A revision of the deltocephaline leafhopper genus Scaphoideus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from the Indian subcontinent Author Viraktamath, C. A. Author Mohan, G. S. text Zootaxa 2004 578 1 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.169102 396d3884-e803-46f0-912e-ff19a5114651 1175­5326 169102 CDC86032-E788-4139-98E8-3733438378E0 Scaphoideus sculptus sp. nov. Figs 176–185 . Scaphoideus festivus Matsumura, Melichar 1903 : 195 , Figs 8 a–c; Distant 1908b : 372 –373, Fig. 235 [misidentification]. Coloration resembling that of S. coloratus . Head ochraceous, disc of vertex with a marginal arched piceous line and a transverse reddish brown band between anterior angles of eyes; posterior margin of vertex near eyes piceous, four transverse parallel piceous lines on the upper part of face. Pronotum with anterior and submarginal reddish brown transverse bands, lateral areas of anterior band darker. Basal angles of scutellum brown, area between them reddish brown, a transverse band behind impressed line ivory, area posterior to it dark brown. Mesopleura and metapleura with short oblique fuscous line. Head narrower than pronotum, vertex bluntly rounded in front, 1.7 times longer than inter­ocular width. Claval veins approximated at midlength but not fused. Male genitalia : Pygophore longer than high, caudal end obliquely curved and with tuft of long setae. Subgenital plate triangular with acute apex, an oblique row of four long setae near basal 0.33 length. Connective with stem slender, slightly longer than arms, paraphyses at base inwardly curved with pointed apex, entire surface of paraphyses pustulated. Aedeagus with well­developed dorsal apodeme, shaft cylindrical, directed caudally, with a recurved process on either side of base and slightly longer than shaft, gonopore apical. Female genitalia : Hind margin of seventh sternum produced medially. Measurements : Male 4.50 mm long and 1.10 mm wide across eyes. Female 4.70 mm long and 1.19 mm wide across eyes. Material examined : INDIA : holotype ɗ, Karnataka: Mudigere, 7.iv.1975 , C.A. Viraktamath ( UAS ). Paratypes : INDIA : Karnataka: 1ɗ, 5Ψ, data as holotype but collected on 22.v.1976 and 2Ψ, on 26.iii.1977 ; 2Ψ, 2.vi.1978 ; 1ɗ, 1Ψ, data as holotype but collected on 22.v.1976 by B. Mallik; 1ɗ, 2Ψ, data as in holotype but collected on 24.vi.1989 by V.V.Belavadi; 1ɗ, 1Ψ, Nagarhole, 17.i.1978 , C.A. Viraktamath; 1Ψ, Kemmangundi, 10.iv.1975 , C.A. Viraktamth; 1Ψ, Jog Falls, 524 m , at light, 16.xi.1976 , B. Mallik; 1Ψ, same data collected by C.A. Viraktamath; 1Ψ, Kogur (36 Km W Jog Falls), 18.xi.1976 , B. Mallik. Kerala: 1ɗ, 6Ψ, Thekkadi, 26–27.iii.1977 , C.A. Viraktamath (3 Ψ), S. Viraktamath (2 Ψ) and B. Mallik (1ɗ, 1Ψ). Tamil Nadu: 1 Ψ, Kodaikanal, v. 1914 , T.V.Campbell; 1Ψ, Valparai, 14.iv.1981 , A.R.V. Kumar ( BMNH , NPC , UAS , USNM ). SRI LANKA : 1ɗ, Rakwana, 6.ii.1953 , J.W.S. Pringle, B.M. 1953­175, by sweeping; 1Ψ, Uva P. Madulsima, 23.v.1908 , T.B.F.; 1ɗ, 4Ψ, Peradenyia, collected on different dates during 1904–1914 ; 1Ψ, same data but collected on i.05festivus Mats ” (Distant’s handwriting, probably used for description and illustration by Distant, 1908 misidentification of the species); 1Ψ, same data but collected on 1.x.1913 , by A, Rutherford and misidentified as Scaphoideus festivus Mats. ( BMNH ). Remarks : S. sculptellus externally resembles sculptus . It also very closely agrees with the female description and illustrations provided by Distant (1908b) and Melichar (1903) of festivus , suggesting that what these authors had in front of them while describing S. festivus (Matsumura) was either sculptus or sculptellus rather than the species of Matsumura (1902) , which is not known to us from the Indian subcontinent.