A new species of Eulagius M, 1845 (Coleoptera: Mycetophagidae) from Iran Author Esser, Jens Author Varandi, Hassan Barimani Author Farashiani, Mohammad Ebrahim text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2018 2018-07-27 50 1 239 243 journal article 21111 10.5281/zenodo.4001997 22424bc1-fa32-4bfa-8e1e-426dce81dc66 0253-116X 4001997 Eulagius hyrcanicus nov.sp. Type material: Holotype : " Iran , Mazandaran , Sari-Dodangeh-Nejim Forest , 6 km WPart Kola, leg. H. Barimani, IX.2015 , 36.139060 , 53.408954 , 2028 m , Fagus orientalis trap 4" [cES]. Paratypes : 1♀ " Iran , Mazandaran , Mazandaran , Sari-Dodangeh-Nejim Forest , 6 km WPart Kola, 2024 m , 36.139060 , 53.408954 , Fagus orientalis trap 5-6, X.2015 , leg. H. Barimani" [cES] ; 1♂ " Iran , Mazandaran , Sari-Dodangeh-Part Kola-Boola Forest , 1316m 36.041378 / 53.352420 , Alnus trap 4-1, V .2015 leg. H. Barimani" [cES] . De s c r i p t i on: Male, 4.1 mm (up to 4.3 mm in paratypes ), reddish brown. Body elongate, sides of elytra slightly rounded on apex, nearly straight in the anterior part ( fig. 1 ). Pubescence sparse and long (one hair long as three or four diameter of punctures), hairs outstanding . Head width 0.7 mm , eyes hemispherical. Punctures strong and sparse. Distance between the punctures of one diameter or wider . Pronotum transverse, length 0.8 mm , width: 1.2 mm , sides rounded, serrate with more or less ten irregular teeth. Punctures strong and sparse. Distance between the punctures of one diameter or wider . Elytra maximum width 1.7 mm , each with ten complete and one short striae besides the scutellum. Striae with strong punctures, diameter like on the pronotum, distance less one diameter . Antennae without club, only very moderately widened to apex. Article 6-11 with dense and short pubescence, 8-10 near quadrate, 6-7 slightly longer, 11 elongate. Segments 1-5 elongate, 3-5 longer than 1-2. Legs elongate, with three visible tarsomeres on anterior legs, four on the other. Aedoeagus like in fig. 2. Co mm e n t: Species with regular striae, uniformly reddish brown. Distinguished from E. acernus MOTSCHULSKY, 1845 by its larger and more elongated habitus, from filicornis REITTER, 1887 by its uniformly colouration. All other species with regular striae on elytra occur to the East Palaearctic. E. irregularis REITTER, 1888 (like E. chinensis NIKITSKY, 1996 and E. ussuriensis NIKITSKY, 1988 ) have irregulare striae on elytra. Di s t r i bu t i o n: Knownfromthe Caspian Sea Region, Iran , Mazandaran Province .