Leptoceroidea (Insecta: Trichoptera: Integripalpia) from Serra do Caparaó, Southeast Brazil, including a new species of Atanatolica Mosely (Leptoceridae) Author Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia Author Dumas, Leandro Lourenço Author Nessimian, Jorge Luiz text Zootaxa 2020 2020-04-08 4763 1 31 49 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4763.1.3 aae08bae-cd9b-4efd-979b-b66832a28840 1175-5326 3744025 902D6EC6-241B-4DF0-86A2-C8C1A47E61F6 LEPTOCERIDAE Atanatolica Mosely 1936 The genus Atanatolica is recorded for the first time in Minas Gerais state . In the PNC, we found adults and larvae of a new species described here, Atanatolica bandeira sp. nov. , and some larvae of different aspect and habits probably belonging to another species. Unfortunately, no male adults or pharate pupae were collected to be associated with these latter larvae. Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP18, CAP37, and CAP38. Grumichella parati Calor & Holzenthal 2016 (in Calor et al. 2016 ) In the PNC, individuals of G. parati were collected near rocky streams, sharing the same habitat of G. rostrata , and in altitudes above 1,300 m . This species is recorded for the first time for Espírito Santo state . Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP13, CAP18, CAP25, and CAP27. Grumichella rostrata Thieneman 1905 This species is widely distributed in Brazil , commonly found in streams in the Atlantic Forest region ( Calor et al. 2016 ). In the PNC, G. rostrata was collected in great abundance in large streams like Rio Caparaó and Rio José Pedro, and beside waterfalls and small rocky tributaries. This is the first record of the species for Espírito Santo state . Sites in Caparaó Mountains: CAP02, CAP06, CAP12, CAP14, CAP15, CAP18, CAP22, CAP23, CAP24, CAP25, CAP37, CAP38, and CAP42. Nectopsyche adusta Flint 1983 Originally described from Argentina , N. adusta has been recorded in Brazil only for São Paulo ( Calor 2011 ) and Minas Gerais ( Henriques-Oliveira et al. 2019 ) states. We observed the occurrence of this species in Rio Caparaó and one small tributary. Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP06 and CAP14. Nectopsyche bruchi ( Navás 1920 ) Nectopsyche bruchi , originally described from Argentina , has a more southeastern distribution in South America. In the PNC, specimens from this species were collected in a cold-water stream at an altitude above 2,000 m . Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP42. Nectopsyche fuscomaculata Flint 1983 Nectopsyche fuscomaculata was described from Argentina but has also been recorded for Paraguay and Brazil ( Santos et al. 2020 ). Herein, we confirm the presence of this species for the PNC in Espírito Santo , this record being the first for this state. Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP15, CAP23, and CAP40. Nectopsyche maculipennis Flint 1983 Nectopsyche maculipennis was described from Paraguay and was later found in Peru . This species has previously been recorded in Brazil for Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais state ( Henriques-Oliveira et al . 2019). In the PNC, N. maculipennis was collected only in Rio Caparaó ( Minas Gerais ). Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP06. Nectopsyche muhni ( Navás 1916 ) Nectopsyche muhni was described originally from Argentina , but it is widely distributed all over South America ( Holzenthal & Calor 2017 ). In this study N. muhni was found in two streams at low altitude at Vale Verde, in Minas Gerais state . Sites in Serra do Caparaó : CAP13 and CAP14 . Nectopsyche pantostica Flint 1983 Nectopsyche pantostica occurs in some Brazilian states in the southern and southeastern regions ( Henriques-Oliveira et al . 2019 ; Santos et al. 2020 ). In the PNC, this species was collected in streams at different altitudes, and its presence is recorded for the first time in Espírito Santo state . Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP16, CAP40, and CAP47. Nectopsyche punctata ( Ulmer 1905 ) Nectopsyche punctata occurs in some states in the northern and southeastern regions of Brazil ( Santos et al. 2020 ). In the PNC, N. punctata was collected beside three streams with different width, order and altitude in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais states. This is the first record of this species for Espírito Santo state . Sites in Serra do Caparaó : CAP21, CAP23, and CAP42. Neoathripsodes anomalus Holzenthal 1989 Neoathripsodes anomalus is relatively abundant in the Atlantic Forest and has been recorded only in the Brazilian Southeastern Region (Dumas et al. 2009, 2012; Paprocki & França 2014 ). In the PNC, this species was collected in streams with small waterfalls and rocky bottom at altitudes above 1,000 m . This species is recorded for the first time for Espírito Santo state. Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP15, CAP18, CAP23, and CAP42. Notalina morsei Holzenthal 1986 This species has a wide distribution in Southeast Brazil . Notalina morsei was found in well-shaded streams in pool areas and is recorded here for the first time for Espírito Santo state . Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP06, CAP13, CAP14, CAP15, CAP16, CAP17, CAP18, CAP19, CAP22, CAP23, and CAP37. Oecetis catagua Henriques-Oliveira, Rocha & Nessimian 2019 Oecetis catagua was described from Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais ( Henriques-Oliveira et al. 2019 ). In the PNC only one male was collected in a 2nd-order stream located in the Santa Marta region, in the eastern side of the park belonging to Espírito Santo state , expanding the distribution of the species. Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP45. Triplectides gracilis ( Burmeister 1839 ) In Brazil , T. gracilis is widely distributed and has been collected in abundance over the Atlantic Forest region in all states of the south and southeastern regions, and in Bahia state from the northeast region ( Santos et al. 2020 ). Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP02, CAP04, and CAP16. Triplectides misionensis Holzenthal 1988b Triplectides misionensis has been recorded in Brazil from states of the south and southeastern regions ( Santos et al. 2020 ). In the PNC, we collected only two individuals of this species in streams of Minas Gerais state . Sites in Serra do Caparaó : CAP06 and CAP12. Triplectides neotropicus Holzenthal 1988b Triplectides neotropicus was described from Venezuela ( Holzenthal 1988b ) and has been recorded in several streams in Southeast Brazil ( Santos et al. 2020 ). In the PNC, several individuals were collected in streams on both sides of the park in different altitudes, confirming the presence of the species in Espírito Santo state . Sites in Serra do Caparaó: CAP05, CAP06, CAP13, CAP14, CAP15, CAP16, CAP18, CAP19, CAP23, CAP24, CAP25, CAP26, and CAP32. Triplectides ultimus Holzenthal 1988b This species has been collected at higher altitude areas in Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states ( Santos et al. 2020). In the PNC, specimens of T. ultimus were collected in streams with altitudes varying between 1,306 and 2,180 m . Sites in Serra do Caparaó : CAP04, CAP06, and CAP24.