly fused with exopodal plate between coxae II–III; stigmata located at level between coxae II–III, peritreme curved down anteriorly; with two poroids and one solenostome behind coxa IV ( ip3 , ip4 , and gp2 of Lindquist & Moraza 2009 ). Gnathosoma ( Figs 17–20 ) Fixed cheliceral digit 94–95 long, with apical notch that fits apical tooth of movable digit, with a tooth, and with rounded hyaline protrusion ( Fig. 18 ); movable digit 64–65 long, with a tooth. Cheliceral antiaxial and dorsal lyrifissures, dorsal seta, and nodulus distinct ( Fig. 17 ). Deutosternal grove narrow and smooth. Corniculi horn-like, parallel to each other, about 79 long and 47 wide at the base, distance between tips of corniculi 40. Epistome ( Fig. 19 ) and hypostomal setae shape as in adult female ( Fig. 20 ). Lengths of setae: h1 83, h2 44, h3 60 and sc 57–71; palp trochanter setae av 34 and pv 17. Legs ( Figs 21–25 ) Legs similar to adult female. Lengths of legs: I—554–567, II—500–515, III—486 and IV—529–536. Leg chaetotaxy, chitinus, and setae shape as in adult female. Type specimens. Holotype female , three paratype females , and two paratype males were collected from the Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver) ( Coleoptera : Curculionidae ), in 2019 , at Bahariya Oasis ( 25°45’3.92’’E , 29°10’56.53’’N ), Egypt ; collected by S.F.M. Allam and N.A.A. Othman . All type materials are deposited in the mite reference collection of the Egyptian Society of Acarology Museum ( ESAM ), Zoology and Agricultural Nematology Department, the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza governorate, Egypt. Etymology. The name bahariyaensis ” is derived from Bahariya, the Egyptian Oasis where the type specimens were collected. Remarks. Nenteria bahariyaensis belongs to the Nenteria obesa -species group ( Hirschmann & Wiśniewski 1985 ) on the basis of the presence of pit structures on dorsal shield and the long dorsal, skewer-shaped setae. The new species can be easily distinguished from other described species of the obesa -species group because the transparent tip of the majority of dorsal setae, the curved bifid process on the pygidial shield, and the shape of the epistome of the new species were up to now unknown in the widely distributed genus Nenteria . The new species is close to N . baloghi Hirschmann, 1973 , N . bellissima Wiśniewski & Hirschmann, 1988 , N . crassa Hirschmann, 1985 , N . lindquisti Hirschmann, 1978 , N . magna Hirschmann, 1985 , N . rotunda Hirschmann, 1985 , and N . schizostructura Hirschmann, 1978 on the basis of the shape of anterior projection of pygidial shield. The main differences between the new species and the closest species of the Nenteria obesa -species group are shown in Table 1 . FIGURE 14. Nenteria bahariyaensis n. sp. , paratype male: 14. Dorsal idiosoma. FIGURE 15. Nenteria bahariyaensis n. sp. , paratype male: 15. Ventral idiosoma. Some other species of this group are described based only on the males ( N . australiensis Hirschmann & Hiramatsu, 1978 and N . obesa ( Berlese, 1916 )) , and two are based on the deutonymph ( N . maeandralis Hirschmann, 1985 and N . porula Hirschmann, 1985 ).